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Related:  Blockchain

Wikiversity Blockchain: Letting Students Own Their Credentials -- Campus Technology Credentialing Blockchain: Letting Students Own Their Credentials Very soon this nascent technology could securely enable registrars to help students verify credentials without the hassle of ordering copies of transcripts. By Dian Schaffhauser03/23/17 While truth may seem evasive on many fronts, a joint academic and industry effort is underway to codify it for credentialing. Basics of Blockchain Blockchain was created by Satoshi Nakamoto, the same elusive figure (or figures — nobody knows) who developed bitcoin. In the bitcoin realm of business, blockchain dangles the promise of eliminating the middleman that takes a cut of every financial transaction anybody ever does while still maintaining a permanent record of the activity. The "block" part of a blockchain contains a given transaction hashed up with a bunch of other transactions generated by other users. Early Birds

Laboratorio de innovacion democratica Translations | Mastering Bitcoin Mastering Bitcoin’s first edition has been translated into different languages by a team of volunteers. You can find more information or join one of the translation teams on Transifex. NEW! “Mastering Bitcoin Open Edition” in Chinese (Simplified) “Mastering Bitcoin Open Edition” in Spanish “Mastering Bitcoin Open Edition” in Brazilian Portuguese “Mastering Bitcoin Open Edition” in Greek “Mastering Bitcoin Open Edition” in Japanese “Mastering Bitcoin Open Edition” in Hungarian “Mastering Bitcoin Open Edition” in French (Incomplete) “Mastering Bitcoin Open Edition” in Italian (Incomplete) “Mastering Bitcoin Open Edition” in Russian (Incomplete) You can read the English version of this book on Github. The translated edition of the book is titled “Mastering Bitcoin Open Edition” and is available under an open source license (CC-BY-SA). Mastering Bitcoin Open Edition by Andreas M.

La Ciencia por Gusto What we learned from designing an academic certificates system on the blockchain Over the past year, we have been working on a set of tools to issue, display, and verify digital credentials using the Bitcoin blockchain and the open badges specification. Today we are releasing version 1 of our code under the MIT open-source license to make it easier for others to start experimenting with similar ideas. In addition to opening up the code, we also want to share some of our thinking behind the design, as well as some of the interesting questions about managing digital reputations that we plan to continue working on. You can find links to our source code, documentation, and discussion on our project homepage: The overall design of the certification architecture is fairly simple. A certificate issuer signs a well-structured digital certificate and stores its hash within a blockchain transaction. Version 1 of our tools is intended as a useful starting point for other researchers and experimental projects. Issuer, Viewer, Schema Privacy

COMPARTE | Comunidad de Aprendizaje Digital Certificates Project AUSJAL :: Menú Superior Certificates, Reputation, and the Blockchain – MIT MEDIA LAB By Philipp Schmidt (@schmidtphi) Earlier this year, the MIT Media Lab started issuing digital certificates to groups of people in our broader community. We use certificates as a way to recognize contributions we value, or simply to signal membership in the Media Lab family. For example, in July we issued coins and certificates to all of the Media Lab Director’s Fellows. The coins are physical representations of digital certificates (see below). Designing an Open Platform for Digital Certificates Certificates are signals of achievement or membership and some are more important than others. The Journeymen History of Certificates When we lived in small tight-knit communities, people knew whom they could turn to when they needed an expert (and whom to avoid). Ideally we should be in charge of our own credentials, similar to the journeymen carpenters who carry around their books of stamps and references. An Open Platform for Reputation How It Works What’s Next? Interested in learning more?

IIS Coordinador Pablo González Casanova Consejo Editorial Carlos Aguirre Rojas, Jorge Alonso, Atilio Borón, Dídimo Castillo, Miguel Concha, Ana Esther Ceceña, Arón Cohen, Carlos Fazio, Enrique Leff, Isabel Rauber, Marcos Roitman, Theotonio dos Santos, John Saxe-Fernández, Rodolfo Stavenhagen y Raúl Zibechi Secretaría Académica Anaid Campos Nájera y Raúl Romero Gallardo Desarrollo y Administración del Sitio Web Iván A. Diseño gráfico Amaury Veira Huerta Información Científica Maritza Islas, Tania Turner, Andrés E.

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