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Smartmockups - Create product screenshots with just a few clicks, for free!

Smartmockups - Create product screenshots with just a few clicks, for free!

28 Tools to Help You Launch Your Startup — Product Hunt Lean Development Bubble Build a fully functional web app without any code. The goal of Bubble is to make programming easy for those who don’t have experience with its visual programming tool that allows you to build web and mobile applications without any code. The intuitive drag and drop builder allows you to easily add page elements like: text, videos, maps, icons, images, buttons, and more. Everything is customizable, down to font colors, icons, and the visibility of various elements based on what’s going on in the app you design. The workflow-based programming enables you to define exactly what happens, action by action. Wallions - Wallpapers for the billions Slack 完整教學與上手心得:找到正確的團隊溝通之道 你聽過或用過 Slack 嗎?過去一年, Slack 這一個團隊通訊平台服務不僅在國外爆紅,在台灣我也看過好幾個創業團隊使用 Slack 來做公司內部的訊息管理,到底 Slack 有什麼魅力?它是不是比起 LINE 或 Facebook 或 Email 更能有效率的管理團隊溝通呢? 在 Slack 上溝通可以被管理,並轉化為有效率的工作流程,而「溝通」和「通訊」的不同,在於前者強調深入的理解,後者著重訊息的傳遞。 在電腦玩物中我曾經寫過:「我們真要用 LINE 談論公事嗎? 裡面主要提到的想法是在團隊的即時通訊裡如何可以公私分流? 而且雖然 LINE 與 Slack 同樣可以區分對話群組、搜尋對話內容,但是 Slack 能夠根據一整個團隊裡每一個專案需求開設不同公開頻道、或建立少數人的不同私密討論區,或是一對一的傳遞訊息、檔案、圖片與任何資料, Slack 的搜尋、過濾與回顧歷史訊息的功能更強於一般的通訊軟體。 Slack 是什麼? 就像是一個團隊在運作時,需要一個公開的佈告板,一個閒聊的茶水間,針對一些計劃必須各自開說明會、討論會,而每個專案小組的成員又不時需要閉門開會,這時候,這些溝通分組要怎麼樣才會簡單又有效率? 它讓團隊之間的溝通變得更加有條理,但是同樣簡單即時,而且甚至更有趣。 我從自己這段時間使用 Slack 經驗中,歸納出以下幾點特色: 1. 不過 Slack 突破性的團隊溝通設計,或許對第一次接觸的使用者來說會有點摸不著頭緒,所以下面我也以自己的上手經驗,來分享如何入門 Slack 的重點教學。 延伸閱讀: Slack 可以解決團隊會議、團隊郵件溝通上的許多問題 如何上手 Slack ? 打開「 Slack 網站」,首先我們要為自己的團隊建立獨立的 Slack 溝通平台網址,在「 Company name 」欄位輸入網址名稱後,才是在「 Email Address 」註冊自己的帳號,這樣這個團隊溝通平台就架設完成了。 那麼如果是要加入別人已經架設好的 Slack 團隊平台呢? 我們也可以在 Slack 中隨時切換不同的團隊溝通平台。 2. 但有時候我必須找某個專案的設計、行銷討論一些機密時,我就開設一個私密群組,單獨把他們拉進來討論,這個群組在整個公司裡就只有我們三個人看得到。 或者我想特別針對某個成員做溝通,我就會私訊的方式跟他談話。 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

tumblr Animaticons - Beautiful, customizable animated GIF icons 7 Powerful Tactics To Get More Views and Followers on Snapchat - Foundr Want the heads up when new stories drop? Subscribe Here Since its humble beginnings as a photo and video sharing app in 2011, Snapchat has exploded into one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. It seems like everyone and their grandma is using Snapchat these days. Consequently, businesses and marketers all around the world have been falling over themselves trying to find their place in the latest social media revolution. Just like on Instagram, the Snapchat economy runs on the number of followers you have and the number of views your snaps get. At Foundr, we began experimenting with Snapchat, testing out different strategies, kinds of content, and various growth hacks, and we’ve managed to go from zero to over a 1,000 views per snap in just four short weeks. Our account has exploded, and with it we’ve found a new and exciting way to communicate and connect with our audience. When you need to use Snapchat I’m not going to lie to you. Change your profile pictures Ghostcodes

