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Making the Modern World

Making the Modern World

Science & vie A Teacher’s Field Guide to Parents Share it now! Teachers would be foolhardy to label parents as either good or bad. Not all parents are created equal and cannot be categorized on a single spectrum. To do so would jeopardize a teacher’s ability to survive. Literally. You see, when normally mild mannered and reasonable people become parents they take on a condition that shapes their behavior. One parent, whom I see every morning in the mirror, told me, “We’re like werewolves, transfigured by parenthood.” Knowing this, we teachers must be careful when working with us parents. So below is an very incomplete field guide to some of the more extreme types of parents that both new & veteran teachers might come across, along with some handling strategies. Please feel free to add additional parent types or handling ideas in the comment section. 1. Characteristic markings: They want it their way, right away. Identifying behaviors: “I sent you that e-mail (8 seconds ago), have you responded yet?” What you might say: “Oh, no, sorry.

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