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How To Create An iPhone Or Android App Without Any Coding Skills

How To Create An iPhone Or Android App Without Any Coding Skills
But if you’re really eager to make a mobile app based on your website, business, organization, or just a fun quiz game, a website called Buzztouch may well be the web-based solution for you. Buzztouch is essentially Content Management Software for iOS and Android. It provides a template-based process in which you import your app’s information into the online software, and in turn it will create the code that you need to compile the data for your application. I gave a try and it does work. How to Create an App – What You Need MUO has previously covered the steps on how to create a simple iPhone app and submit it iTunes. The tools Buzztouch provides are totally free. However, beyond Buzztouch, you will need a copy of Xcode on your Mac. Developing Your App Buzztouch provides some excellent video tutorials for developing your iPhone application. You start off the process by creating a name for your site. Next, you need to add a logo for your app. Compiling Code

AppPress: Create iOS Applications Without Any Programming [10 Free Accounts] A dedicated smartphone application for your website is always a good idea. Since an increasing number of people are using their smartphones to access the web, providing them with your site’s content on their smartphones would be very convenient for them. If you want to create a smartphone app, you should visit AppPress. AppPress is a wonderful user-friendly web service that lets you create iOS applications to promote your website or for any other purpose you desire. These apps can be created by anybody – no coding is involved. The site’s interface is intuitive and lets you quickly create applications and add pages to them. AppPress is a paid service with plans starting from $15 per month and one month free trial period. Features: A user-friendly web service.Lets you create smartphone apps for your site.Creates iOS applications.Involves no coding.Lets you easily add pages to your app.You can images and adds to your app pages. Check out AppPress @

Resources for Students Developing Mobile Apps #edapp <div class="greet_block wpgb_cornered"><div class="greet_text"><div class="greet_image"><a href=" rel="nofollow"><img src=" alt="WP Greet Box icon"/></a></div>Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to <a href=" rel="nofollow"><strong>subscribe to the RSS feed</strong></a> for updates on this topic.<div style="clear:both"></div></div></div> I received a tweet last night from Amber Pope, a 7th grade social studies, geography, & civics teacher in Tarrant, Alabama. Amber asked for resource suggestions for students developing iOS / mobile applications in a special summer program she’s leading at her school. These are the suggestions I provided! …a jQuery plugin for mobile web development on the iPhone, Android, iPod Touch, and other forward-thinking devices I also recommended Amber check out Appmakr.

Setting up Google Sync with your iOS device : Google Sync - Google Mobile Help Cet article est destiné aux utilisateurs de Google Apps for Business, Google Apps for Education et Google Apps for Government. Les autres utilisateurs trouveront des instructions pour synchroniser leur appareil iOS dans les articles relatifs à Gmail, Google Agenda et Google Contacts. En savoir plus Pour configurer Google Sync sur votre iPhone, iPad ou iPod touch, suivez la procédure ci-après. Configuration requise et sauvegarde de données Google Sync n'est compatible qu'avec les versions 3.0 et ultérieures d'Apple iOS. Premiers pas 1. Saisir les informations de compte 5. 6. 6. Configurer la fonctionnalité "Envoyer des e-mails en tant que" Les utilisateurs de Gmail et de Google Apps ont la possibilité d'envoyer des messages avec une adresse d'expédition personnalisée via le navigateur Web de leur appareil iOS ou de leur ordinateur. Connectez-vous à Gmail via le navigateur Web. Sur votre appareil iOS, accédez au site Supprimer un message 12. 13. 13a. 13b. 13c.

Local 9-Year-Old Develops iPad App Some may have called Dr. Andy Kirschner of Bala Cynwyd crazy last summer for putting his faith in a 9-year-old self-taught computer whiz. Kirschner tells NBC Philadelphia that he was talking about the development of a chiropractic application with friend when her son volunteered to help develop the program. “He looked at me, and said ‘I can do that,’” Kirschner told NBC Philadelphia. Kirschner handed a stack of video discs and a piece of paper with a plan to 9-year-old Jesse Friedman asking him to develop a new iPad application promoting techniques for back and neck care. In early March, Kirschner’s faith in Friedman was justified when Back Together Interactive launched in the iTunes store. Kirschner told NBC Philadelphia that when he saw the application, he was impressed. “I was knocked out. The application features over 90 minutes of video detailing techniques that couples and partners can use on each other to reduce or eliminate neck and back pain, Kirschner said.

iPad as an Interactive White Board for $5 or $10 School leaders around the United States continue to spend HUGE amounts of money on interactive whiteboards for classrooms, despite the fact that these devices universally FAIL to empower students to become more independent, self-directed and engaged learners in the way mobile learning devices (like laptops, tablets or other personal digital learning tools) can. Please do not misunderstand me: It definitely IS a big deal for a teacher and his/her students to have access to an LCD projector connected to a computer in the classroom if previously, the “normal” technology in the room was an overhead projector. photo © 2010 Wesley Fryer | more info (via: Wylio) In the last two weeks, Tim Tyson has recorded and published (both to his blog and his YouTube channel) eight screencasts totaling 52 minutes and 37 seconds. To be clear, as Tim Tyson outlined in his introductory video about this process, everyone should understand the requirements to use an iPad as an IWB. The decision is up to you.

Home Virtual Rat Dissection App June 6th, 2011 Comments Off Application: Rat Dissection What it is: The Virtual Rat Dissection app from Punflay is a fantastic alternative to the actual dissection in the classroom. The app is perfect for students who are learning about organs and the organ system in life science. How Virtual Rat Dissection from Punflay can enrich learning: First of all, did I mention this app is free from the smell of Formaldehyde? Use this app as an alternative to actual dissection, or use it to prepare students for a real dissection. Devices: Compatible with iPad. Price: $3.99 (iTunes Link) Both comments and pings are currently closed.

Apps in Education
