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Related:  Engelska 2mrsann

I NPtider - Starwarsify your life and survive! Nu när vi går in i terminens tuffaste period kan det vara skönt att ha ett färdigt upplägg att sno! Ni som har svenska i er kombination med engelska kan nog behöva nåt färdigt för att överleva, eller hur? Var så goda! Sno på! Har du provat att skriva fanfiction med dina elever? Fanfiction är en texttyp där du använder redan existerande handlingar och karaktärer ur filmer och böcker som du gillar för att hylla dessa. Förra året kom jag i kontakt med Shannon Sauro som undervisar i engelska vid Malmö högskola. Om du vill använda upplägget är det fritt fram att låna! Mina elever fick i läxa att titta på filmen och läsa om hur du skriver Fanfiction via länken nedan. Om du vill ha modelltexter att visa dina elever så att de förstår vad fanfiction är kan du låta dem läsa mina elevers färdiga texter här: Olaf and the heat (Texten utgår från filmen Frozen och något oväntat händer med Olaf!) Fanfiction year 9 Before you come to class you need to read the wiki on how to write Fanfaction below. 1. 2.

Perseus Digital Library The 100 Best Young-Adult Books of All Time We’re living in a golden age of young-adult literature, when books ostensibly written for teens are equally adored by readers of every generation. In the… We’re living in a golden age of young-adult literature, when books ostensibly written for teens are equally adored by readers of every generation. In the likes of Harry Potter and Katniss Everdeen, they’ve produced characters and conceits that have become the currency of our pop-culture discourse—and inspired some of our best writers to contribute to the genre. LIST: The 100 Best Young Adult Books of All Time Little, Brown The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian (Buy here) By Sherman Alexie. See 17 authors’ favorite books for young readers. Read about how author Meg Wolitzer was inspired by Sylvia Plath’s Bell Jar. It’s your turn: By the editors of TIME, with reporting by Daniel D’Addario, Giri Nathan and Noah Rayman. Updated: Because of a duplication, Tarzan of the Apes has been added.

10 Illustrated English Idioms That Will Make Your Life Easier For many people learning English for the first time it can be daunting and complex language to master. Lots of silent letters, complex spellings and odd expressions which often go over the heads of most non-English speakers. To make learning English a little easier, Irish illustrator Roisin Hahessy has created some wonderfully simple yet funny pictures to help make things a little clearer. Now whenever you hear any of these English idioms, thanks to Hahessy at least now you'll have a better idea of where the conversation is heading! Via Roisin Hahessy

Att lära av gamla prov för att lyfta nivån på skrivandet Jag har letat fram gamla nationella prov i engelska för C-delen och elevlösningar som är bedöma i det röda häftet för att kunna använda i undervisningen. Jag har lyckats hitta fyra olika prov som inte har sekretess längre. Dessa kommer vi att titta på efter påsklovet fram till elevernas egna skrivande av texter på de nationella proven i engelska vilket blir ganska precis tre veckor. Vad är en article? Innan vi tittar på dem har jag satt ihop en presentation som inledning. Att arbeta med strukturen I presentationens del 2 finns en kortare repetition av det ovan med hjälp av några flashcards och instruktionsfilmer, samt en genomgång av hur man bygger upp en text. Du hittar presentationen här! När jag har gått igenom hela presentationen har jag tänk att eleverna ska få analysera gamla elevlösningar från de röda häftena jag nämnde ovan. Att lära av gamla prov Ord och begrepp Konkretisering av bedömningsaspekterna Bedömningen av de skriftliga nationella proven utgår från olika aspekter.

Read book online: Literature books,novels,short stories,fiction,non-fiction, poems,essays,plays,Pulitzer prize, Nobel prize The Most Read Book Among High School Seniors From Each State, in One Surprising Map Native Americans living in the Northeast, like Game of Thrones fans, knew one thing at this time of year: Winter is coming. As such, now was the time for one last glut of food before a four-month-at-least period of traveling along with migrating prey in order to hunt for fresh food. In that sense, yes, Native American harvest feasts are a clear primogenitor to today's Thanksgiving. But the truth is more complex. As Thanksgiving matured as a holiday in the Americas, many of the inhabitants in the United States — Native Americans, settlers and enslaved Africans — contributed elements of our modern Thanksgiving meal to the table. If Thanksgiving is an American tradition, then its roots are as varied and widespread as America, as well. He added, "And when you know and you understand that it becomes a lot harder to make pronouncements about people or even yourself when you understand how things really came to be." TWithout turkey, Thanksgiving would be a flightless bird.

100 English Synonyms to Expand Your Vocabulary – Espresso English A synonym is a word with the same or a similar meaning as another word. For example, the words big and large are synonyms. Buy and purchase are also synonyms – although we tend to use “buy” in a more informal context, and “purchase” in a more formal context. Keep in mind that some synonyms in the list below might not be “perfect” synonyms – there may be slight differences in meaning and connotation. For example, the words smart and wise. Both of them mean “intelligent,” but the word wise also implies that the person has additional good judgement and deep perception about life. Synonyms are often used in different collocations, too. Powerful, potent, and firm are synonyms for strong. If you’re not sure how to use the synonyms below – or if you want to see example sentences – check this dictionary and this sample sentence search! Synonyms for SMART Audio Playerbrightsharpbrilliantastutewise Synonyms for STUPID Audio Playerdumbidioticdimwittedslowdense Synonyms for ESSENTIAL Synonyms for EXCELLENT

Realia möter digital läsförståelse - Mia Smith Vill du också veta hur du ska planera för och bedöma kunskapskravet för “realia” där eleven ska diskutera företeelser och jämföra med egna erfarenheter och kunskaper? Då jag och Annika Sjödahl började reflektera över hur olika fokus engelsklärare generellt la på bedömningen fick vi en tanke att skapa en planering som bygger på Skolverkets olika material. I de uppgifter vi sett bedöms ofta bara skrivuppgifterna och inte själva jämförelsen kring realian. Inte sällan utan stöd för att eleverna ska nå målen. För att synliggöra hur vi tänker kring stödet men även bedömningen har vi delat en planering sist i inlägget. Innan du tar del av den vill vi synliggöra hur vi tänker kring planeringen för att få validitet, för att se till att vi verkligen bedömer det som ska bedömas. livsvillkor, samhällsfrågor och kulturella företeelser i olika sammanhang och delar av världen där engelska används(Lgr11, engelska åk 9) Kunskapskravet som ska bedömas är detta: Virtuell samplanering Livsvillkor

Free Public Domain Books from the Classic Literature Library How to use Viralelt All Viralelt posts consist of three parts: an embedded viral video, 10 conversation questions (Question time) and a listening activity (Sitting comfortably?). Show your students the video a few times and ask them for their reactions. Although most videos are less than 2 minutes long, and are often without dialogue, they should be sufficiently engaging to provoke quite lengthy open-class discussions. You may like to exploit a video further by doing one of the following activities: 1. Put your students into pairs or small groups and ask them to discuss the 10 conversation questions. Sitting comfortably? As regards language input, emphasis has been given to lexis rather than grammar. 4 ideas for revisiting vocabulary a) Gapfilling (with or without the first letter) b) Students complete sentences using their own ideas c) Conversation questions incorporating key vocabulary d) Matching beginnings and ends of sentences Like this: Like Loading...

The Coop Times All stories written in this game are automatically published to The Coop Times newspaper - read them here. By Adam Carr - @2HitAdam with special thanks to Omeed Dariani, Jola Pez and Matt Carr for submitting extra prompts! Music "Big Fish" and "Full Hand" by CC BY 3.0 If you've enjoyed my game and it's within your means, please consider giving back <3 I'm near broke at the moment, and donations help me keep making these games! So you wanna be a journalist, huh? You play as a journalist trying to get a piece out before a deadline. More games by 2 Hit Studio

Free eBooks at Planet eBook - 80+ Classic Novels and Literature 25 Reading Strategies That Work In Every Content Area 25 Reading Strategies That Work In Every Content Area Reading is reading. By understanding that letters make sounds, we can blend those sounds together to make whole sounds that symbolize meaning we can all exchange with one another. Without getting too Platonic about it all, reading doesn’t change simply because you’re reading a text from another content area. Only sometimes it does. Science content can often by full of jargon, research citations, and odd text features. Social Studies content can be an interesting mix of itemized information, and traditional paragraphs/imagery. Literature? This all makes reading strategies somewhat content area specific. But if you’d like to start with a basic set of strategies, you could do worse than the elegant graphic above from Looking for related curricula ideas? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. To the above list, we’d add: 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 25 Reading Strategies That Work In Every Content Area
