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Pantera - 5 Minutes Alone (Video)

Pantera - 5 Minutes Alone (Video)

my own personal demon (p.1) am obosit « Redukt's Blog 1 Apr e 00.00 gandurile incep sa devina impleticite , intortocheate. apare un om in spatele meu si imi shopteste ceva sinistru dar nu in sensul infricosator nu stiu cum pot explica . .. nu e ceva malefic dar nici benevolent. /…………….. 12 minute… descifrez doar cate ceva din ce imi infige in minte. oare eu sunt acea prezenta..? cien a spus asta a fost un geniu. : daca ai casa de sticla nu arunca cu pietre. am fost dintotdeauna pacifist si ecologist. iar dintro data din varii motive am devenit negativist si razbunator si toate opusele a tot ce am crezut k ma reprezita ca fiind entitatea numita paul. toata chestia asta cu “a fi” bun nu face rau gandeste pozitiv etc , nu imi mai pare logica sau ma rog nu logica, sa zicem.. mmm… lipsita de sens. lucid fiind e si mai dezarmant ceea ce gandesc in momentele astea. Like this: Like Loading... Tags: ganduri, incep, malefic

Pantera- Becoming Dragon - Dragon NaturallySpeaking - Nuance Dragon speech recognition software makes it easier for anyone to use a computer. You talk, and it types. Use your voice to create and edit documents or emails, launch applications, open files, control your mouse, and more. Quickly and easily capture your thoughts and ideas while Dragon helps you get more done faster. Products Whether you’re at home, school, work, or on the road, Dragon software gives you complete voice control Dragon Solutions Speech recognition tools are being used by individuals and leading organizations to streamline data collection/documentation Support & Training Whether you’re a new or experienced Dragon user, find a collection of resources to improve your Dragon experience Dragon Community Connect with with other Dragon customers to learn more about Dragon, share ideas, get news updates, and more

Pantera - The Great Southern Trendkill (1996) (Full Album) Free speech recognition in Windows 7 will take surprisingly good dictation Last month I experienced a hard disk failure and bought a new machine. In the process I lost my copy of Dragon Naturally Speaking. I have purchased this software and have the CD somewhere, but we moved since I last installed it and I have no idea where the CD is. I like to use a speech recognition program like Dragon sometimes. For example, if I have written something on paper and I need to get it into the computer, I find it easier to read it aloud rather than typing it. I had just such an occasion this week, and without my copy of Dragon I was kind of stuck. To turn on speech recognition, click the Start button (bottom left corner by default), choose the “Help & Support” option and type in “Set up Speech Recognition” or just “Speech Recognition” to see how to set it up. I set it up and did not train it at all. A demo: This article is also interesting: Talk to the Machine: Progress in Speech-Recognition Software, by David Pogue

Pantera - Reinventing The Steel (2000) (Full Album) PANTERA - Power Metal [FULL ALBUM] (1988) Pantera- Cemetery Gates (HQ) Pantera - Hole In The Sky Pantera- Cold Gin Pantera - Far Beyond the Great Southern Cowboys' Vulgar Hits! (Best Of) (2003) (Full Album)
