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Good PHP Tutorials - Beginner To Advanced PHP Programming Tutorials

Good PHP Tutorials - Beginner To Advanced PHP Programming Tutorials

Improve website load time by 500% with 3 lines of code | Major New Update - PHP SPEEDY: latest version available here There are 4 relatively easy ways by which you can speed up the time it takes a browser to download a page: Make fewer HTTP requestsAdd a far-future expires headerGzip your page's componentsMinify your JavaScript, CSS and HTML Following on from my post on joining CSS and JavaScript files, I have written a PHP script which will automatically do all of the above. The code require_once('class.compressor.php'); //Include the class. And the following at the bottom of the page: The Demo That's it! The class can be downloaded here: site speed boost class download Requirements A server running at least PHP4. Setting basic options Options can be set with a comma separated string as follows: $compressor = new compressor('css,javascript,page'); The string can contain 'css', 'javascript' and 'page' depending on which elements you would like to be compressed. Setting advanced options Note that "cachedir" should not include a trailing slash. Download

Googles Secret CameraCar Armada Sighted (GPS Magazine) Hidden deep in Mountain View, CA is Google's secret lair of specially modified Chevy Cobalt cars, equipped with roof-mounted cameras capable of shooting 360° photos. But why? According to one intrepid tipster's account, published on Gizmodo, there were around 30 such vehicles, parked waiting to do Google's bidding. Presumably these vehicles are part of Google's StreetView mapping initiative -- an ambitious project to collect street level photographs of just about every road in the America, and integrate the photos with Google Maps. I suppose if you're going to expand your legion of terror, the Chevy Cobalt is as good a vehicle as any.

HTMLSource: HTML Tutorials Coppermine Photo Gallery Ten PHP Best Practices Tips that will get you a job | PHP vs .Net Posted by blake on Jun 4, 2008 in Code, Performance, PHP | 167 comments The last couple of weeks have been quite the experience for me. I was part of a big layoff at my former company, which was interesting. I've never been in that position before, and it's hard not to take it personally. I started watching the job boards, and a nice-looking full-time PHP position caught my eye, so I sent out a resume and landed an interview. Before the face-to-face portion, I chatted with the owner and head programmer on a conference call, and they ended up sending me a technical assessment quiz. Find the errors in the following code: So, give it a shot. If you got the missing comma in the parameter list, the "new Array()" error, the colon instead of a semi-colon, the '=' instead of '=>' in the foreach statement, and the erroneous use of '+' on the echo line, then congratulations, you found all the errors! That's not how I answered the question though. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. … sorry, pet peeve.

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor Tutorials Round-Up: Ajax, CSS, PHP and More Advertisement Coding or designing a page, it’s always nice to have some basic templates you can quickly modify or adapt to your needs. However, at least once you have to know, how to create this “universal” template. In this case tutorials prove to be an ultimate solution, particularly if you just want to get an idea how something works and where to start from. In fact, you don’t have to re-invent the wheel all the time – you can use existing solutions, modify and improve them and publish them as well – just the way other people did it for you. In this post we’ve covered over 200 Ajax, CSS, Flash, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, RSS, XML as well as ASP, C++, Perl, Python and Java tutorials. You may want to take a look at our related posts Ajax CSS Techniques Lightboxes & GreyBoxes

Gallery | Your photos on your website OBJECT ORIENTED PHP TUTORIAL FOR BEGINNERS Preamble The hardest thing to learn (and teach btw,) in object oriented PHP is the basics. But once you understand them, the rest will come much, much easier. But don’t be discouraged! You just found the easiest to understand tutorial out there on OOP and PHP. It may sound like a boastful claim, I know, but that’s what the nerd zeitgeist is saying. … Or so I’ve been told. About This Tutorial This tutorial is designed to teach total beginners object oriented PHP. This is not a long-winded theoretical blathering that you see all too often; instead, we actually start writing OO code very quickly. So before you begin, get out your favorite PHP code editor and be ready to write and run some object oriented PHP code. PS: scroll to the bottom of the page for the supporting videos. Thanks for reading, Stefan Mischook Introduction With the release of php5 in 2004, php programmers finally had the power to code with the ‘big boys’. OOP Videos

PHP Security Guide JavaScript Kit- Comprehensive JavaScript, DHTML, CSS tutorials and over 400+ free JavaScripts! Qcodo - PHP Development Framework, the best resource for PHP tutorials, templates, PHP manuals, content management systems, scripts, classes and more. I wish I had known these 10 tips the day I started working with PHP. Instead of learning them through painstaking process, I could have been on my way to becoming a PHP programmer even sooner! This article is presented in two parts and is intended for folks who are new to PHP. Tip 1: MySQL Connection Class The majority of web applications I've worked with over the past year have used some variation of this connection class: class DB { function DB() { $this->host = "localhost"; // your host $this->db = "myDatabase"; // your database $this->user = "root"; // your username $this->pass = "mysql"; // your password $this->link = mysql_connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass); mysql_select_db($this->db); } } // calls it to action $db = new $DB; Simply edit the variables and include this in your files. $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0,10"); More information can be found in the manual--be sure you read the comments:
