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Welcome to the Kitchen Witch Corner - Kitchen Witch Corner

Welcome to the Kitchen Witch Corner - Kitchen Witch Corner

Internet Sacred Text Archive Home cyber cauldron school of eclectic witchcraft Welcome to the cyber cauldron school of eclectic witchcraft. So the first question is what is eclectic witchcraft and how can I learn it? The fact is unlike defined paths like Wicca eclectic paths are very personal and really allow the individual to seek out the divine in a personal way and develop their own path worshipping and practicing magicks, through a simple framework. Now since my formal training is Wicca many of the practices do have a Wiccan flare but will be mixed with northern tradition, shamanic practices, dragon magicks and my own mix of personal insights and developments. I hope to provide a course that can be completed in a single year (well 13 moons), which once complete can be wrapped in to a book and sold. I will try to keep the learning as free as possible but you will need candles, incense etc from time to time. Over the last year I have spent time seeking the basic resources for everyone to complete this course. Lessons 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

How To Stop Overthinking – 9 Simple Habits What is holding people back from the life that they truly want to live? I’d say that one very common and destructive thing is that they think too much. They overthink every little problem until it becomes bigger and scarier and it actually is. Overthink positive things until they don’t look so positive anymore. Or overanalyze and deconstruct things and so the happiness that comes from just enjoying something in the moment disappears. Now, thinking things through can be a great thing of course. I know. But in the past 8 years or so I have learned how to make this issue so small that it very rarely pops up anymore. In this article I would like to share 9 habits that have helped me in a big, big way to become a simpler and smarter thinker and to live a happier and less fearful life. 1. It is very easy to fall into the trap of overthinking minor things in life. So when you are thinking and thinking about something ask yourself: Will this matter in 5 years? 2. Here’s what have worked for me. 3. 4.

Cyber Cauldron Daemons Homemade MREs For quite a while now, I've wanted to make up my own "MREs" for my Get Home Bag (GHB). I was recently out scouting some properties, and realized that my GHB only had some packs of tuna and some candy in them. I had broken my own Cardinal Rule - If you use it, replace it immediately. So, I went about making up some MRE packages. I assembled my "ingredients" based on "Best By" date, calories and protein content. The idea was to put long-life food together and vacuum seal it in a FoodSaver bag. For my first MRE, here's what I included - It includes: One individual serving of Beef-a-roni, 2 ounces (by weight - about 1/2 cup) of dry roasted peanuts, one pack of Land-o-Lakes French Vanilla cappuccio, one Promax energy bar, 4 pieces of Jolly Rancher hard candy, and utensiles (plastic spoon, knife and 2 napkins). Since the peanuts were loose, I wanted to separate them in the pouch. I then filled that with the peanuts and sealed it. Here are the stats - Here's the result - Times have changed!

Folklore and Legend - Gods and Goddesses Celtic Gods & Goddesses Branwyn - Goddess of love, sexuality and the sea Bridget - Goddess of fertility, feminine creativity, martial arts and healing Cernunnos - The 'Horned God', God of Nature, Animals, Fertility and the Underworld Cerridwen - Moon Goddess, Goddess of Dark Prophecy and the Underworld Coventina - Goddess of Rivers, Abundance, Inspiration and Prophecy The Crone - One of the Triple Goddess Aspects, Goddess of Old Age, Winter and the Waning Moon Eostre - Goddess of Spring, Rebirth, Fertility and New Beginnings Epona - Horse Goddess, Goddess of Prosperity, Healing, Nurturance and Sustainence Latis - Goddess of Water and Beer Lugh - Sun God, God of War, Mastery, Magic and Good Harvest Morrigan - Goddess of War, Revenge, Night, Magic and Prophecy. Queen of Fairies and Witches The Triple Goddess - The Maiden, Mother and Crone all at once. Moon, Creator, Destroyer Copyright © 2003 * References Page

The Magical Temple
