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« Si vous n’avez rien à vous reprocher, il ne vous arrivera rien Consultant Web 2.0 pour la société Praxis DaD (Développement Action Doubs), Jean-René Craypion tranche radicalement, sur le fond comme sur la forme, avec la plupart de ses confrères. Peu adepte du parisianisme et encore moins de la langue de bois, ce spécialiste qui publie régulièrement son billet d'humeur sur le site du blogueur Henry Michel et des vidéos tutoriel s'est confié à Ecrans, à l'heure où les débats sur Hadopi font rage à l'Assemblée Nationale. Vie privée, facture numérique et web communautaire sont également des thèmes chers à ce professionnel souvent brocardé par ses pairs. En 1985, vous écriviez "Un minitel dans chaque voiture en 2005″ (1). C’est une attitude très franco-française de dénigrer aujourd’hui ce qui hier faisait notre gloire. Je signale qu’historiquement, ce sont les lobbys des grands fournisseurs d’accès américains qui ont contribué à étouffer le minitel. J’apprécie sa gestion de bon père de famille et son discours novateur.

Apple - Think Different Commercial Citizen to Obama: 'You're a hottie with a smokin' little bo Updated 7 a.m. Friday The woman who openly admired President Obama's physique during his visit to Buffalo on Thursday has found herself catapulted into the national spotlight, with lots of buzz -- and criticism -- on the Internet and a "you're a hottie" joke in the opening monologue of Jay Leno's "Tonight Show." "People tell me I should think before I open my mouth," Luann Haley, a single mom who works as a bill collector, told WGZR-TV in Buffalo. The television station said Haley turned down a request to appear on a national morning news show Friday morning. --Debbi Wilgoren Original Post: By Michael D. "You're a hottie with a smokin' little body," Luann Haley, 45 said to the leader of the free world, with cameras capturing every moment as the president made an unannounced stop at Duff's Famous Wings for a quick bite to eat. Obama responded with a big hug, which made Haley swoon. "That's alright,'' Haley said. Asked what he got at Duffs, Obama said, "Wings!

A Soviet Poster A Day Can you draw the internet? What's this then? After a wildly successful campaign for Internet Week Europe, UK-based digital agency Saint is partnering with ArtWeLove, Deviant Art, The Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment and The NYC Department of Education to bring Can You Draw the Internet? to Internet Week NY. What will certainly be one of NYC's largest participatory art initiatives of the year, CYDTI will tap into the creativity of students, creatives, and established artists. While the setting may differ, the brief is the same: Capture the spirit of the Internet's billions of pages in a single image. Following Saint’s European blueprint, for Internet Week NY & Europe 2011 both festivals will launch physical gallery spaces in their respective Headquarters. Why Participate Students Just by submitting, your work will be shown and promoted on Creatives Upload Please fill out the fields below and upload your artwork. Uploading your image Your information has successfully been uploaded.

Consumers are safer with brands than governments In this guest posting, Kogan’s David Shafer argues that Qantas’ handling of its air emergencies demonstrates the importance of brand value in ensuring consumer safety Anybody who is interested in the power of a brand should take note of what Qantas has done this past few days. On 4 November, immediately after the troubled A380 aircraft successfully landed, Qantas announced that, “in accordance with its commitment to the highest safety standards, it has suspended scheduled A380 takeoffs”. This is despite the immediate financial loss that Qantas suffered while it found stranded passengers hotel accommodation, and organised replacement aircraft. Those who believe that corporations can’t be trusted must be at least a little puzzled by Qantas. I don’t think so. Adam Smith famously wrote that, “It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self-interest.”

6 Benefits Of Being Positive On Twitter As you know if you follow me, I’m on Twitter everyday. I love Twitter, I love my friends on Twitter, and I write about Twitter often. Twitter is a huge part of my life, it is my happy place, and it’s full of positive people who send positive tweets. I’m sure some people might disagree with me about that, but just remember that each person’s Twitter experience is different. Even though I have over 36,000 followers (of which I’ve followed 33,000 back – by hand), I have never gotten into an argument or problem in the stream. You just don’t know it because I don’t engage with those particular people on Twitter, so they never show up on my page. I believe there are many benefits to being positive on Twitter, and I believe it so much so that I’ve made a list of the ways you, me, and everyone else can benefit individually from sending positive tweets each day. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Wayseer Manifesto

That advert tells of a beautiful story of perseverance and self-belief. It’s in Thai but has english subtitles, so you’d have no problem understanding. Have naysayers in your life? Are you short changing yourself because of what others say? Are you withholding who you are on the inside because you try to be someone you’re not?
It’s time to start believing in who you are and what you can be. Let the real you emerge; this is what it means to live your life to the fullest. by avayaoli Apr 13
