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What we SHOULD have been taught in our senior year of high school All artwork and content on this site is Copyright © 2015 Matthew Inman. Please don't steal. was lovingly built using CakePHP All artwork and content on this site is Copyright © 2015 Matthew Inman. Please don't steal. was lovingly built using CakePHP 21 Images You Wont Believe Arent Photosphopped (Part 8) | - StumbleUpon This is the latest edition of our most popular feature, in which we demonstrate that the truth is stranger than Photoshop. Here are more photos that will make every poster in the comment section scream "FAKE!" but are absolutely real. In case you missed the previous episodes, here's Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, the gritty reboot that doesn't acknowledge the previous editions, Part 6 and Part 7. And now ... #21. Via This looks like a bank of escalators seconds before they were buried under a lava flow, but it's actually one of about a hundred decorated subway stations under Stockholm, Sweden, where the natural bedrock ceiling has been painted. If nothing else, it has to make it a hell of a lot easier to figure out if you're at the right stop. Via Wikimedia Commons"Hmmm ... this has less magma than I remember." #20. Via Forbes Yes, that's a satellite photo, and yes, there really is a gigantic set of connecting canals spelling "HAMAD" in Abu Dhabi. #19. Via Making Of

Metaphysical solipsism Metaphysical solipsism is the variety of idealism which is based on the argument that no reality exists other than one's own mind or mental states, and that the individual mind is the whole of reality and the external world has no independent existence. It is expressed by the assertion "I myself only exist", in other words, no reality exists other than one's own mind. There are weaker versions of metaphysical solipsism, such as Caspar Hare's egocentric presentism (or perspectival realism), in which other persons are conscious but their experiences are simply not present. Arguments in favour of Solipsism[edit] The argument in favor of Solipsism: (a) The only thing one has direct access to is the contents of one's own mind (one's mental states). (b) Just because one sees an object does not mean that the object exists. (c) The experiences of a given person are necessarily private to that person. The basic form of the argument: "Jiva is called so because he sees the world. See also[edit]

Masterful 3D street art , from pioneering genius Kurt Wenner | Green Buzz - StumbleUpon Born in Ann Arbor, in Michigan, this truly pioneering artist is world renowned for realistic chalk murals and street paintings that give rise to fantastic optical illusions of three dimensionality, and are known in the art world as examples of the anamorphic style. So good are these 3d street art works that this man produces, that many of them have featured on TV and in many newspapers globally. image credits image credits Kurt was barely 16 years old, when commissioned to do his first portrait, an indication of just how talented he is as an artist, underlined by the fact that, within one year of that, he was already making a living doing graphic art. image credits In a radical lifestyle change in 1982, he quit his NASA post, put everything he owned up for sale, then simply headed out to Italy, wanting to study art at the home of artistic endevour. image credits image credits image credits image credits image credits image credits image credits

Nine Hilariously Awkward Facebook Interactions What happens when you insult the boss you’ve added as a friend and ask a friend if their child is stoned? The most hilariously awkward Facebook interactions ever: My Goatee Isn’t Stupid Why You Don’t Friend Your Boss On Facebook Putting Your Credit Card On Facebook…. Osama Vs Obama Facepalm Hilariously Awkward Facebook Interactions: That’s A Lot Of Likes Why Moms Shouldn’t Be Allowed On Facebook That Is Not How Internet Shopping Works This Was Not David’s Finest Moment And The Ultimate… Why You Don’t Cross Your Brother Crazy Modified Consoles A little creativity and skill turns a boring old video game system into something awesome. It's a Nintendo Gamecube That's an entire Nintendo Classic System miniaturized into one of its own cartridges!

Sputnik7 | indie music, film and video on demand Mother-in-law I was happy. My girlfriend and me were dating for over a year, and so we decided to get married. My parents helped us in every way, my friends encouraged me, and my girlfriend? There was only one thing that bothering me, quite a lot indeed, and that was my mother-in-law to be. She was a career woman, smart, but most of all beautiful and sexy, who sometimes flirted with me, quite obviously too, and made me feel uncomfortable. One day, she called me and asked me to come over, to check the invitations. What could I say? So, she said, I'll go to the bedroom, and if you are up for it just come and get me. I just watched her delicious behind as she went up the stairs. I stood there for a moment, and then turned around and went to the front door... Her husband was standing outside, and with tears in his eyes, hugged me and said, we are very happy and pleased, you have passed our little test. Lesson learned: Always keep your condoms in your car.

Mac or PC : Whats Your Weapon of Choice ? Just when you thought that having a Mac was all thats its cracked up to be , Gamers BEWARE ! Sometimes , all that glitters is not Gold and the grass is not always greener on the other side Whether youre a PC or a Mac what matters are not the Tools but the Toolmaker; or in simple terminology – Clothes dont make the man, neither does money or fame and in this case : Neither does a Machine define who you are . It is Man who makes the money and the clothes and the fame and the … MACHINES as well, So, whether you are a Mac or a PC …. Get your Game ON and just Do it !
