Earth Mysteries: Stonehenge and the Druids, Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire - Earth Mysteries Stonehenge and the Druids, Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire After centuries of neglect in the wake of first Roman and then Christian suppression, the Druids were rediscovered during the Renaissance when the revival of interest in ancient Greek and Latin writers brought attention to the works of Pliny, Tacitus, and Julius Caesar and their descriptions of the Celtic world. First in France in the sixteenth century, and then in England, the ancient Celts (or Gauls as they were known in France) and Druids were claimed as historical ancestors. By the seventeenth century, a new romantic image of Druids began to emerge in French and English literature. In England as early as 1624 the Celtic warrior queen Boudicca is credited by Edmond Bolton with building Stonehenge as her monument. Druids celebrating the summer solstice at Stonehenge Winston Churchill (center) hosts the Ancient Order of Druids at Blenheim Palace on 15 August, 1908
Witchy Thoughts: Fluffy Bunnies? A new trend within the Pagan and Wiccan communities - especially on the Internet - is to bash so-called "fluffy bunnies", typically in the most rude and offensive terms possible. "Fluffy bunnies" are usually defined as those who fit one of the following criteria: - they persist in believing inaccurate information about Wicca; - they focus on the "light" side of Wicca to the exclusion of the "dark" side; - they push their beliefs on others and/or claim persecution constantly; - they practice in an ostentatious, pretentious manner (such as calling oneself "Lord"/ "Lady" or wearing eighteen pentacles at once), usually because they are into Wicca for the shock value. I agree with many of the criticisms voiced by these folks - for example, dissemination of inacurate information, a "victim" mentality, and pretentiousness are problems in our community. 1. 3. 4. Now, far be it from me to promote a victim mentality. 5. Shock tactics do get attention.
Dream Moods A-Z Dream Dictionary Symbols are the language of dreams. A symbol can invoke a feeling or an idea and often has a much more profound and deeper meaning than any one word can convey. At the same time, these symbols can leave you confused and wondering what that dream was all about. Acquiring the ability to interpret your dreams is a powerful tool. In analyzing your dreams, you can learn about your deep secrets and hidden feelings. Remember that no one is a better expert at interpreting your dreams than yourself. To guide you with your dreams interpretations, we have interpreted over 5900 keywords and symbols and over 20,000 different meanings in our ever expanding dream dictionary. Every detail, even the most minute element in your dream is important and must be considered when analyzing your dreams.
Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions index Sacred Texts Wicca & Neo-Paganism Irish Druids And Old Irish Religions by James Bonwick This scholarly, but very readable, book covers what was known about Druids and Irish Paganism at the end of the nineteenth century. It discusses many of the concepts which later would be utilized by the Wiccan movement to construct Celtic Neo-Paganism. Title PagePrefaceContents Part I. Who Were The Druids? Part II. IntroductionIrish SuperstitionsIrish Magic, and Tuatha De DanaansIrish GodsIdol-WorshipSerpent FaithSun-WorshipFire-WorshipStone-WorshipAnimal WorshipThe Shamrock, and Other Sacred PlantsWell-WorshipHoly BellsIrish CrossesThe Sacred Tara HillRound Tower CreedOssian the BardThe Culdees of Druidical DaysThe Future Life, or Land of the WestAncient Irish LiteratureThe Lia Fail, or the Stone of Destiny
title goes here Obsidian I apologise if the title of this essay may be a little misleading. I am not making a direct observation of morons in the Craft; in fact, some of the examples I mention below may even be anything more substantial than broad generalizations. The Obsidian Mirror has existed now for just about forty-five weeks. As you may already know, A.J. and his retinue have declared war on $ilver Ravenwolf. I used to think that Ravenwolf was a complete fucking moron. However, there are many who want to be like her. Another celebrity idiot I'd like to point out and make fun of is Fiona Horne, Australian whore d'oeuvres, whom after failing miserably at being a Gwen Stefani clone musician got into Playboy (and has hence tried to silence anyone who publishes any of her nude photos), and has actually become mildly successful at being a Neopagan author. Now that I'm done bitching about people, I'm going to get to the actual message of this essay. It's a way to control you. Back to the Main Page
Codex Seraphinianus: A new edition of the strangest book in the world Codex Seraphinianus: A new edition of the strangest book in the world In October Rizzoli will be republishing what is regarded by many to be the strangest book in the world, the Codex Seraphinianus. The Codex is unlike other historically well-known strange books (such as the Voynich Manuscript), in that the author of the book is not only known (Luigi Serafini is his name), he’s still alive. But the book is just so damned strange that it has accumulated a veritable industry of speculation about its meaning, deeper origins, and whether the language in which it is written actually has any syntax or not. Serafini has said relatively little about it himself over the years, and denies that the script has any meaning, but no one really believes that, including me. Recently, however, I was finally in a place where my finances matched the book’s availability, so I got myself one, only finding out shortly thereafter that Rizzoli was putting out a new edition in October.
The Pagan Name Generator So, you've decided to become a pagan. Great! But you can't show up at the next full moon ritual, all set to shuck off your clothes and leap over a flaming cauldron with a staid, boring mundane name. You've come to the right place! "So," you say to yourself, "how do I get this pagan name? One way to get your pagan name is to do a vision quest. Another way to get your pagan name is blah blah blah... But you're not really interested in those other ways, or else you wouldn't have come here, to the Pagan Name Generator. 1. "Oh, great Pseudonomys, god of monikers Empower this web page to reveal my true name." 2. The Pagan Name Generator is meant for entertainment purposes only. If you prefer the classic version of the Pagan Name Generator, click here.
Beth's Pagan Stuff Welcome to my pagan home on the Web! This page includes my own resources (marked with a * ) as well as links to other people's resources.About Paganism & Witchcraft:Witchy Thoughts:Music and Fun:Gods/ Goddesses/ Deity/ the Divine:*Virtual Altar to Hekate*My thoughts on Pagans and Theology*My Queer Pagan Page - young but growing...*Is Biology Destiny? Today's Moon Phase (Thanks to the U.S. Questions, comments, suggestions, etc. You're welcome to link to my site if you like. Beth's Pagan Stuff: Online since 1997 Beth's World of Wonders
5 Ways to Read Tarot Cards Steps Method 1 of 5: Get Familiar with The Tarot 1Choose a deck of cards. Different tarot decks use different symbology. One of the most widely used and most widely taught is the Rider-Waite Tarot or one of its clones--the Morgan-Greer Tarot, for example. Still, it's important that a tarot deck speak to you, so look through different ones and read reviews to learn what people like and dislike about them. Method 2 of 5: Play Around with the Basics 1Pick a card-a-day. Method 3 of 5: Do a Simple Reading 1Tell a story. Method 4 of 5: Do a More Complex Spread 1Separate your cards. Method 5 of 5: Protect Your Deck 1Store your deck properly. Tips Use your card-shuffling time to clear your mind. Ad Warnings If you believe strongly in free will, that does not mean you cannot benefit from tarot's descriptive power.
Write in Runes You can write your name or other words in the runes of the Elder Futhark by using the javascript transliterator below. Tips: Write phonetically, and skip doubled letters and silent letters. Examples: "Chrissy" should be written "KRISY". "Cynthia" should be written "SYNTHIA" "Ralph" should be written "RALF". "Thomas" should be written "TOMAS", but "Thad" would be written "THAD". CH, as in "Chuck", will appear as Kenaz Jera. The javascript does not insert spaces or punctuation. Type a word or name into the form below and hit the Translate button. Letters: Runes: Characters: The rune symbols are individual GIF files. This brilliant javascript was created by Daniel Jakobsson and used on this website with his permission. ©2003 Daniel Jakobsson (Email
amberandjet : Amber and Jet Amber and Jet was created and designed specifically for exploring British Traditional Wicca paths and traditions. The list is a forum for both sincere seekers to Traditional Wicca and initiates of British Wicca traditions. Amber and Jet is an intermediate-level list -- participants should already have a working knowledge of the basics of Paganism and Witchcraft. All who are sincerely interested in the essence and workings of British Traditional Wicca and its discussion are welcome to join. PLEASE NOTE: The definition of "British Traditional Wicca" can vary widely depending on who is asked, and A&J does not attempt to provide a complete inclusive/restrictive list of BTW groups. We hope to learn from and appreciate our diversity, and find common ground in the many facets of Traditional Wicca that extend beyond Initiate-only information and practice.