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Bike lanes

Bike lanes

News and events - University of Brighton Published 1 June 2011 A University of Brighton student has developed a safety device that projects a bright green laser image of a bike onto the road ahead – alerting motorists to their presence. Emily Brooke's invention is being hailed as a potential life saver and has won her a place at a prestigious college in the USA, on an Entrepreneurship Programme. The final-year product design student said: "I wanted to tackle the issue of safety of cyclists on city streets by increasing the visibility, footprint, and ultimately the awareness of the bicycle." BLAZE is a small, battery-powered device that is attached to the handlebars of bicycles, motorcycles or scooters, and which projects a laser image ahead onto the road. Emily said: "Eighty per cent of cycle accidents occur when bicycles travel straight ahead and a vehicle manoeuvres into them. She said: "Even when lit up like a Christmas tree a bicycle in a bus's blind-spot is still invisible. Emily Brooke's invention BLAZE Read more news...

freshnlo Pedal for Scotland Tortures: la justice américaine autorise les poursuites contre Donald Rumsfeld La justice américaine a autorisé deux Américains à poursuivre l’ancien secrétaire à la Défense Donald Rumsfeld pour torture pendant leur détention en Irak par l’armée américaine. Un cour d’appel fédérale a confirmé lundi un jugement qui avait invalidé une décision du ministère de la Justice demandant l’abandon d’une procédure judiciaire entamée par Donald Vance et Nathan Ertell en 2006 contre M. Rumsfeld. A l’époque, MM Vance et Ertell avaient informé le FBI qu’ils suspectaient leur employeur, Shield Group Security, une société de sécurité irakienne privée, de payer un cheikh irakien afin d’obtenir des contrats avec le gouvernement. Mais lorsque la société a commencé à douter de leur loyauté, ils ont été arrêtés par l’armée américaine et ont été emmenés au camp Cropper, près de l’aéroport de Bagdad, sans avoir le droit à un seul contact extérieur. M. Les magistrats ont conclu que la gravité des accusations permettait de mettre en cause M. (Source AFP)

[Trip] Entrevista Julian Assange Fundador do WikiLeaks, a organização que vazou centenas de milhares de documentos secretos, Julian Assange é hoje o homem mais vigiado do mundo – e uma das figuras públicas mais cercadas de mistérios. Ao mesmo tempo em que revela algumas das mais bem controladas informações de governos e empresas, ele tenta manter restrito o acesso a sua privacidade. Mas Trip furou o cerco a Assange e entrou na casa onde ele está preso na Inglaterra, para revelar sua rotina, suas ideias – e ainda fazê-lo vestir a camisa da seleção – na primeira vez que falou, em pessoa, à imprensa do Brasil Eliza Capai Julian Assange Sem cerimônia, assim como quem vai pegar uma tia que chegou para uma visita, Julian Assange aparece para nos buscar na estação de trem. “Ontem um helicóptero das forças armadas do Reino Unido voou sobre o gramado em frente à casa. O WikiLeaks existe desde 2006, mas saiu da pequena fama entre hackers e ativistas para as manchetes mundiais em 2010, ao divulgar para o mundo um vídeo chocante.

LightLane concept creates bike lanes where there were none Designers Alex Tee and Evan Gant, of Massachusetts-based product innovation firm Altitude Inc., are hoping their LightLane bicycle add-on will make bicycling safer at night: A close brush with a distracted driver is enough to intimidate the most avid bikers from riding at night. The problem isn't just about visibility, as safety lights are effective at capturing the attention of a driver. However, these lights are typically constrained to the bike frame, which highlihgts only a fraction of the bike's envelope. Bike lanes have proven to be an effective method of protecting cyclists on congested roads. One key is that the lane establishes a well-defined boundary beyond the envelope of the bicycle, providing a greater margin of safety between the car and the cycist. While we have our doubts as to its efficacy, we feel this is one of the many design shots that have to be fired before the ultimate solution is discovered. via dustbowl

