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Global Internet Traffic Expected to Quadruple by 2015 [INFOGRAPHIC]

Global Internet Traffic Expected to Quadruple by 2015 [INFOGRAPHIC]
Global Internet traffic is expected to quadruple between 2010 and 2015, according to data provided to Mashable by Cisco. By that time, nearly 3 billion people will be using the Internet — more than 40% of the world's projected population. On average, there will be more than two Internet connections for each person on Earth, driven by the proliferation of web-enabled mobile devices. Internet traffic is projected to approach 1 zettabyte per year in 2015 — that's equivalent of all the digital data in existence in 2010. The rest of the world will experience more moderate growth in terms of traffic, but the number of devices per person is forecast to increase significantly. Somewhat surprisingly, it is neither mobile phones nor tablets that are expected to grow the most in the next four years. Infographic design by Nick Sigler.

10m UK consumers use mobile commerce 23% of UK online consumers conducted some kind of mobile transaction last year, but unfortunately, 83% experienced a problem. The findings come from a survey commissioned by Tealeaf, which suggests that retailers need to work harder to match customer expectations of mobile commerce. Mobile commerce activities 63% have used their mobiles for shopping, 37% to conduct financial transactions, 34% for travel bookings, and 23% for insurance payments or purchases. On average, mobile shoppers completed 4.4 transactions per month by mobile, with a more or less even split between app (43%) and mobile internet browser (41%). Common problems encountered by mobile users The study looked at the various problems encountered when users were making mobile transaction, and these go beyond mere issues, and suggest that mobile usability needs to improve. How do customers react to difficulties with mobile transactions? What do customers expect from mobile commerce? Other studies back this view up.

How Agencies Are Spending Online Media Budgets [INFOGRAPHIC] Before the Internet, media agencies planned clients’ campaigns with a fairly straightforward menu of TV, radio, print and outdoor advertising options. These days, TV buys still take the largest piece of the global spend, but the share of money going to Internet advertising is rising steeply, and the options for those dollars are multiplying and morphing just as quickly. Twitter, YouTube and Hulu each offer their own menu of customized advertising options, and Facebook ranked as one of the Top 10 online advertising properties earlier this year. And since online ad spending is not yet keeping pace with Americans' time spent on the Internet, the upward trend in spending still has plenty of room to grow. Of the money going to online buys, nearly half goes to search and a quarter goes to display. But even within these categories, online ads are becoming more social, and spending on lead generation and email marketing is shrinking. More Business Resources from Mashable:

37 exemples de boutiques e-commerce créées avec Wordpress Je vous le dis depuis des semaines, mais certains ont encore du mal à me croire : créer une boutique en ligne avec la plateforme de blog WordPress est devenu d'une simplicité enfantine, et à la portée de tout novice en la matière, pourvu qu'il suive les bons conseils. Si beaucoup peuvent encore penser que WordPress n'est pas un outil assez puissant ou fiable pour gérer un business e-commerce, c'est qu'ils n'ont certainement pas vu d'exemples de réussites en la matière. Alors pour faire changer les mentalités, je vous propose 37 exemples de boutiques en ligne créées avec WordPress. Vous pourrez constater par vous-même que les limites techniques et créatives y sont infinies. Ce sont de vraies boutiques, qui ne ressemblent en aucun cas à un blog basique. Et on obtient un tel résultat avec peu de moyens et des connaissances techniques basiques. WeGraphics MediaLoot Vandelay Premier DinDins Food Mt. Kartell Los Angles Hallie Friedman Putting Arc Quiet Headphones Worm Sign T-Shirts Etsy Cafe Grumpy toggle

Why payment systems must evolve to suit m-commerce By Michael Norton, managing director, Originally e-commerce was just about establishing a website and driving traffic to it. However, the circumstances are changing and this time, the disruptive forces are mobile devices and social networks. Spending via mobile phones is expected to top £275m in the next few years, while selling site such as Facebook could reach $30bn by 2015. While still representing only a fraction of UK retail spend, these phenomena offer clues as to how we may be paying in the next decade and will shape interactions between consumers and retailers. Contrary to popular belief, apps are not the be all and end all, when it comes to mobile commerce. Apps and mobile commerce sites can be costly to develop so brands must ensure that the demand is there before making any investment. Retailers with mobile offerings need to prepare themselves to field considerably more fraud chargeback requests than they may be used to.

eMarketer: Online Ad Spending Expected to Accelerate This Year To $31 Billion Online ad spending keeps ramping up thanks to an upswing in display advertising. A new forecast from eMarketer puts online ad spending at $31.3 billion this year, up 20 percent. That is double the 10.5 percent growth rate it put out last December for 2011. What is driving this growth is display advertising. Here’s how that $31.3 billion is estimated to break down in 2011: Search: $14.4 billionBanner ads: $7.6 billionClassifieds: $3 billionVideo ads: $2.2 billionRich media: $1.7 billionLead gen: $1.4 billionSponsorships: $900 millionEmail: $160 million

