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aM laboratory

aM laboratory
3D Cube Delounge Flower Isometric Lego Bricks Moon Patrol

A Stunning, Intricate Maze Made From 2,200 Pounds of Salt Motoi Yamamoto has to be the most patient man in the world. A Japanese artist, Yamamoto uses salt to create monumental floor paintings, each so absurdly detailed, it makes A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte look like child's play. He calls them, fittingly, his Labyrinths. Yamamoto's latest labyrinth creeps out from a brick tunnel at the Fondation Espace Ecureuil, a gallery in France.

Treatment of Animals "Herod also got together a great quantity of wild beasts, and of lions in very great abundance, and of such other beasts as were either of uncommon strength or of such a sort as were rarely seen. These were trained either to fight one with another, or men who were condemned to death were to fight with them. And truly foreigners were greatly surprised and delighted at the vast expenses of the shows, and at the great danger of the spectacles, but to the Jews it was a palpable breaking up of those customs for which they had so great a veneration." -Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews. A righteous man knows the soul of his animal - Proverbs 12:10

How to become a real Computer Geek Little known to most, there are many benefits to being a computer geek. In our high-tech society, being a computer guru can be one of the most high paying jobs available and they are highly in demand, especially if you want to become a network administrator. By tapping into your inner geek, you can develop a most useful skill that will be sure to pay off later in life. Here with I am attaching some useful links ,It may help to a person who have real ambition to become a Real Computer Geek,a Geek, Hacker,A Reverse Engineer ….. Things Every Computer Geek Should Know!!. 1.How to hide files in JPEG pictures.

Create Something. Donate Login Remember Me Create An Account Weird and Wacky Furniture By Straight Line Designs EmailEmail Straight Line Designs is a one-of-a-kind workshop that has been operating out of Vancouver, British Columbia for the past 25 years. In addition to installations, sculptures and private commissions, designer Judson Beaumont and his staff of eight full-time craftspeople have designed and constructed a variety of wacky cartoon-style furniture and projects for public institutions and children’s exhibitions throughout North America and abroad. Focused on quality and custom design, Judson’s studio stays far away from mass production and is as imaginative as children themselves. Website: 1.

Why Peta Is Sexist And Not A Real Vegan Organization (continued from home page) - VegPress PETA was founded in 1980 as an animal rights organization, gaining large amounts of public attention in 1981 for the Silver Springs Monkey case, in which the organization played a pivotal role in bringing attention to and shedding light on the horrifying cruelty behind the scenes of animal testing and laboratory "research". Since then, PETA has been involved in many animal-rights projects that have exposed the horrifying treatment of animals in laboratories, factory farms, and circuses... Hmmm..the circus. Animals are put on display for human amusement, without care or attachment to the well-being of the animal, or purpose this imagery serves to facilitate an "acceptable" meme of exploitation in our society... Kinda sounds the same as putting women on display, without care for the purpose that sexual objectification imagery serves to facilitate an "acceptable" meme of exploitation of women as sexual obejects in our society...

Home WebP decoder for Flash. Nothing much here, but I thought I’d share a handy little library to decode WebP in Flash. Here’s two demo’s : Lena and V for Vendetta, both encoded using the webp binaries provided here. It’s a small wrapper around the WebP library ported with Alchemy. Winsor McCay Resurrection Project by Bill Plympton History Winsor McCay is considered by many to be the “father of animation.” He is probably best known for his newspaper comic strip, Little Nemo in Slumberland (1905-1914 and 1924-1927) and the animated short film, Gertie the Dinosaur (1914). His work influenced countless generations of illustrators and animators including Walt Disney.

online paint program Flame Painter Gallery Flame Painter is a unique paint program, it belongs to my 'I am an Artist' experimental project. I think with tools which inspires you, everyone can be an artist. You can try it here, change different brush settings and paint your own flame paintings. When you change the background from black to white, the palette changes from additive to subtractive and the feeling of the painting is very different. It's not easy to explain all brush parameters, so I leave this for your experimentation. Medieval poetry Because most of what we have was written down by clerics, much of extant medieval poetry is religious. The chief exception is the work of the troubadours and the minnesänger, whose primary innovation was the ideal of courtly love. Among the most famous of secular poetry is Carmina Burana, a manuscript collection of 254 poems. Twenty-four poems of Carmina Burana were later set to music by German composer Carl Orff in 1936. Examples of medieval poetry[edit]

“fbFaces“ “fbFaces“ is a project by Joern Roeder and Jonathan Pirnay, who study “New Media” at the University of Visual Arts and Design Kassel, Germany. The project deals with the issue of data accessibility on the Internet; a topic that is gaining more and more importance and actuality – especially in our times of privacy protection and social networks. "On the one hand “Internet giants” like Google etc. are coming under criticism for unsolicitedly collecting any information accessible, on the other hand it is surprising how many intimacies we reveal voluntarily, especially in social networks like facebook.
