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L’URL Rewriting expliqué aux débutants

L’URL Rewriting expliqué aux débutants
Par Olivier Duffez, le 04 août 2008 Cet article présente le principe de la réécriture d'URL et son intérêt pour le référencement de façon simple pour les débutants. URL Rewriting : à quoi ça sert ? L'URL Rewriting (réécriture d'URL en bon français) est une technique utilisée pour optimiser le référencement des sites dynamiques (utilisant des pages dynamiques). Les pages dynamiques sont caractérisées par des URL complexes, comportant en général un point d'interrogation, éventuellement le caractère & ainsi que des noms de variables et des valeurs. Exemple : article.php? Dans cet exemple, le fichier article.php est utilisé pour afficher un article dont le texte vient d'une base de données. Le problème est que certains moteurs n'indexent pas les pages ayant des URL de ce type. Grâce à l'URL Rewriting, Google ainsi que n'importe quel robot va pouvoir indexer les pages dynamiques. URL Rewriting : comment ça marche ? URL Rewriting : les étapes pour la mise en place Pour aller plus loin

SEO: 5 Simple Steps for Choosing Effective Keywords With Google placing a strong emphasis on quality contentfor performing well in organic search, it’s no wonder choosing the right keywords can make or break the success of the content you publish. We all want to attract more traffic to our website, but it’s not just about increasing numbers. We must choose the most effective keywords that connect with the right audience for our business, ultimately convincing visitors to convert as leads. This process of keyword research can be tricky, but when done well can have an outstanding impact on your Inbound Marketing efforts. Here are 5 simple steps for choosing effective keywords: 1. 2. Related Resources from B2C» Free Webcast: The Future of Marketing: Social Listening + Action 3. 4. 5. Performing keyword research can be very rewarding when done right. Image Credit

How To Set Up Google Authorship For Your Website Astuces référencement : comment référencer un site ? Comment puis-je vous aider ? En vous accompagnant… En vous formant… En vous conseillant… FORMATION sur les réseaux sociaux Vous désirez apprendre à gérer vous même vos campagnes sous les réseaux sociaux ? *Éligibles DIF et OPCA. CONSEILS et accompagnement individuel - (Tarif horaire 69 euros HT) : Vous souhaitez développer vous-même votre présence sur les Réseaux Sociaux et avez besoin de conseils pour choisir, créer, optimiser vos profils et mettre en place votre e-communication ? Accompagnement sur les réseaux sociauxCREATION & ANIMATION de campagnes sous les Médias Sociaux - (Tarif au forfait) : Vous voulez déléguer vos campagnes sur les réseaux sociaux et êtes à la recherche d’un Expert ? N’hésitez pas à me contacter au : ou Nous discuterons de la stratégie à suivre pour augmenter la visibilité de votre marque sur les Médias Sociaux. Avantages du coaching et de la formation individuelle à distance sur les réseaux sociaux A propos de Nathalie DAOUT

How To Optimize YouTube Videos For SEO Inbound marketing is all about reaching a well-defined audience or prospects with relevant content to establish a relationship with them, improve brand awareness and build trust. Content can include blog posts, ebooks, whitepapers, podcasts, videos, etc. Creating awesome content is the foundation of inbound marketing. Drive Engagement with Videos Videos drive engagement on a website and are an important part of content marketing. Optimizing YouTube videos to rank well on search engines is all about on-page and off-page SEO. On-Page SEO for YouTube Videos 1) Title and Description Your video title and description should be optimized to rank for the keywords that you are targeting. Related Resources from B2C» Free Webcast: The Future of Marketing: Social Listening + Action The description should also be relevant to the video and optimized for the keyword you are targeting. You can have a longer description and thus use multiple target keywords. 2) Tags Off-Page SEO 3) Inbound Links

Small Business SEO Advisory: 2013 Resolutions - YouMoz Small business internet marketers were happy to say goodbye to 2012. Those infamous Google Updates, Panda and Penguin, had every small business SEO ducking for cover. Thousands of small businesses may never recover fully from the drop in rankings. If 2012 made you want to throw in the towel, the following stats will make you want to think again: In 2011, Google had more than 1.7 trillion searches. So let’s leave 2012 behind and turn our attention to these tips that will help you filter out the hype and focus on sustainable SEO tactics. Get Better SEO Metrics Before I spend even one minute or a single dollar on a new project, I define goals and a measure of success. 1. First, set up your Google Analytics account. Then, select Advanced Segments → Non Paid Search Traffic. Now, look at the non-branded keywords and you’ll see the number of visits per keyword. 2. 3. Your business name, address and phone number (or NAP) is the core information that makes up your basic online listing identity.

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SEO: Optimal Ecommerce URLs The ecommerce platform that hosts a site determines the URL structure, which in turn can have an impact on the site’s search engine optimization. Each platform creates URLs according to its own rules, but nearly all can be modified for greater SEO and brand recognition. In years past, URLs with lots of folders and parameters posed major crawl issues for the search engines. In some cases the “spider traps” created by complex ecommerce URLs would even prevent the engines from indexing a site, effectively cutting off the flow of organic search customers. Google and Bing are much more capable of crawling or intelligently ignoring parameters and long, scraggly folder paths in URLs today, but optimal URLs do play a role in SEO. Enlarge This Image Which of these URLs inspires more confidence in the page’s relevance? What Makes a URL Optimal? Optimal URLs are short, static, relevant and unique. Keyword research will indicate which category and product attributes are important to searchers.

4 SEO Tasks Small Businesses Must Do Every Month On-site SEO discussions are typically dominated by technical debates about how search engines analyze and store HTML. For small business owners, the discussion is much more practical and alarming. Specifically, small business websites do on-site SEO poorly or not at all, leaving large amounts of search traffic and potential customers on the table. The lack of small business on-site SEO is more about discipline, time management, repetition, and know-how. Here is a simple four-step approach to building high-value traffic through on-site SEO that should be repeated twice per month (minimum) on every small business website. 1. Every website page should be positioned to catch existing demand as SEO (generally) doesn't create demand. When a small business is just starting, it's important to pick keywords that are easy to rank on until you see some results. 2. Regardless of the medium, the content needs to be compelling. 3. 4. Conclusions
