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Slavery Images

Slavery Images
The 1,280 images in this collection have been selected from a wide range of sources, most of them dating from the period of slavery. This collection is envisioned as a tool and a resource that can be used by teachers, researchers, students, and the general public - in brief, anyone interested in the experiences of Africans who were enslaved and transported to the Americas and the lives of their descendants in the slave societies of the New World. We would like to emphasize that little effort is made to interpret the images and establish the historical authenticity or accuracy of what they display. To accomplish this would constitute a major and different research effort. Copyright 2015, Virginia Foundation for the Humanities and University of Virginia Related:  Traite et esclavage

[Comité pour la Mémoire de l'Esclavage] Uncle Tom's Cabin & American Culture Selected Civil War Photographs Home Page All images are digitized | All jpegs/tiffs display outside Library of Congress | View All This online collection provides access to about 7,000 different views and portraits made during the American Civil War (1861-1865) and its immediate aftermath. The images represent the original glass plate negatives made under the supervision of Mathew Brady and Alexander Gardner as well as the photographic prints in the Civil War photographs file in the Prints & Photographs Reading Room. These negatives and prints are sometimes referred to as the Anthony-Taylor-Rand-Ordway-Eaton Collection to indicate the previous owners. The Library purchased the negatives in 1943. Search tip for this collection: Try putting in very few search terms, particularly when searching for people (for example, try just the person's last name). Many additional Civil War images are in other collections, including drawings, prints, and photograph albums to name a few. View a slide show of samples. Andrew J.

HIAF 201 Introduction -- History 201 introduces undergraduates to the early history of the peoples of Africa, with emphasis on "Black" Africa south of the Sahara. The course begins with the origins of African civilizations in the later "stone age" (ca. 25,000 BCE) and runs through the late-eighteenth-century years of Africa's most intensive exports of slaves. It concentrates on people and civilizations indigenous to Africa. It therefore notices Asian and European visitors only as people in Africa influenced them or took them into account. Such extraneous (though related) topics in European or world history as the origins of Islam, the Atlantic slave trade, European wars that touched African shores, the African diaspora in the New World, and European explorers and missionaries receive attention mainly in their African aspects. This thematic approach means studying the first weeks' lectures and readings carefully to identify the "key themes" that will develop during the remainder of the term.

Esclaves et Affranchis de Guyane Il y a une dizaine d'années, je suis parti du constat personnel suivant : engagé dans un programme d'archéologie coloniale sur d'anciennes habitations jésuites, force était de constater la pauvreté des études en matière d'esclavage et d'histoire sociale en Guyane. Certes, des travaux pionniers, fondamentaux encore aujourd'hui, posaient des bases solides (Serge Mam Lam Fouck, Marie-José Jolivet, Yannick Le Roux). Tous ces travaux, si réussis fussent-ils, ne permettaient toutefois pas de toucher les esclaves dans leur individualité. J'avais besoin de données précises sur les ateliers d'esclaves des habitations que nous prospections ainsi que sur ceux des établissements voisins. Les objets de mes recherches s'étendant et touchant systématiquement à l'histoire locale, je me suis donc lancé dans le dépouillement des registres relevant de l'état civil. La base de données contient pour l'instant les informations extraites des registres des nouveaux libres (1848-1853).

ducation WP6 - Enseignement et recherche en interaction Bienvenue Ce site propose des ressources pédagogiques pour enseigner traites, esclavages et leurs abolitions, de l'Antiquité à nos jours, ainsi que des réflexions sur les enjeux et débats que l'enseignement de ces questions sensibles peut susciter. Il est réalisé par des enseignants, formateurs, chercheurs de France, de Grande Bretagne, d'Haïti et du Sénégal, membres d'EURESCL. La conception et la programmation ont été assurées par des développeurs du CRDP de L'académie de Créteil. On y trouve des documents variés, de qualité, présentés de manière scientifique et didactique. Le site s'adresse à des enseignants du premier et du second degré, mais aussi à leurs élèves, et à toute personne s'intéressant à ces questions. WP6 - bridging research and education welcome This website contains resources for teaching slavery studies and a range of contemporary issues and debates related to slavery.

Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1938 The Library of Congress Manuscript Division, Library of Congress and Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress Search by Keywords | Browse Narratives by Narrator | VolumeBrowse Photographs by Subject | Browse All by State Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1938 contains more than 2,300 first-person accounts of slavery and 500 black-and-white photographs of former slaves. The mission of the Library of Congress is to make its resources available and useful to Congress and the American people and to sustain and preserve a universal collection of knowledge and creativity for future generations. The Library of Congress presents these documents as part of the record of the past. Special Presentations An Introduction to the WPA Slave Narratives by Norman R. Voices and Faces from the Collection American Memory | Search All Collections | Collection Finder | Teachers

Civil War 150: Civil War Stories, Civil War Battles, Civil War Pictures, Civil War Timeline
