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Our Bloodstained Roof ShareThis Copy and Paste 01 h Super Mario Enemies Frighteningly Reimagined Super Mario enemies: a lot of times you felt bad killing them because half of them were just happy little turtles THAT DIDN'T EVEN ATTACK. Enter artist Mike Puncekar, who shows you what those 8-bit graphics couldn't: the darker side of Mario's enemies. This is obviously a goomba here, but hit the jump for nine more, all of which are nightmare-inducing. And speaking of nightmares: I had one last night where a friend, under the pretense he'd found a missing shoe of mine, lured me into this basement and tried to kill me. God -- what a girl's willing to go through for a good pair of pumps amirite?! Hit the jump for the creepfest. Mike's Website viaCreepier Versions Of The Mario Bad Guys [buzzfeed] Thanks to Princess Yum-Yum, who knows delicious when she sees it and agrees all these guys would probably taste like shit no matter how long you marinaded them.

Comic Heartstrings He can hear you. Transcript: Comic 'Heartstrings' Panel 1Mr.Clean: Ugh. Panel 2Mr.Clean: Look at this thing, it's just a bunch of random strings everywhere. Panel 3[A spider weeps as his life's work is physically and ideologically destroyed] Epic Fail Funny Videos and Funny Pictures comics/haresbride.html