Glasgow Glasgow is a great place to cycle, and now there are even more opportunities to get out and about on your bike in the area. Find out more about rides coming up in Glasgow here, and see the tabs below for other cycling opportunities. Buddy bike rides Rides organised by our social network for cyclists Steven has rated the ride "Glasgow Elim Christian cycle grou... Find this ride now30 days ago Find this ride now30 days ago Find this ride now30 days ago Find this ride now30 days ago Find this ride now30 days ago Find this ride now30 days ago Steven has joined the group "Glasgow Elim Cycle Group" Find a group now11 days ago Find this ride now11 days ago Find this ride now11 days ago Find this ride now11 days ago Find this ride now11 days ago Find a group now30 days ago Pause Facilities Glasgow Mountain Bike Circuit Located in Pollok Country Park, this circuit gives you a real mountain biking experience within Glasgow; there are routes to suit cyclists of all skills and experience. Cathkin Braes Country Park

Au début des années 90, cinq agents cubains sont chargés de surveiller les terroristes qui visent leur île depuis cinquante ans, notamment à partir de la Floride. En 1998, les États-Unis les jettent en prison, où ils croupissent. Gerardo Hernández. Fernando González. René González . Antonio Guerrero. Ramon Labañino. Ces noms devraient nous être connus : ce sont ceux des cinq victimes d’un des pires scandales judiciaires des années 2000. Rompre l’omerta Mais qui a entendu parler de cette campagne de terreur ? Terrorisme anti-Castro Pour comprendre, il faut remonter au 6 octobre 1976. L’attentat de la Barbade s’inscrit dans une suite ininterrompue d’exactions qui ont fait à Cuba, depuis un demisiècle, 3 400 morts, autant que les attentats du 11 septembre 2001 – sans que cela émeuve outre mesure les opinions occidentales. Parodie de procès Pour lutter contre ce terrorisme, le gouvernement cubain envoie en Floride, au début des années 90, cinq agents dont la mission est d’infiltrer les organisations paramilitaires qui ont juré de renverser Fidel Castro. Dessin Avoine Deux ans plus tard, à l’automne 2000, s’ouvre leur procès, à Miami. Mobilisation

Icones da Liberdade de Imprensa Reprodução Dia mundial da liberdade de imprensa Ao redor do mundo, o dia 3 de maio é um evento comemorativo para os trabalhadores da imprensa. Neste dia é comemorado o Dia Internacional da Liberdade de Imprensa, uma data para marcar a importância da disseminação da informação livre e sua capacidade libertadora de mostrar as coisas como elas são mesmo que isso signifique fazer alguns inimigos no caminho. Nesta data, desde 1997, a Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura (UNESCO) premia anualmente um jornalista por seu trabalho em favor da informação livre e da liberdade de imprensa com o troféu Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize. O vencedor do prêmio anual é escolhido por um juri formado de 14 trabalhadores da imprensa de diversos países do globo. Na sequência você conhece um pouco sobre os primeiros cinco vencedores do prêmio Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom. Veja nossa lista. Gao Yu 1997 - Gao Yu (China) Bandeira de luta: Liberdade de expressão

Project Aura: Bike Safety Lighting System Posted by Ray | 16 May 2011 | Comments (35) When a tip about Project Aura arrived in my inbox last week, I suspected that it was just another hipster bike lighting system and the electropop soundtrack of the Vimeo teaser initially confirmed my intuition. But lo and behold, Project Aura is actually a really good idea: rim-mounted LEDs that change colors based on how fast you ride—self-powered (by a front hub dynamo) to boot. It's the brainchild of Ethan Frier and Jonathan Ota, industrial design students at Carnegie Mellon University who admirably addressed the issue of nighttime cycling accidents with an idea and a Small Undergraduate Research Grant (SURG). Project Aura is a bicycle lighting system designed to address the issue of nighttime urban bike commuting. Click to download PDF of presentation poster The two rising juniors documented the process on a Tumblog; Ethan has also wisely chosen to include the work in his Coroflot portfolio. Great work and good luck finding internships, guys!
