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Puzzling Thanks everyone for the kind comments. I think I’m through the worst of this illness thing, and with a little luck, I’ll be fighting polar bears by Monday Also, two days left for the preorder! I can’t thank everyone enough for your support, and by next week the book will be off to the printers Adventurously Awkward! - Ruleless Sorry, I think I’m totaling 6 hours of sleep for the last 3 days, and my humor is absolutely vulgar this late D: Next week I promise humor will be slightly more… friendly? Anyways, the preoder is going splendidly (almost there!), you guys continue to amaze me at every corner. I know I’ve said this many times, but seriously, if there is progression, it’s pretty much because of you guys.

Adventurously Awkward! - Slightly On Edge Well… it’s about time Tony showed up, must have been hiding in the back somewhere. Granted, I can relate with Chase… should have seen me seconds after I was swimming at night. After I deemed I swam enough, I relax, and see this on my shoulder. Adventurously Awkward! - A Word of Thanks Well, this strip isn’t entirely true… my hat isn’t red. I actually do have a chicken named Hussy. All in all, I really want to thank everyone for their support. Seriously, when people ask what I like about drawing comics, one of the things I always say is that I’m really lucky to have a bunch of truly awesome people who read my comics. So, thank you. Normal posts resume on Monday!

Adventurously Awkward! - Dealing with Peeps My parents bought baby chicks for their farm… twenty five or them. I found that that these things are like visual heroin for me. Sorry about this being a journal comic for Friday, freelance was hectic (which is becoming a trend for Friday) so I’m really sorry for that, everything will resume on Monday