How To Improve Your Content Marketing With Canva Images are an integral part of content marketing, they are required not just for blog posts, slides or infographics but for posts to social media itself. One of the challenges for content marketers is producing professional images quickly and efficiently. Your new best friend is Canva, an image tool designed for content marketers. Images Matter in Content Marketing At BuzzSumo we love data and the data on the importance of images is unequivocal. 93% of the most engaging posts on Facebook are images. The power of images was demonstrated only last week by a Guardian post on Overpopulation and Overconsumption. Images not only matter in blog posts or slides but in social media posts themselves including Facebook posts, LinkedIn updates, Google Plus posts and even Tweets. The post from Martin stands out very clearly in the stream above. Why Canva? If you are part of a large content maarketing team you may have the luxury of access to designers or graphic artists. Adding text is a breeze.

The Four Horsewomen of WWE So she modeled the role after her mother. Not that her mother was some crazy scam artist. “She’s a great, perfect mother,” says Becky. “But you know those mothers. The WWE wasn’t Becky’s first foray into professional wrestling. “Coming from Europe, I was this ground-based technical wrestler, but every night I would be doing all these crazy, high-flying moves against these three Mexican guys. The pressure compounded when Becky took a look at the women who made up the bulk of the WWE roster at the time—figure models. “All of a sudden I land in Florida and I’m by myself and I have no way of getting around. Soon it was right back to Ireland, where she worked as a personal trainer. Between those two castings she also: Studied abroad in Chicago at Columbia College Learned capoeira and aerial arts (think: Cirque du Soleil)Worked in a health food store Worked as a bartender at Hibernia in Hell’s Kitchen for a summer Went to clown school, which is apparently a thing Took up sword-fighting

Why Sketch is More Powerful with a Prototyping Buddy - Speckyboy Design Magazine Prototyping, more than ever, is playing an increasingly vital role in the design and development process, and has become an essential part of the workflow for a modern-day designer, and developer. There is still the debate running through the design, and development community of “Have we hit a saturation point? When is enough?”. Just choose one that eases into your workflow, and feels the most comfortable fit for the project at hand. I will be covering just a handful of prototyping tools that I use on a regular basis, and have spent a great deal of time with, as well as those that I’ve at least given a good run-out when looking for that suitable companion tool for Sketch. Flinto Flinto for Mac allows you to create small interactions, and animations, all the way through to building comprehensive flows for multi-screen apps. It’s intuitive for beginners, and a breeze to use when you’ve become accustomed to it, with menus, tools, and options kept to a minimum. Principle Framer Marvel

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Oportunidades de financiamiento para Emprendedores y Startups con Startup Peru, Start-Up Chile y Parallel 18 de Puerto Rico Tickets, Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 5:00 PM ¿Tienes un startup global con un prototipo y estás buscando validación en el mercado latinoamericano? Te invitamos a postular a Innovate Peru, Star Up-Chile Seed y Parallel 18 en Puerto Rico! No te pierdas este meetup que se llevará a cabo gracias a la colaboración de Start-Up Perú, donde entregaremos todos los detalles de las oportunidades! También se presentarán 2 casos de proyectos de innovación productiva de Innovate Perú y habrá una sesión intensa de networking entre los partcipantes. Parallel18 es un programa del Fideicomiso para Ciencia, Tecnología e Investigación de Puerto Rico, que es una entidad sin fines de lucro, financiada en partes iguales del Fideicomiso, el Departamento de Desarrollo Económico y la Compañía de Fomento Industrial del Gobierno de Puerto Rico. Agenda - Lunes 18 de Enero, 2016 5:00 pm Registro de Participantes y Networking 5:30 pm Presentación Innovate Perú / Startup Perú - Ministerio de la Producción 6:30 pm Presentación de 2 Casos de Proyectos de Innovate Perú
