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50 Powerful Time-Savers For Web Designers

50 Powerful Time-Savers For Web Designers
There are tools that make our lives much easier. However, finding those obscure time-savers which would save time in every single project isn’t easy and requires a lot of time. At Smashing Magazine, we are regularly looking for such useful tools, gather them, review them and eventually prepare for a truly smashing round-up. Such posts are quite lengthy and extensive, but they are always worth checking out. In this post, you’ll find an overview of useful and handy tools that can help you increase your productivity and improve your workflow. Further Reading on SmashingMag: Link Useful Time-Savers For Web Designers Link House of Buttons5 A growing collection of various buttons spotted in the wild by Jason Long. Historious7 Historious makes bookmarking work the way you want it. Browser UI9 The Browser UI is an action that creates a browser window around any size Photoshop document you can throw at it. What deux yeux have teux deux teuxday? Share your ideas – Mark (them) Up19! Advertisement Mr.

Lizzie Nichols Concept Design Capítulo 0 " Cinemagraphs: os (dignos) sucesores do GIF animado Os cinemagraphs son unha técnica de creación visual creada por Jamie Beck, fotógrafo de moda, e o deseñador Kevin Burg. Veñen sendo coma os antigos GIF animados (de feito, seguen sendo tecnicamente GIFs), pero sen buzóns que saltan pedindo que lles envíes correos e outros horrores gráficos. Teñen estética cinematográfica ou publicitaria. No interior do post tes un montón de preciosos exemplos e un tutorial para crealos. (vía) Impresionante, eh?

Crowdsourcing: Turning customers into creative directors 29 September 2010Last updated at 23:43 By Fiona Graham Technology of business reporter, BBC News Ning Li: "What we think is good for the consumer doesn't matter - it's what the consumer thinks is good that matters." "The office building doesn't look so good from the outside, we don't need it to, so the rent is lower, but inside it's really nice." Ning Li is's 28-year-old CEO, and we are at the company's London office, on the 11th floor of an unremarkable Notting Hill office block. is an online-only furniture retailer, so there's no danger that customers will drop by. The Union Jack Piggy Bag from But this is a furniture business with no warehouse - and no inventory. Instead, products are "crowdsourced". This is how it works. The designers are paid nothing upfront - but receive 5% royalties on successful designs, which Li maintains is above the industry average. "People buy things from very valued brands. "How do we do that? Defining crowdsourcing “Start Quote

50 Powerful Time-Savers For Web Designers - Smashing Magazine Being a web designer is not easy. Not only do we need to have a good understanding about visual design, typography, information architecture, psychology and a plethora of other disciplines; in our work, we need to take care of so many details, so that our job becomes more and more time-consuming, requiring dozens of tools, attention span and an effective workflow for beautiful, timely and functional results. And this is where small time-savers become handy. Be it a handy checklist, batch installer, dummy image generator or converter from Excel spreadsheet to HTML — all these things can save us a couple of minutes every day, making our work easier and more efficient. You may want to subcribe to Smashing Magazine’s E-Mail Newsletter1 (32,600 subscribers) to keep updated about new useful tools, techniques and resources. Time-Savers For Web Designers Link LaunchList2This tool helps you review important items before the big launch. Bounce11A fun and easy way to share ideas on a website.

Open source Graphic Design How to work as a Graphic Designer without sleeping with Adobe I am just now completing a certificate in graphic design at the online school, and although I have come to like the Adobe Creative suite tool (and mainly inDesign), I would rather be relying only on open source tools. Why? Well, there are many factors that steer my decision toward that. If you want to read more about open source and creativity, I invite you to read FLOSS+Art which is a solid explanation of the relationship between open source and creativity/art. From the description: “FLOSS+Art critically reflects on the growing relationship between Free Software ideology, open content and digital art. This book has been a strong inspiration for me to embrace open source in all my creative projects. Using open source instead of a licensed software is quite empowering and freeing. + Free software – meaning you don’t pay for it (you still can donate what you want!) Photoshop replacement with GIMP Other useful tools

Slick Laptop Designs and Concepts - Smashing Magazine Advertisement Laptop design doesn’t have to be boring. Although often laptops look exactly as we expect them to look like, there is a number of design solutions and approaches which are completely different — unusual, creative, beautiful and damn useful. Below we present innovative laptop designs and laptop concepts. You might want to take a look at our posts Laptop Sleeves, Skins and Stickers1 which gives some fresh ideas to spice up your environment with laptop skins, engravings, sleeves, cases and stickers,Innovative Designs and Devices2 which presents innovative, futuristic gadgets, devices, designs and concepts,25 Mind-Blowing Products and Gadgets3 showcases excellent gadgets and devices which are already available today,User Experience Of The Future4 which covers recent developments in the field of user interface design, Siafu The Siafu concept notebook5, designed for the blind by Jonathan Lucas, omits a display altogether. Cario MacTab Sungjut TangoX Dialogue’s Flybook V33 Vaio Zoom

Matthew Lyons
