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List of information graphics software This is a list of software to create any kind of information graphics: either includes the ability to create one or more infographics from a provided data seteither it is provided specifically for information visualization Vector graphics[edit] Vector graphics software can be used for manual graphing or for editing the output of another program. Please see:

50 Best Websites 2013 No need to dig through Facebook’s News Feed to discover what your friends are listening to. With any luck, they’re already using This Is My Jam to help you figure it out. The site lets you post whatever song you’re currently digging, so followers — mainly from Facebook and Twitter — can stop by and have a listen. Even if you don’t know anyone who’s using This Is My Jam, you can still explore the site on your own to see what’s popular. Link: This Is My Jam Top 10 Open Source Software These are full-featured cross-platform softwares, free as in beer and speech. Vivek Gite picks his best open source software of 2009. #1: Inkscape ( Vector Graphics Editor ) Fig.01: Inkscape is used by artist/illustrator/designer as vector graphics editor

Best Websites Free Software Alternatives to Substitute Adobe Products The price of Adobe software can really put the pressure on both experienced and beginner creatives, lets take a look at some of the best free alternatives to popular Adobe software. At the time of writing, the newest version of the Adobe master suite is priced at a wallet-busting $2,499, a lot for an aspiring web or graphic designer. For newcomers to the sector especially, it’s easy to think that the Adobe products on offer are the only industry-standard pieces of software actually available when infact, there are many different free alternatives to some of the main elements of the creative suite. Wonderopolis Inkscape. Draw Freely. You Are Your Words
