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4 Ways White People Can Process Their Emotions Without Bringing the White Tears - Everyday Feminism

4 Ways White People Can Process Their Emotions Without Bringing the White Tears - Everyday Feminism
Related:  Racisme/Discriminations

"Les Proies", le nouveau film de Sofia Coppola, est-il raciste ? Alors que Les Proies, le nouveau film de Sofia Coppola, sort en salles ce mercredi 23 août, une polémique a éclaté il y a quelques mois aux Etats-Unis concernant la représentation raciale dans le sixième film de la cinéaste ainsi que dans le reste de sa filmographie. Seren Sensei, une écrivaine militante s’est notamment indignée à ce sujet dans une tribune publiée sur la plateforme Medium. “La blancheur n’est pas une race mais elle est la norme” Au départ, tout allait pour le mieux pour Les Proies. Après les retours globalement positifs du festival de Cannes où le film remporte le prix de la mise en scène, son parcours vers les Oscars semble se dessiner sous les meilleurs auspices. La controverse jaillit véritablement lorsque, un peu plus tard, la réalisatrice déclare pour se défendre qu’elle “souhaitait explorer les dynamiques de genre de la Confédération, et non les dynamiques raciales.” “Dis que tu voulais créer un fantasme raciste et suprématiste blanc, Sofia Coppola”

Twitter rips #BeckyWithTheBadGrades Abigail Fisher after SCOTUS upholds affirmative action Don't miss stories. Follow Raw Story! The U.S. Supreme Court effectively upheld affirmative action by ruling against a white Texas woman who claims she was not admitted to the University of Texas at Austin because she is Caucasian. Abigail Fisher first sued in 2008 after she failed to make the cut when applying through a state program that admits the top 10 percent of student achievers in their classes to the state’s public universities. Justice Anthony Kennedy cast the swing vote and in his opinion stated that Fisher did not challenge the state’s top 10 percent policy. Social media reactions to the ruling were varied, including some that riffed off the cult film Friday and it’s “bye Felicia” trope, using the hashtag #ByeAbbey.

Klanswomen, les femmes féministes du KKK Alors c’est un peu bizarre comme titre, j’en conviens. Selon moi, on ne peut pas être féministe et appartenir au KKK, du fait même que si on veut l’égalité femme-homme il faut nécessairement souhaiter l’égalité femme-femme, ce qui n’est pas du tout le cas des Klanswomen… Mais je vous avais promis cet article il y a déjà quelque temps lors de la publication de l’article sur le KKK, le voici ! Le WKKK, ou Women Ku Klux Klan est une organisation créée en 1921 mais officialisée en 1923. Effectivement, le 10 juin 1923, le WKKK devient une organisation auxiliaire du KKK. Les femmes ne pouvant pas intégrer le Klan, elles se sont donc liées autour d’une organisation anti-juive, anti-catholique, anti-immigrée et anti-noire qui se démarque du KKK car les femmes revendiquent l’importance du droit de vote pour les femmes (obtenu en 1920) afin de protéger et purifier les pratiques politiques. Avec la crise économique de 1929, le WKKK et le KKK sont un peu dans la merde. 16 juillet 2017

Why Isn’t Anyone Talking About The Radicalization of Whites? – AfroSapiophile Many of my white friends have become Radicalized What do white people got to be so angry about? ~ Chris Rock A while back ago I spoke in great pain on how I’m losing friends fighting racism. Radicalization? Radicalization of the White American To the left is a photograph I took of a white woman, bowing down to Donald Trump during the Tucson Trump rally in March 2016. The put this into perspective, I do a lot of political/protest rallies as a street photographer. As Donald Trump continued to validate the claims of white supremacists, Americanized Nazis, and other racists, I always think of this photo. I think of this photo a lot. The structure and ideologies of white supremacy must be very comfortable. Sure, to a black person this level of pride is sick and disgusting. Being that these things are understood by white America, imagine if a person comes by who promise to practically, maintain and rejuvenate white supremacy? What takes place is a caste system within a society. Like this:

Quand Macron s’attaque au ventre des femmes africaines Les femmes africaines seraient-elles responsables du sous-développement de l’Afrique ? C’est ce que semble penser Emmanuel Macron. Interrogé sur le développement de ce continent, lors du sommet du G20, le président de la République a pointé du doigt les “7 à 8 enfants”, qu’aurait chaque Africaine. Un problème “civilisationnel”, selon lui. Pour Emmanuel Macron, le sous-développement de l’Afrique ne serait pas dû à la misère, à la pauvreté ou à des années sous l’emprise du colonialisme et de l’esclavagisme. “La transition démographique est l’un des défis essentiel de l’Afrique”, a-t-il déclaré, comme on l’entend dans cette vidéo. “C’est le sous-développement qui entraîne la surpopulation” Une manière très réductrice d’expliquer le sous-développement du continent, comme le rappelle la politologue Françoise Vergès dans le Ventre des Femmes (Albin Michel), paru en mars dernier.

White Women Drive Me Crazy White Privilege, Explained in One Simple Comic - Everyday Feminism White privilege can be a tricky thing for people to wrap their heads around. If you’ve ever called out white privilege before, chances are you’ve heard responses like “But I’m didn’t ask to be born white!” or “You’re being reverse racist.” The next time that happens, just show the nay-sayer this succinct comic by Jamie Kapp explaining what white privilege is — and what it isn’t. Read more on white privilege and institutionalized racism at Jamie Kapp’s Tumblr page. Jamie Kapp is a 19-year old artist. Why I’m no longer talking to white people about race | World news On 22 February 2014, I published a post on my blog. I titled it “Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People about Race”. It read: “I’m no longer engaging with white people on the topic of race. Not all white people, just the vast majority who refuse to accept the existence of structural racism and its symptoms. I can no longer engage with the gulf of an emotional disconnect that white people display when a person of colour articulates their experience. You can see their eyes shut down and harden. “This emotional disconnect is the conclusion of living a life oblivious to the fact that their skin colour is the norm and all others deviate from it. “At best, white people have been taught not to mention that people of colour are “different” in case it offends us. “They’ve never had to think about what it means, in power terms, to be white, so any time they’re vaguely reminded of this fact, they interpret it as an affront. “That’s the emotional disconnect. Both men received life sentences.

You Can Be Brown and Anti-Black: On Lilly Singh and Modern Day Blackface Singh has made videos where she’s wearing backwards caps with bandanas, oversized shirts, cornrows, chains and braids because #thatswhatblackpeoplebedoing. In the music video for “Lilly Singh & Humble the Poet: #IVIVI,” Lilly raps while dancing innovatively on a basketball court. In yet another video, she throws dollars at a camera while seated on a throne and dabs while reciting lyrics that rhyme with archaic terms like ‘homie’ and ‘haters.’ What the hell, beloved? Why is this an issue? The same reason it’s an issue when Katy Perry fucks with her struggle-cornrows or Miley Cyrus flexes her born-again Caucasian speeches about the dangers of hip hop music after she literally just used Black culture to get money. White women are placed at the top of the racialized hierarchy above all women. White people step in and out of Blackness when it is convenient for them, but this is not just something white people do, non-black people of color like Lilly Singh do it too. It’s dangerous too.

How "Nice White People" Benefit from Charlottesville and White Supremacy Thigh-High Politics is an Op-Ed column by Teen Vogue writer Lauren Duca that breaks down the news, provides resources for the resistance, and just generally refuses to accept toxic nonsense. A violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville this weekend left one woman dead, at least 19 injured, and an entire country unable to deny the reality that, yeah, racism really is that bad in the year 2017. The protest — proudly accessorized with swastikas, Confederate flags, and an unabridged thesaurus of slurs — was perhaps the most grotesque manifestation of bigotry since the 2016 election. The president’s response to Charlottesville reveals this weekend’s nightmare as the tip of a big old racist iceberg otherwise known as America. “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides,” he said from Bedminster, New Jersey, on Saturday. White people benefit from white supremacy. Things to Read: Things to Do: Check this out:

« De toute façon, toi tu ressembles à Ngolo Kanté «  – Les bavardages de Kiyémis. En grandissant en France, puis en arrivant sur les réseaux sociaux, j’ai remarqué certaines choses qui étaient très récurrentes : le fait qu’on associe les femmes noires à des joueurs de foot masculins français, souvent de peau foncée. Ainsi, j’ai moi même pu être affublée d’appelation comme « Bakayoko », « Ngolo Kanté » etc. Cette association était évidemment négative : les corps de footballeurs noirs à la peau foncée étaient transformés en insultes à l’égard de femmes noires, comme un moyen de les humilier. Mrs Roots a déjà parlé, dans un article qui a fait couler beaucoup d’encre, et qui a provoqué pas mal de réactions (et pas toutes positives) de misogynoir. Dans « La matrice de la race. Au delà des critères de beauté occidentaux, exclusifs, on le sait, on voit que l’esthétique et l’apparence physique ont joué dans l’exclusion des femmes noires dans la catégorie « femmes » dans l’oeil euro américain, hégémonique. Pour aller plus loin : Ne Suis-je pas une Femme ? WordPress:

How white women use strategic tears to silence women of colour | Ruby Hamad That the voices of “women of colour” are getting louder and more influential is a testament less to the accommodations made by the dominant white culture and more to their own grit in a society that implicitly – and sometimes explicitly – wants them to fail. At the Sydney writers’ festival on Sunday, editor of Djed Press, Hella Ibrahim, relayed the final minutes of a panel on diversity featuring writers from the western Sydney Sweatshop collective. One of the panellists, Winnie Dunn, in answering a question about the harm caused by good intentions, had used the words “white people” and “shit” in the same sentence. This raised the ire of a self-identified white woman in the audience who interrogated the panellists as to “what they think they have to gain” by insulting people who “want to read their stories.” “I walked out of that panel frustrated,” Ibrahim wrote. Sign up to receive the latest Australian opinion pieces every weekday Trauma assails brown and black women from all directions.

A Much-Needed Primer on Cultural Appropriation YOU CAN'T GET PERMISSION FROM A CULTURE. You can't. Gwen Stefani got permission from four Japanese women to tour around with her and be called "Love, Angel, Music, Baby" as though they were figments from her imagination. And you know what? Harajuku girls are all about that shit. They spend their yen on L.A.M.B. I am radically liberal. Last year for Halloween, I put on a war bonnet and my Korean boyfriend donned a cowboy hat. And when I go on the internet and read these CONVOLUTED rules about how to "appreciate other cultures", I want to fucking SCREAM. I used to be really in to K-pop, J-pop, manga, etc. the dopest ethiopienne hey white feminists! ok yay SB5 is dead now stop celebrating for just one moment to consider: the women of color and poor/working class women who will be turned away at the polls in droves because part of the Voting Rights Act was repealed todaythe fact that women of color like Senator Leticia van de Putte are ALREADY having their words and actions erased, misattributed to Wendy Davis, whose blonde face and bright sneakers make her the perfect White Feminist Icon (TM)trans*/intersex/gender non-conforming folks, whose reproductive rights are always under vastly more scrutiny than cis women’sNative women whose sovereignty was dealt yet another blow today in the “Veronica” caseLesbian/queer/bisexual/same gender-loving women whose right to marry will be deliberated upon tomorrow (and the lesbian/queer/bisexual/same gender-loving women dying every day with concerns far more life-threatening than the right to participate in a capitalist institution)
