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320 and Up

320 and Up

Related:  Frameworks Frontend

Tool-Up Time: The Very Best Front End Web Developer Tools DebugMe Blog We talked a lot with our in-house web developer team, researched the topic for hours and hours and finally put together the DebugMe* list of front end web developer tools which can be useful for every web dev out there. *Our bug tracking and visual feedback giving solution is not on the list because we are more humble than that, however you should take a look at it and maybe give it a try. DebugMe will make your life easier especially if you are a web developer, a web designer or a project manager. Are you a web developer or a designer? This tool will make your life and workflow a lot easier Alertify.js

Less Framework 4 I called Less Framework "a CSS grid system for designing adaptive websites". It was basically a fixed-width grid that adapted to a couple of then popular screen widths by shedding some of its columns. It also had matching typographic presets to go with it, built with a modular scale based on the golden ratio. How Long Does it Take to Build a Mobile App? “How long does it take to build a mobile app?” While the question isn’t as timeless as “How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?” (spoiler alert: 3481), it is one that’s very dear to our community of mobile app developers.

Foundation: HTML Templates News or Magazine This template puts a focus on bold images, perfect for a magazine style site with eye catching content. Your stories are easy to find with large feature blocks. Bootstrap Customization: Themes, UI Patterns and Tools Everyone loves Bootstrap, the front-end framework created by Twitter, because it’s easy to set up, it magically creates a responsive version, great for prototyping etc... Of course, its biggest defect is that it’s too visible. We can think of thousands of projects where the framework is clearly recognizable. This shouldn’t happen so often, as there are a huge number of resources for customizing Bootstrap, and we have to go out and find them.

Andy Clarke at Smashing Conference In his talk at Smashing Conference, Andy Clarke talks about how responsive design needs to transcend designers, we need to rework our design process, and we need to be more honest and open with our clients. Responsive design is not just our problem We need to fix our design process How to tell your client they’re an idiot to their face and not get fired. Responsive design is not just our problem Building a Responsive Layout With Skeleton: Starting Out Dave Gamache's Skeleton Boilerplate provides the perfect foundations upon which to build responsive websites rapidly and reliably. We're going to use Skeleton and build a responsive page based on the Magazine design featured on Webdesigntuts+ recently. We'll be looking at everything from multiple background images, through to media queries, flexible media and mobile-friendly navigation. Let's get started! First Steps In this first video we'll download the Skeleton Boilerplate and prepare our project.

A pixel is not a pixel is not a pixel Page last changed today Yesterday John Gruber wrote about the upped pixel density in the upcoming iPhone (960x640 instead of 480x320), and why Apple did this. He also wondered what the consequences for web developers would be. Now I happen to be deeply engaged in cross-browser research of widths and heights on mobile phones, and can state with reasonable certainty that in 99% of the cases these changes will not impact web developers at all. The remaining 1% could be much more tricky, but I expect Apple to cater to this problem by inserting an intermediate layer of pixels.

Design for iPad Emulator iPad Peek Test your web pages in the iPad browser emulator. Click on the top iPad border to rotate. LiveView for iPhone & iPad
