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Web 2.0 to support the nets

Web 2.0 to support the nets
Web Tools that support this standard •Gizmos ExploreLearning currently has over 450 Gizmos with accompanying curricular materials, all with the aim of sharing the “Ah-Hah!” moment with teachers and students. • SAS Curriculum Simulations By integrating technology and instruction, SAS Curriculum Pathways helps students master the core disciplines in an efficient, cost-effective manner. • Google Earth Google Earth lets you fly anywhere on Earth to view satellite imagery, maps, terrain, 3D buildings, from galaxies in outer space to the canyons of the ocean. • Earth Browser EarthBrowser is an innovative earth simulation that combines an easy to navigate 3 dimensional globe with real-time weather conditions and 7 day forecasts for thousands of locations worldwide. •Survey Monkey We are the perfect tool for educators, speakers and trainers. •SMART Response A technological way to assess students, more commonly known as Audience Response Systems. •Lego Robotics Kits This is LEGO Digital Designer.

Deloitte's 2011 shiftindex 111011 Everyone Sits in the Prison of His Own Ideas - TNW Entrepreneur “Everyone sits in the prison of his own ideas. A human being is a part of the whole called by us “Universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. – Albert Einstein There are several ways to build a succesful company. Apple doesn’t do market research, or so they say. When Jeff Hawkins was developing the first PalmPilot he walked around with a wooden prototype in his back pocket. Chad Hurley and Steve Chen built YouTube because they needed an easier way to share videos with their friends. Google wasn’t the first search engine and it also wasn’t the first search engine to use hyperlinks to index pages. You can skip every entrepreneurial guidance post ever written and every piece of advice ever given.

AM&AA Members Group News "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." — John Quincy Adams I’ve created a leadership checklist that should act like a hub and spoke of effective leadership practices. The challenge is distilling effective leadership practices into one-liner reminders that are easy to evaluate the behavior, where possible. I used a specific “user story” format (“As a leader, I …”) to both make each line item a standalone story, but also to test these as personal “unit tests” for leadership. By making each one more precise, insightful, and actionable, while pinning to effective practices, this should serve as a simple and scannable cheat sheet of proven practices for leadership. If done well, it should reflect years of insight and lessons at a glance. It’s a work in progress. Top 10 Leadership Checks As a leader, I seek first to understand, and I listen to people until they feel heard (empathic listening.) Core Checks Action Change Communication

18 Ways to Earn Money From Crowdworking With the rapid rise of crowdsourcing over the last five years since the term was coined by Jeff Howe in Wired, there has been a lot of coverage on how individuals, organizations and businesses can implement the concept into their work. Last year there was a new conference (CrowdConf), a new consortium (Crowdsortium) and a myriad of companies that offered sites, tools and platforms to get more out of the Internet masses. But what about the worker? Since crowdsourcing is making such a visible impact on the way work is done, how can professionals and creatives benefit from the crowdsourcing model? Here are 18 ideas for participating on crowdsourcing sites for perks, prizes, and, yes, even income. 1. Mechanical Turk If you’re up for doing small tasks that other people might find tedious, this site may be a fit for you. Clickworker This is a Germany-based crowd labor site, but there is also an English version available. Cloudcrowd CastingWords Can you type quickly and accurately? 2. blur Group 3.

The Innovation Lounge From GPWiki Saturday 12 of April, 2014 Innovation Through a Conducive & Creative Environment Our experience, applying 4D and Structured Visual Thinking in nearly 2500 client assignments and interventions, is that the space we create is a critical member of the team See Also Technical Specifications Below we explain a little more about our philosophy and approach and talk about some of the practical aspects of the experience. Interesting isn’t it that the majority of business meetings are focused on tasks, ‘action items’ or other variations of ‘to do’ lists. The Value of quality time Our clients and businesses generally are beginning to appreciate that working spaces are of paramount importance. Getting people into the same room is also a gilt edged opportunity to be creative and innovate in ways that are impossible to imagine. Designing Innovation In The Practicalities Whenever we meet together on important tasks these are the raw materials for the important conversations. How does this work? 1.

63 EdTech Resources You May Have Missed–Treasure Chest, Feb. 6, 2011 Here is this week’s edition of Treasure Chest–63 EdTech Resources You May Have Missed. I know, that’s a lot! What’s funny though is that I thought this week would bring my fewest number of resources. I would also like to thank Larry Ferlazzo for including this blog in his “The Best Blogs…” category. “Tech The Plunge” Is A Blog Worth Reading | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…–Tech The Plunge is an excellent resource-sharing blog written by Jeff Thomas. On with the show! Featured Tom Barrett’s Interesting Ways Series—All in One Location!!! Tools How-To iPad, iPod, etc. My Favorite iPad Apps–If you are curious to know what apps have I installed on my iPad, check these interactive screenshots for a complete list of my favorite iPad apps.smartr for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store–Smartr’s the fastest way to get your news on Twitter. Miscellaneous Videos Teach Different

Startup America: A Campaign To Celebrate, Inspire And Accelerate Entrepreneurship Note from the editor: This is a guest post from Aneesh Chopra, United States Chief Technology Officer. During last week’s State of the Union address, President Obama challenged the Nation to out-educate, out-innovate, and out-build our competition to win the future. A critical ingredient in this endeavor is the creative spirit of the American entrepreneur that featured prominently in the President’s Strategy for American Innovation – a framework for long-term economic growth and sustainable job creation. Today, President Obama celebrated the launch of Startup America, a national (public/private) campaign to celebrate, inspire, and accelerate high-growth entrepreneurship across all corners of the country, and the formation of the Startup America Partnership to catalyze private support for entrepreneurial ecosystems. To kick-start the campaign, the Obama Administration announced 27 public and private commitments organized across five key goals: 1. Stay tuned. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Home Page August 7, 2012 To all my educator colleagues: As you all know, I retired in June of 2011 from my school district job as Director of Technology. I retired to spend more time learning new things to support you as you embed technology into teaching and learning in a meaningful way. Since I started the Schrockguide in June of 1995, a lot has changed. However, I am not retired from providing you with great resources and ideas to support teaching and learning! I have moved all the support information for my presentations over to Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything, located here, to help you as you think about the practical and pedagogical uses of technology. I also have my personal blog, Kathy Schrock's Kaffeeklatsch, at where I post gadget reviews and information as well as my other thoughts. I hope to hear from you via the new sites I am now creating. Kathy