Histoire d'Amazon 15 mai 2011 7 15 /05 /mai /2011 10:17 Une étude de fond sur, par l'agence FaberNovel, qui analyse sous tous ses angles la stratégie de ce géant né de l'économie numérique qui revendique aujourd'hui : un chiffre d'affaires supérieur à celui de Google l'une des croissances les plus rapides de l'histoire d'Internet le rachat de plus d'une vingtaine de sociétés qui ont accéléré sa croissance Les chiffres clés que je retiens de cette étude : a connu une croissance de 38% entre les 1ers trimestres 2010 et 2011 soit 3 fois la croissance du secteur de l'e-commerce ! Quelques clients dont les services reposent sur le Cloud Amazon : Billets en relation : Partager cet article Publié par Julien Bonnel - dans Distribution

3 Facebook Mobile Trends to Watch This Year Facebook CTO Bret Taylor has said that a lot of the company’s focus this year will be on mobile. When Facebook declares an intention in any direction, people take notice, but for marketers, this may mean that 2011 is the “year of mobile,” a designation that has been tossed around every year since 2006 or so. It’s unthinkable for a marketer to ignore Facebook, but that said, there are a lot of mysteries and frustrations around the platform. Display ads don’t perform very well there, for instance, and a lot of consumer data is kept under wraps. Facebook’s mobile operations are even harder to get a handle on. But things are changing. 1. Last November, Constellation Wines worked with mobile marketing firm Augme Technologies for a program that offered consumers a mobile site accessible via a 2D barcode or a text message. One viral aspect of the effort was a feature that let those users share their purchasing decisions with their Facebook friends. 2. 3.

HOW TO: Turn Your Resume Into a Gorgeous, Web-Based Infographic The Web Development Series is supported by Rackspace, the better way to do hosting. Learn more about Rackspace's hosting solutions here. A new app called will instantly turn your LinkedIn profile into a stunning infographic, all through the power of code — no graphic design skills required. Pulling all your career information from your LinkedIn profile via LinkedIn's API, creates clean graphical representations of your skills, work history and even your connections in an easy-to-scan format that hiring managers and other gatekeepers love. To get the data from text to graphics, scrapes your positions, education, interests, skills, recommendations and number of connections from your LinkedIn profile, assuming all that data has been entered already. Those "weights" are then used to create a visual representation of your professional experience to date, where each of your abilities is accurately portrayed relative to your other talents.

E-commerce : les 6 types de clients sur les réseaux sociaux | RSE Une étude de l’Institut Mc Kinsey avait proposé de classer les clients présents sur les réseaux sociaux en 7 groupes. Accrocs, explorateurs, pragmatiques, communicants, info-glaneurs, marchandeurs, monomaniaques, ces clients peuvent prendre différentes formes. Michael Brito, auteur du livre « Smart Business, Social Business: A Playbook for Social Media in Your Organization » propose lui une liste actualisée, qui regroupe ces clients en 6 catégories. La voici ici traduite en français. Le client qui veut faire parler de lui Ce client peut se plaindre sur Twitter ou Facebook, mais une réponse n’est peut-être pas nécessaire. Dans certains cas, une entreprise peut choisir de suivre ce client sur Twitter et alors une conversation peut s’engager en commençant par un « Merci pour votre commande », ou quelque chose du genre. Le Client passif, qui ne vous demande pas d’aide directe Le client excédé et en colère Ce client est en colère, le dit, et a besoin d’aide immédiatement. A propos de l'auteur

Les 6 atouts majeurs du M-commerce Les analystes augurent d’un avenir radieux pour le commerce mobile, à mesure que les terminaux se diffusent. Il faut dire que les atouts marketing du M-commerce sont nombreux. EBay, tablait pour 2010 sur un milliard de dollars de ventes effectuées sur mobile. Selon GfK, 60% des téléphones mobiles en France sont connectés à Internet en 2010, même si 17% des Français se connectent réellement. D’après l’institut Gartner, les smartphones représenteront 80% des mobiles vendus en 2012. Autant de projections qui laissent présager un développement fort du M-commerce, lequel a des atouts indéniables : La généralisation des nouveaux appareils mobile annonce la dématérialisation des cartes de fidélité. borne interactive Intel Plus besoin d’imprimer les tickets de réduction à valoir sur un prochain achat dont le pourcentage d’utilisation est faible. Foursquare fidélise ses utilisateursvia le fameux “check-in” géolocalisé. buyster Le marché des code-barres scannables est en croissance rapide. sephora
