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Accidental Chinese Hipsters

Tessa Chong sent me the above image with the explanation that she had seen and drawn the man from memory on a trip to Toronto. We got to talking, and the following interview and her interpretations of some other noted Accidental Chinese Hipsters ensued. You can see more of her work here. ACH: How old are you and where are you living now? TESSA CHONG: I am 27 and living in Amsterdam. ACH: You introduced yourself to me as a fellow “halfie.” TESSA CHONG: My mother was born and raised in Melbourne, Australia. My parents met in the 70s when they were both living in London. ACH: Do you mean that your dad hit on your mom without sharing her language? TESSA CHONG: No, he spoke in English to her. ACH: Do you think you have experienced the traditional (stereotypical) strict Asian parenting? TESSA CHONG: I didn’t experience any of that stereotypical Asian parenting. ACH: What’s the reason you’re doing your blog, The Sketchorialist? I think the photos on your blog are great.

Tumbling on success: How Tumblr's David Karp built a £500 million empire This article was taken from the March 2012 issue of Wired magazine. Be the first to read Wired's articles in print before they're posted online, and get your hands on loads of additional content by subscribing online. On the evening of August 23, 2011, Chris, a New Yorker who wishes his surname to be withheld, created a Tumblr account. His aim was to raise awareness of the Occupy Wall Street march planned for September 17. The idea was simple: he asked users to submit a photograph of themselves holding a sign explaining their economic circumstances. He called the page We Are The 99 Per Cent, and promptly forgot about it. Four days later, Chris returned to his flat, after spending time preparing meals for protesters, and checked the We Are The 99 Per Cent tumblelog. One photo was from Priscilla Grim, a 36-year-old activist working on strategic communications for the Occupy Wall Street movement who has been "protesting one way or another for about 20 years".

Future Garage | The Future's Bright, The Future's Garage heiterbisgluecklich Klaas Twietmeyer (33) hat einen Traum. Der Hamburger träumt von einer eigenen Brauerei. 2012 probiert er sein erstes Craft Beer. Überwältigt vom Geschmack, beschließt er, sich intensiver mit Herstellung von Bieren und den chemischen Prozessen dahinter auseinanderzusetzen. In seiner Küche in Eimsbüttel experimentiert er seitdem mit Zutaten und testet Rezepturen für das einzigartige Geschmackserlebnis. Was ist für Sie das vollkommene Blog? Der Spaß am Thema sollte deutlich spürbar sein. Mit welchem Blogger identifizieren Sie sich am meisten? Es gibt natürlich sehr gute fachbezogene Blogs, die ich regelmäßig lese – ob zu Design, zu Kunst oder eben zum Thema Bier. Was ist online Ihre Lieblingsbeschäftigung? Wissensdurst löschen und Inspirationen suchen. Was ist offline Ihre Lieblingsbeschäftigung? Neben der praktischen Beschäftigung mit dem Thema Bier (das Brauen und Verkosten), befasse ich mich auch im weitesten Sinne mit Genuss. Bei welcher Gelegenheit schreiben Sie die Unwahrheit? Ihr Motto?

Hollywood Peeps: 15 Oscar-winning Films in Marshmallow Highlights from The Washington Post's Peeps Show diorama contest. 1. Up! The winner of the 2010 Washington Post competition was this recreation of the Pixar film, here titled "EEP!" with Peep characters and balloons made from Peeps. It was built by Michael Chirlin and Veronica Ettle of Arlington, Virginia. 2. The final scene from the Broadway musical/film "Peep Side Story" was a collaboration by Stacey Rathbun of Arlington, Virginia, and Maree Martinez and Nick Johnson of Greenwich, Connecticut. 3. Leonard Bailey and Gabriel Winston-Bailey call their diorama "Inpeeption," and it became a runner-up in the 2011 competition from the Washington Post. 4. Also from WaPo's 2011 contest, "The King's Peep" by Carolyn Prince Racich and Claudia Tielking portrayed the Academy Award-winning movie in royal marshmallow bunnies. 5. Jesse Willard and Megan Walline also went for an Oscar-winning film in 2011, with "Black Peep." 6. The classics never go out of style. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 13. 14. 15.

