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Save $60 on Hop on Hop off New York Bus Tours
Bus Travel in NYC can be a good alternative to the crowded subway system and if you want to see the city and travel between attractions, the Hop-on Hop-off buses are strongly recommended. Only on this site, you have the option to match your New York Pass with a Hop-on Hop-off New York Bus Tour and save even more in the city. The double-decker buses will pick you up from one attraction and take to the next one. You will save time and have the best possible views of Manhattan’s streets and neighborhoods, by day and night. Now, CitySights NY is giving you even more flexibility in enjoying our tours by offering multilingual audio tracks in 11 different languages on all of our popular hop on/hop off bus tours. You can experience the journey in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Russian and Hebrew.
How to Speak Artspeak (Properly)
Robert Atkins introduced the latest edition of his book ArtSpeak at the New York Public Library last night by admitting that artspeak has gotten a bad rap. “Somehow the language used for describing and discussing art has a reputation for unusual opacity, even sadism,” he said. That’s the artspeak also known as International Art English, the scourge of artist’s statements, press releases, and catalogues, a language so riddled with semiotic buzzwords that any potential meaning is obscured.
The MOOC Revolution: How To Earn An Elite MBA For Free
So you want an MBA? But you can’t afford to take two years off and invest upwards of a quarter of a million on tuition, books, living expenses, and lost wages? Boy, do I have a proposition for you!
Master Class Neo Rauch at Kunstverein Wilhelmshohe Ettlingen
Wouldn't be great to study under Neo Rauch for two years? Well that what pretty much these 6 German artist did at the German Fine Art Academy. We all went to the annual tradition at Kunsthalle der Parksasse in Leipzig, Germany to present this year Master class.Stefan GuggisbergDavid O'Kane
American Illustration Annual 32
Cover by Jungyeon Roh Two hundred and eighty eight editions of the new American Illustration Annual have handmade covers, created by 45 different artists and illustrators. Overseen by creative director Richard Turley, the project saw much ink, a lot of paint and several naked men... Cover by Matt Dorfman As the creative director of Bloomberg Businessweek, Turley is used to tight deadlines.
Clases de prostitutas en Sumeria
En Sumeria el sexo se vivía y practicaba con mucha desinhibición. La diosa que llegó a ser la más grande del panteón sumerio fue Inanna (más tarde Ishtar), diosa del amor, del sexo y de la guerra, así como protectora de la corona y… de las prostitutas. ¿Cómo era posible que una gran diosa protegiese a las prostitutas? Cuando hoy en día pronunciamos la palabra “prostitución”, nos vienen a la cabeza imágenes de esclavitud sexual, de trato de blancas y de vejación a la mujer. Un mundo sórdido, en suma. Esto no era así entre los sumerios.
Amorite (Sumerian 𒈥𒌅 MAR.TU, Akkadian Tidnum or Amurrūm, Egyptian Amar, Hebrew אמורי ʼĔmōrī, Ancient Greek Αμορίτες) refers to an ancient Semitic-speaking people[1] from ancient Syria who also occupied large parts of Mesopotamia from the 21st Century BC. The term Amurru in Akkadian and Sumerian texts refers to them, as well as to their principal deity. Origin[edit]