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CSS Menus, css menu - high quality website navigation menus

Showcase: Twitter status design - Kreativuse™ - Creative Resourc Update : Here is Part II Twitter is awesome. A lot of people love it – and they put their twitter shout outs or twitter status on their blog, for micro blogging or as a small update or for whatever reasons. Here are some twitter status designs compiled from some great websites out there. The showcase Share If you have more great examples, share with us! Print Business Cards Online at

CSS Drop Shadows They’re the corkscrew in every graphic designer’s Swiss Army knife. Much used, oft maligned but always popular, drop shadows are a staple of graphic design. Although easy to accomplish with image-editing software, they’re not of much use in the fast-changing world of web design. On the web, adaptability and ease of use dictate trends — and static images with a fixed background effect are not very adaptable. But what if we had a technique to build flexible CSS drop shadows that can be applied to arbitrary block elements? That can expand as the content of the block changes shape? Interested? Here’s how it works: you need to make a drop shadow image in the image editor of your choice. We’ll start by giving a shadow to an image and then move on to other block elements. And its corresponding markup (one div is the only extra markup we’ll need): The following illustration shows how the technique works: First, our previously prepared shadow file will be set as background for the div. That “!

IDG Now! - Conheça quatro softwares que convertem formatos diferentes de vídeos São Paulo - O IDG Now! separou softwares que convertem diferentes tipos de vídeo para que você tenha sempre seu filme preferido no bolso. Reportagem feita a partir de dúvida de leitor; saiba mais O vídeo está cada vez mais popular na internet e, atualmente, é possível usar celular e câmeras digitais para gravar imagens. Mas há um problema tecnológico que foge aos usuários que não são aficionados por tecnologia. > Saiba quais os formatos de vídeo Mas não vale nada se não houver ferramentas à mão que facilitam a transformação de um para outro - afinal, nenhum conhecimento bate você guardar no iPod ou celular um filme caseiro ou aquele vídeo do YouTube. Confira a relação de softwares. Easy Video Converter 7.2.7 - O Easy Video Converter 7.2.7, da Amigo, conta com uma avalanche de formatos digitais que podem ser tanto o alvo como o conteúdo da transformação. Além de vídeo, o software também faz conversão de até 11 formatos de aúdio.

CSS Menu Builder | Free online navigation generator /my/flicker.html This page is basically a duplication of a comment I made on mezzoblue. Introduction Whilst developing a work-around to background-attachment:fixed for IE7, I came across the horrible image flicker problem. Oh. And this is a browser problem not a server problem. Unfortunately the only way to fix it is by configuring your server. That pesky image flicker!! To clarify: only affects IE6.0 (not IE5.0/5.5) only affects CSS background-images which are influenced by some dynamic effect on the page (these are numerous and are not just hovers) is especially persistent when IE’s cache settings are “Every visit to the page” (a common developer’s setting) the force-no-vary server configuration does not fix the flicker for the above setting. Apache As well as these lines: #this stops screen flicker in IE BrowserMatch "MSIE" brokenvary=1 BrowserMatch "Mozilla/4.[0-9]{2}" brokenvary=1 BrowserMatch "Opera" ! I added the following lines to my Apache httpd.conf file*: Then I tuned on the Apache module mod_expires:

Acentuação no Mac E ae pessoal, tranquilidade? Um pouco sumido, muito trabalho, muitos blogs, mas sempre apareço. Venho aqui não para postar tutoriais complexos (?) Movimento Blog Voluntário. Este Movimento na verdade provém do Dia Global do Voluntariado Jovem, que acontece em três dias: 25 a 27 de abril, onde pessoas do mundo inteiro trabalham para melhorar o ambiente global e local. Daí a idéia do Movimento. Verdade Dulça. Exatamente. Mas a pessoa pode ser leiga dulça. Pode não, ELA É. E lógico que você não vai apresentar só que ele tinha um bigode bisonho e que criou a tal teoria modafoca. Mas onde você quer chegar? Sim, eu imagino. Você nunca vai começar a falar sobre algo ou alguém, sem saber pelo menos o básico sobre o assunto. Entendi Bruno. Sim, craro. Ou você acha que somos dependentes da faculdade, colégio e tudo mais? Mas isso é assunto pra outro post ou movimento. Acentuação e Códigos no Mac Falarei sobre algo que é meio chato, principalmente para os iniciantes em Mac. Legal Dulça. Sim, comprei.

CSS Rounded Corners 'Roundup' 4Google + Note: This post is continually updated as I come across new techniques. This collection of techniques to create boxes with rounded corners using CSS has become quite popular. To that end I've provided some more information about each method in order to help people choose which best fits their needs. Some of these techniques use CSS and one or more background images, some use CSS, JavaScript and no images, and a couple use only CSS — no images or JavaScript required (more markup is needed though). Not Sure Which One to Use? There are so many different techniques now, it really depends on your individual requirements and preferences; particularly whether you want to use a JavaScript-based technique or not. Try out a few methods and see if there's one that fits. Click on a column heading to sort the table by that column. CSS Only Methods

'min-height' in Safari - Anne’s Weblog about Markup & Style As you might know, Safari 1.2, doesn't support min-height. While some people don't really care about the Mac (like me, although I would want one) and others do I found a solution after I gave up. A person, who doesn't see that much value in web standards, made a comment about the Safari failure (the complete site was readable, only visually not the same as Mozilla) and concluded that my CSS knowledge wasn't sufficient. Of course, I didn't like that comment and started thinking how he would have solved the problem which led me to tables, obviously. I immediately thought of how I hate the CSS table model and directly after that I saw how it could solve my problem. In CSS 2.1, the height of a cell box is the maximum of the table cell's 'height' property and the minimum height required by the content (MIN). All I had to do to make min-height work cross-browser, was using something else:
