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Ethics - Introduction to ethics: Ethics: a general introduction Religious Studies The Christmas Story of the Nativity We have produced this illustrated Christmas story of the Birth of Jesus suitable for 6 - 11 year olds. Simple to navigate. Jesus - The Story A site which examines the life, character, teachings and followers of Jesus Christ. It represents the thoughts of mainstream Christian denominations and organisations. BBC Learning Zone Class Clips The Learning Zone provides short videos which have been selected to match the curriculum for use in primary and secondary schools. Christmas Games Check out our favourite selection of Christmas games and interactive Advent Calendars. Christmas How much do you know about Christmas? Christmas Activities Try our selection of Christmas puzzles and colouring pictures. Advent Find out the facts about Advent, when it is on the Christian Calendar and how it is celebrated in the Christian Church. How to Make a Christingle Follow our step-by-step instructions on how to make a Christingle. The Meaning of Christingle Paint a Dragon

FaradaySchools james bulger case Holidays and Notable Special Days in Great Britain UK 2009 - 2011 I have created several calendars for different events, special days, national holidays, festivals and celebrations which take place in the UK. (SEE HERE) A few comments from visitors: "I am and American citizen and astounded by your wonderful website! "I was searching the web yesterday for a website that would give me a calendar of significant days and weeks throughout the year. "EXCELLENT information of the customs and traditions of Great Britain........some of which are in danger of being lost or forgotten forever. "As a childminder I like to celebrate festivals and awareness days with the little ones. "Information about awareness days and special dates to help me plan my youth work programme." "I am British but now living in the US. "Thank you for all the information i have found relating to feasts and festivals as a teacher it has given me an insite to the history i needed to teach to primary children" Julie, Northampton England "This is a fantastic website.

Places of Worship All teachers know that learning takes place outside the classroom as well as inside it. Visits are highly valuable educational experiences. We also know how much learning inside the classroom is enhanced by visits outside it. These pages are an encouragement to use both local and national religious resources that are available outside the classroom in order to give pupils first hand experiences of the religious buildings and the communities they serve. Click on the boxes above to access a window into the world of one of the main religious traditions in the UK. Click on the links to the right and you will be guided through all the instructions you will need to make a visit to a place of worship successful. Click on the other boxes to discover suggestions for activities and questions for students to ask.

Homework Trois fiches de compréhension : musulman, juif, chrétien Ces trois fiches sont un support pour aborder avec les enfants du caté les pratiques d'un enfant chrétien, musulman ou juif. source ? Je suis chrétienne fiche je suis chrétienne Je suis musulman fiche je suis musulman Je suis juif fiche je suis juif Voir aussi une fiche sur la fête des cabanes chez les juifs Documents - sitEColes Abraham, "Père des croyants", marque la Bible toute entière. Mais qui est-il vraiment pour les chrétiens, les juifs et les musulmans ? Abraham, "Père des croyants", marque la Bible tout entière, car c'est lui qui, le premier, reçoit la Révélation et va croire en un Dieu unique.Pour les chrétiens et les juifs, Abraham est le premier des trois patriarches, avec Isaac et Jacob, tandis que les musulmans le considèrent comme une des quatre grands prophètes avec Moïse, Jésus et Mahomet. Qui est Abraham ? Son nom est d'abord Abram "Père élevé". Abraham est aussi le père du peuple d'Israël. Abraham est révéré par les musulmans qui le nomment Ibrâhîm. Cependant, il faut noter que le Coran et la Bible se contredisent sur un point central, le fils sacrifié : d'après le Coran, il s'agirait d'Ismaël et non d'Isaac. Chrétiens, juifs et arabes se donnent donc en Abraham un ancêtre commun, l'ancêtre de tous ceux qui changent leur vie parce qu'ils croient au Dieu unique. Abraham…

Religions abrahamiques « Religions abrahamiques » expliqué aux enfants par Vikidia, l’encyclopédie junior Une religion est un ensemble de croyances, de pratiques et de rites communs à un grand nombre d'êtres humains, qui définissent le rapport de l'homme avec le sacré et sa compréhension du monde. Certaines religions sont centrées sur la croyance en des dieux ou en un Dieu, mais il existe également des religions qui n'ont pas cette notion. Il a existé de très nombreuses religions sur la Terre, avec chacune leurs caractéristiques et mythologies particulières. Les religions monothéistes abrahamiques[modifier] Précisions[modifier] Le Judaïsme est la plus ancienne religion abrahamique et l’Islam, la moins ancienne. Personnages des trois religions[modifier] Les grands personnages des trois religions sont, dans l’ordre chronologique : Références[modifier] Généralités[modifier] Les branches du christianisme[modifier] Le catholicisme[modifier] Le catholique croit à la Sainte Trinité. Le protestantisme[modifier]

SPCK Assemblies - The French terrorist attack Responds to the horrific terrorist attack on the staff of the French satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo Suitable for Whole School (Pri) Aims To respond to the horrific terrorist attack on the staff of the French satirical magazine. Preparation and Materials This rapid response assembly is designed to suggest a variety of ways of dealing with the subject to adapt to your students’ concerns and age group. Assembly 1. 2. For younger children you might use the following simple analogy: Suppose that someone from your class was often late for school. 3. 4. 5. Time for reflection You could end with a time of silence to remember the victims of this and other attacks and/or a prayer if appropriate to your school ethos. A prayer Sometimes words are not enoughSometimes what has happened seems too much to comprehendHelp us to care, not be overwhelmed and to work together for a more peaceful world. Song / Music ‘Fragile’ by Sting or something by Enya to give a calm atmosphere for the reflection.
