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A lesson on typography

A lesson on typography

Video - Girl Effect Here are three solid reasons why we want you to invest your time, energy and capital in an adolescent girl 1. Girls are agents of change They play a crucial role in solving the most persistent development problems facing the world today. By investing in their economic potential through education and by delaying child marriage and teen pregnancy, issues such as HIV and AIDS can be resolved and the cycle of poverty can be broken. To learn how a girl's success is the world's success, watch the girl effect films above. 2. They're not. 3. In India, adolescent pregnancy results in nearly $10billion in lost potential income. The question isn't: 'Why girls?' The question is: 'Why wait?' Get the latest facts

James T. Edmondson typomanie | actualités, histoire, théorie, pour tous les amateurs de typographie et les typographes-amateurs… The FontFeed | Fonts, Typography, Lettering, Design Beautiful Type // The Chic Type Blog | Page 2 Country Maps Made From Their Iconic Foods I have to admit Buzzfeed is an addiction of mine. I usually peruse through it when I need a short mental break from work, and it’s often just a series of hilarious GIFs and funny 35 Facts That Will Make You Feel Old; however, once in a while, I find some amazing content that is undoubtably worth sharing. This project is definitely one of those times! In this Food Maps series, Caitlin Levin and Henry Hargreaves (with typography by Sarit Melmed) took many iconic foods of countries and continents and turned them into physical maps. These maps show how food has traveled the globe, transforming and becoming a part of the cultural identity of each particular region. 4 people thought this was awesome! Friday’s Typographic Treats (076) * Click on each image to be taken to the original source. 1 person thought this was awesome! Type Love Wednesday (010) This is awesome! Creative Desktop Wallpapers Roundup Life Is Either A Daring Adventure Or Nothing

patterndaily hand lettering by seanwes ¿Qué es tipografía? Tipografía eres tú. | Blog de publicidad y creatividad Sean McCabe – Typographer Y os lo decimos con la pupila azul mirándoos fijamente. Hoy vamos a dedicar un momento al mundo de la tipografía porque, además de encantarnos, hemos encontrado un bonito trabajo de Thibault de Fournas sobre la evolución de la misma y ya que teníamos guardado desde hace tiempo una pequeña guía sobre hand lettering del tipógrafo y artista Sean McCabe nos ha parecido el momento perfecto para compartir ambas cosas. El primer vídeo, lo utilizaremos a modo de introducción. Es sencillo, bonito y reúne una información básica en minutos. Si has seguido leyendo es porque este tema te interesa. En su web, dice haber recibido muchas peticiones sobre cómo se hacen las letras a mano y como buen hombre que es, deja una guía que os vamos a traducir aquí y que siempre podréis ver en inglés aquí. ¿Así que quieres aprender hand lettering? A menudo me piden tutoriales sobre cómo hacer hand lettering, o dónde puede uno acudir para que le enseñen. El Proceso del Hand Lettering: Paso 1:

