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Hugh Piggott's home page

Magenn Power Inc. Open Source Ecology Plans for solar thermal, PV, Wind, Heating, Cooling, Cooking, and energy saving projects for Do It Yourselfers Search The Renewable Energy site for Do-It-Yourselfers More than 500 renewable energy and conservation projects you can build. Free plans and information on: Conservation, water, solar homes, solar space heating, solar water heating, passive cooling techniques, solar sunspaces and greenhouses, solar pool heating, solar electricity (PV), wind generated electricity, micro hydro, biofuels, methane generators, solar cooking, solar food drying, solar and efficient vehicles, solar water pumping, solar engines, and solar wood drying. So, what were you looking for that you did not find? Gary Questions? - DIY Renewable Energy Resource Auto-construire son éolienne | OPEN SOURCE ENERGY Petit retour sur la semaine dernière passée dans l’Ariège près d’Artigat pour un stage d’auto-construction en éolienne organisé par l’association Tripalium. L’objectif de cette semaine à la Ferme de Tournemire était donc de construire une éolienne de type Piggott de près de 4m de diamètre pour une hauteur de 18m. Cette dernière doit produire jusqu’à 1,7Kw soit plus de la moitié des besoins de la ferme. réalisation vidéo : Arthur Hoffner Afin de réussir ce défi les membres de l’association: Jay, Francis et Philippe, ont organisé la semaine autour de 3 ateliers. • Taille des pâles en bois massif. • Réalisation de l’alternateur qui comprend: la fabrication des bobines de cuivre pour le stator (partie statique), la disposition en Nord/Sud des aimants pour la fabrication des rotors (parties rotatives), ces 3 parties étant réalisées en résine polyester et fibre de verre. Site de l’association Tripalium : • Enfin l’atelier métal pour la réalisation de la nacelle et le mât.

Windspire Wind Turbines By Windspire Energy Greenhorns - To Promote, Recruit and Support New Farmers in America Solar Panels Compared What is the best solar cell you can buy? It all depends on what is important to you. Two things that can be important are cost and size. For applications where space doesn't matter (like putting panels in your back yard or on your roof), you want to make the most power for the least cost. Here is what I've found... Solar Panels ranked by least cost per unit of power (best first) Clearly, large panels bought in bulk are more economical. For mobile applications (solar powered cell phone or lawn mower), you want the most power per unit of area. Solar Panels ranked by minimum size per unit of power (best first) Interestingly, some efficient panels are also economical. Please note that I am basing these lists on the data supplied by the referenced web pages. Q: Why didn't you include X? A: If you know about an interesting panel that is commercially available and not included here, send me a link where I can see its specs and actually buy it and I will add it to the list. A: I agree. Questions

How I built an electricity producing wind turbine Several years ago I bought some remote property in Arizona. I am an astronomer and wanted a place to practice my hobby far away from the sky-wrecking light pollution found near cities of any real size. I found a great piece of property. The problem is, it's so remote that there is no electric service available. That's not really a problem. One thing I noticed right away about my property is that most of the time, the wind is blowing. Let me state up front that I probably won't be able to help you out much if you decide to build your own wind turbine. Since no one seems to be reading the FAQ, I will answer the No. 1 question I get many, many times a day right here up front. Update: Here is a video of the wind turbine in operation. Update: Here is a video of me assembling and setting up the wind turbine on my remote off-grid property. I started the process of designing my wind turbine by Googling for information on home-built wind turbines. . Finally!

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