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UFOs & the Bible: Genesis 6 & Nephilim Angels Aliens & Demons, 2

UFOs & the Bible: Genesis 6 & Nephilim Angels Aliens & Demons, 2
From noted author and UFOlogist John Keel, Operation Trojan Horse p. 215, 216: "Throughout most of history, the manifestations of demonology and demonopathy have been viewed from a religious perspective and explained as the work of the Devil.The bizarre manipulation and ill effects described in the demonological literature are usually regarded as the results of a great unseen conflict between God and the Devil. In UFO lore, the same conflict has been observed and the believers have explained it as a space war between the "Guardians" (good guys from outer space), who are protecting our planet, and some evil extraterrestrial race. The manifestations are the same, only the referenceis different. Did ancient man misinterpret UFO manifestations by placing them in religious context? John Keel theorizes that all angelic manifestations in the Bible were simply the same beings now claiming to be aliens. "Why Israel?" The ancient deity Baal was "Lord of War" and "Lord of the Sky". links

Alien UFO & The Paranormal Casebook UFOs And Aliens ALIEN UFO TECHNOLOGY: Ascension Center Project Alien UfO technology has been found and used on earth. There are certain products that we use on earth that are the result of using what was found on an alien UFO or spacecraft not of earth's origin. This craft was of a shuttle design or what is termed a galaxy universal shuttle or GUS. One crashed and one was found intact. Gus has the ability to accomplish many things that are not seen on earth at this time. Gus is only one of may alien UFOs that has been seen flying in our space around our world. The reason is that the alien UFOs are simply here to do a job and part of that job is to monitor and to protect. Some more that others know why they are here and are part of the solution of finding out what all of this in and out of our earth's atmosphere is all about.

Alien & UFO Theories Post Alien & UFO Theories Post - Page 1 Aliens use reverse time travel to get here. Submitted by: Craig, 9/9/00. Why aliens elude us. The Human Race was bio-engineered by an alien race. During the early days of man-kind, the aliens guided us (almost every religion has a "god" that actively helped man-kind: because of their vast technology, they would certainly be regarded as gods). The reason the aliens elude us is, as any scientist will tell you, to create a fair experiment, you must prevent any interference. The Human race is still Unprepared for Contact I believe that aliens have been here for centuries, constantly surveying us in our own skies. The Distance Myth: Visitors are Aliens - Not Human I am always amused by academics and so called experts that the sheer distance make it impossible for any life form to make it to earth. The Government Already Knows About Other Life Forms I may sound biased--being that I plan on working for the gov't after college--but I will say it anyway.

UFO and Alien News Trending on the Topix Network Tue Apr 15, 2014 Free Republic The 57 Best Conspiracy Theories I Heard At New Jersey’s 55th Annual UFO Conference I went to the New Jersey Paranormal and Consciousness Conference last weekend. WFLA-AM Tampa Fair Tax/ ET Contacts In the first half, tax change advocate Bill Spillane spoke on behalf of the 'FairTax' alternative-- a flat retail tax that would replace income and payroll taxes, along with a rebate for those who can't afford it. New evidence emerges that Monroe planned to reveal JFK saw crashed UFOs New evidence has just been released supporting the authenticity of a leaked CIA document allegedly of wiretaps of Marilyn Monroe and her friends shortly before her suspicious death on August 4, 1962. Daily Mail What is the Wallis UFO? A young mother has told how she saw a mysterious silver object hovering in the sky above her house this morning. This is Wiltshire The strange object in the sky, captured by Rudloe resident Gemma Perks Neatorama

UFO occupants - Reptilian and grey alien pictures Best UFO Resources Written by Dimitris Hatzopoulos Last modified: Thursday 30-Aug-2012 02:37:28 EEST Summary: This page is based on my personal cross-study of many UFO-related entity incident reports from different countries. Of the tens of photographs purporting to show "aliens", only the F. Probably the most intriguing, puzzling, perplexing aspect of UFOnaut sighting reports is that virtually all are described as humanoid or, in some cases, human-like. Contrary to the popular belief that sightings of UFO-related beings are extremely rare, researchers from MUFON's Humanoid Study Group (HSG) have compiled a long list of such cases - over 1600 different entity incidents. An example of a CE3 case with "human" UFO-occupants observed by tens of witnesses, was reported by Reverend William Gill (1928-2007), while stationed in Papua New Guinea in 1959 (case details: theOZfiles / theOZfiles2, ufologie, nicap). Coral and Jim Lorenzen -APRO, USA- (1967)Brazilian investigator Jadar U. "E.T.

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