absent du bureau Bonjour, Lire mon message ici → À bientôt,— Xxxxxxx Classé dans minimaliste submission À l'heure actuelle, je suis sans doute en train de vérifier cette histoire de fin du monde dans les profondeurs de la jungle mexicaine, une quelconque activité ordinaire, mais impliquant, puisque c'est la période, le fait que je ne suis malheureusement pas présent à mon bureau. Pour les superstitieux du monde entier, voilà de quoi pousser un soupir de soulagement. Mais afin de garantir la pérennité de mon entreprise et le futur de mes deux monstres, j'ai préféré aller vérifier sur place. Fort heureusement, mon absence ne grèvera logiquement pas l'avancée continue de Dogstudio, de Superbe et du KIKK sur la voie de l'élévation spirituelle. Dites-leur que vous appelez de ma part, ils comprendront. Salutations et à très bientôt, Gilles via Aurélie Classé dans créatif submission Dicton du mois: “Où il y a de la chaîne, il n'y a pas de plaisir !”

show me the world! abstractsunday Switcheroo: Couples Exchange Their Entire Outfits In our relationships it’s not too uncommon to borrow a t-shirt, some socks or a warm hat from a lover… but what about entirely switching outfits? This entertaining and thought provoking series by Canadian photographer Hana Pesut does just that, encouraging couples to completely exchange their clothing with each other. The resulting diptychs are sometimes funny, while also having the effect of making one re-analyze both their views on fashion and on sexual identity. How interesting is it, for example, that many of the women look completely at home in their male counterparts clothing, while the men often look ridiculous by societies standards? One could conclude that while we have come a long way in accepting many forms of stylistic expression from woman, men often have much stricter social norms to follow when it comes to fashion. Hana is a self-taught photographer raised in Whistler and currently residing in Vancouver, Canada. Via:

Nerdcore maikitten Classic Beauties Get A Shocking Photoshop Treatment “What would have happened if the aesthetic standard of our society had belonged to the collective unconscious of the great artists of the past?” So asks Italian artist Anna Utopia Giordano in her Venus project, which re-imagines classic artistic depictions of Venus with a modern and extreme Photoshop makeover. What begin as mostly Rubenesque beauties are transformed into busty, slim-waisted figures more closely matching the ideals we are bombarded with today. Giordano’s reworking of the classics raises a number of questions about the aesthetic standards of our current society and its obsession with near impossibly adolescent figures. Is our current ideal healthy or even possible for most women? In our current era, we are marketed standards of beauty like never before. Above: J.A.D. Angelo Bronzino – Venus, Cupid, Folly and Time Botticelli – La Nascita di Venere Hayez – Venus Tiziano – Venere di Urbino William-Adolphe Bouguereau – The Birth of Venus Velazquez – Venere e Cupido

kalinkakalinka Best Pinterest Boards: 27 Gorgeous Pinboards You Need To Follow If you haven't heard of Pinterest already (we'd be surprised if that were the case), it'd be good to get acquainted. The social image-sharing network is one of the fastest growing sites on the web. According to recent data released by Experian Hitwise, the site's total page views increased by 21 percent in the U.S., placing it among the 30 most-viewed sites in the U.S. With its next development already in the works (SPOILER ALERT: It's an iPad app!) Thankfully, whether you're already head over heels for Pinterest or hesitant to jump on the bandwagon, the vast, image-filled social networking site offers something for almost everyone -- from architecture junkies to cooking enthusiasts, animal lovers to fashionistas. Flip through the slideshow below to check out some of the most beautiful, fascinating pinboards, featuring cool-looking forts, interspecies cuddling, mouth-watering pizza, and much, much more. Did we leave out your favorite pinboard? + Add a slide 17 of 29 It's Okay
