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Presentation Software - Zeetings_Interazione in diretta

Presentation Software - Zeetings_Interazione in diretta

Creatubbles_videonarraz_per_piccoli powtoon LearningApps -per creare moduli/app. interattive Explain Everything Collaborative Whiteboard Animate Thinking Storyboard That: The World's Best FREE Online Storyboard Creator Craig Kemp on The 4 biggest mistakes that teachers make when integrating technology 1. Integrating technologies into our learning environments needs to be relevant and purposeful; it needs to make learning easier and more engaging for our students.2. The students that we educate in today’s 21st century learning environments are digital natives and are the leaders of tomorrow. Being a passionate educator, leader, and coach, I hope for a classroom where everyone (including the educators) are willing to take risks, make mistakes and learn from them; where technology is used as a tool to enhance learning and pedagogy. Pedagogy before technology!
