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The Savant Brain

The Savant Brain

China vs United States As we discussed in yesterday’s post, whether the United States and China like it or not, the economic futures of both countries are intertwined. Everyone knows that China’s got more people and that its importance as an economic superpower has escalated in recent years. What you might not understand is how the differences between our countries, in economic philosophy, in population, in geography and in how the military is built and paid for ultimately play into the entire economic relationship. For many China remains something of a mystery. For more personal finance visualizations see: 49 Fascinating YouTube Videos to Learn About the Human Body As any doctor, nurse practitioner or other health care professional knows, the body is an interesting system. In many ways, it’s like a machine, with many complex parts. There is a lot to learn about the body and how it works, as well as how its different systems interact to create a larger system. Here are 49 interesting YouTube videos that can help you learn about the human body: Brain Your brain directs the rest of the body’s functions. How the Body Works: The Regions of the Brain: An interesting look at the different regions of the brain, and what they are responsible for.Brain Anatomy Function: How brain works? Nervous System The nervous system brings messages from the brain to all over the body. How the Body Works: The Anatomy of the Central Nervous System: Find out how the nervous system is set up, and how it works.How the Body Works: Anatomy of Nerve: The nervous system is made up of thousands of nerves. Muscles Skeleton Circulatory and Respiratory Systems Other Systems

Fear of Intimacy/Commitment Do you struggle in relationships that are defined by drama, or by the pursuit/withdraw dynamic between partners?Do your relationships start with intense passion, then quickly end?Do your long-term relationships wear you out with never-ending emotional turmoil? Do you or your partner “stir the pot” whenever things start to feel settled or do you do lots of breaking up and making up?Are you an “active runner” in your relationships—someone who erects barriers that block emotional intimacy between yourself and your partner?Or are you a “passive runner”—someone who chooses (unconsciously or consciously) partners who are somehow unavailable? The fear of intimacy in relationships is a highly salient issue for many people today. The active runner: Is usually unavailable for intimacy because of some observable, concrete reason. The passive runner: Often “finds them self” in relationships with people who are somehow unavailable. These patterns wear people out, and they can be incredibly painful.

Japan Trend Shop What is a Mom’s Work Worth? [infographic] | Education Insights Imagine you were perusing the classifieds and came across an ad that looked something like this: NOW HIRINGSelf-motivated, caring, hard-working, borderline psychotic individual to take on the following roles on a volunteer basis: facilities manager, psychologist, CEO, cook, day care teacher, housekeeper, computer operator, van driver, janitor and laundry machine operator. The ideal candidate will stay on site indefinitely and should dedicate no fewer than 96 hours a week to their responsibilities (on call the remaining 78 hours). You’d be hard pressed as an employer to find anyone crazy enough to take the job, and yet millions of women across the world are working their Mommy magic day in and day out. Updated for 2012 – What is a stay-at-home mom really worth? We’ve updated all of the numbers for 2012. New for 2012 – What about working Moms? We got a lot of questions and requests in our comments about working moms, and we’ve heard you!

Is College Really Worth It? Is going to college really worth it? Probably so, but it's not that clear cut, and economics have been arguing the point for 30 years. Most studies tend to show that college-educated people end up making far more money in the course of their lifetimes. (The niggle: Usually, it's not worth paying for a private university.) Still, that evidence isn't totally cut and dry: What do you really learn in college? Is what you learned in college really what's producing the value? This graph makes a couple points in that debate: 1. But who in their right mind wouldn't recommend a college degree? If I had a guess, I think it's precisely that attitude that creates all the economic advantages--its the way our society is organized, rather than anything about college itself. [View more Infographics of the Day]

Visible Proofs: Forensic Views of the Body: Galleries: Media: Autopsy WARNING: Some people may find images from actual postmortem dissections disturbing. Viewer discretion advised. Videos on this page require either QuickTime Player or Windows Media Player. Postmortem dissection, or autopsy, was among the first scientific methods to be used in the investigation of violent or suspicious death. Autopsy remains the core practice of forensic medicine. The postmortem examiner surveys the body's surface, opens it up with surgical instruments, removes parts for microscopic inspection and toxicological analysis, and makes a report that attempts to reconstruct the cause, manner and mechanism of death. Beginning an autopsy New York University Medical Center, The Forensic Autopsy (New York, 1978). View with QuickTime: Low Quality | High Quality View with Windows Media Player: Low Quality | High QualityRead the transcript Dissecting and analyzing the body parts

5 Ways You're Accidentally Making Everyone Hate You #2. You Wasted Their Time Getty All you did was email your boss with a simple question or idle thought, and she jumped down your throat! What a bitch! Then, later that night, you popped into your buddy's house unannounced, and like one minute later he's all acting annoyed, opening the door and saying, "Well, good to see you!" Or maybe you're on the other end of the situation in the first entry -- you messaged an acquaintance with a "happy birthday" and you got cold, dead silence in return. GettyAnd I know you didn't commit suicide because you're too busy to do it! So What's the Problem? If you've been paying attention up to this point, you're already trying to figure out how this ties in to the power thing. After all, that would be effectively saying that they've prioritized some other interaction over yours. Getty"Oh yeah? Wait, it gets worse. I'll use myself as an example. Getty"Oh my God, you fucking douche, just pick up the phone and greenlight this butt sex joke." So Keep in Mind ...

The Designer Drug | Shit Happens. Infographic of the Day: How the Global Food Market Starves the Poor To understand the complexities of the international food market--and how traders in Chicago can cause Africans to starve--you could get a ph.D. in economics, or read a 400-page report from the World Bank. Or you watch this superb nine minute video, directed by Denis van Waerebeke. Though ostensibly created for a science show in Paris for 12 year olds, it's actually probably waaaay over a kid's head. Just watch--it's excellent, and very well illustrated: The video begins with a basic question: How is it that the first world has an oversupply of food, while 1 in 7 in the world go malnourished? Basically, farmers in developing countries have eschewed growing local food crops in favor of growing things like cotton for international export. That can have disastrous effects. The solutions will involve everyone, the world over. Still hungry for more infographics videos? [Via Infosthetics]
