Chants, Blessings, Prayers and Charms
A Spell to Cast Away Darkness Belisama Fire 2001 In the center of the darkest storm, Is a brilliant rainbow, bright and warm. Look past the darkness that you see, There's more than what you think might be. There now is freedom, so you can find, The path to stimulate your mind. So don't despair, let hope shine bright, The sun will rise, just past the night. A Spell for Healing May the light that shines from deep inside, Flow ever out, and never hide. May the shining light within my soul, Heal me now, and make me whole. May the light that shines so very bright, Help heal ________, on this night. May the shining light within my core, Bring peace and love, forever more. A Happy Positive Day Now close your eyes and visualize the day you want to have, image who is there, what you are wearing, the place, surroundings, the atmosphere, what the weather is like and other things that you would like to happen. Hold this image for as long as you can, then repeat the following 3 times: "God and Goddess hear my plea,
Gardnerian Book of Shadows Index
Sacred Texts Neopaganism Contents Start Reading This is the text of the Gardnerian Book of Shadows. In one sense, this is the central sacred text of the Wicca religion. The Book of Shadows was attributed by Gardner to an ancient, clandestine witch cult, which he claimed to have been initiated into. The copyright status of this text can best be described as 'orphaned.'
Magic Books, Occult Books, Esoteric, Ancient, Rare Books And Texts. Grimoires, Spellbooks, Manuscripts
These catalogs give me the opportunity to present collections or groups of related books in a more detailed and sympathetic context than the normal website allows, and will also enable me to give people first choice at some of the more interesting new arrivals. As usual I have a variety of other catalogs in preparation. Future catalogs will be devoted to Hermetica, Witchcraft, Astrology, Kabbalah, Grimoires, Theosophy and also Aleister Crowley, H.P.Blavatsky, George Robert Stowe Mead, Gerald Gardner, Henry Cornelius Agrippa, Hermes Trismegistus, Eliphas Levi, Austin Osman Spare, Ea Wallis Budge, Arthur Edward Waite, Leonardo Da Vinci, Louis Claude De Saint Martin. All of the materials here are presented in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, as it is accessible to users of most computer platforms.
Casting a Circle
The Purposes of a Circle A sacred circle has several purposes, the most significant of which is to define an area where formal ritual work can be performed. A circle is a place in which the rules and conditions are different to that of the everyday world. A circle is not a barrier, but a doorway to another world. To contain any magickal energy raised and to prevent its dissipation until it has been used up is another purpose of the circle. The sacred circle does not need to be physically represented (drawn or marked on the ground), it just needs to be visualized. The circle is a spiritual entity. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. This completes the casting of your circle. How to Close a Circle Go to the North, hold up your blade, and say, “Guardians and spirits of the North wind, my ritual is now complete. Extinguish your altar candles and bow your head at the altar, saying, “I declare this scared circle closed. What is Thou looking for?
Wicca for the Beginner
First it's important to know that there is no one and only Book of Shadows. This concept is a fictional plot device to explain why magyc is not effective without THE Book of Shadows. The idea is that if you just have the right book all your magyc will be effective. To that end, you will want to gather any and all information that works best for you. How can you tell if something will work for you? Of course, there is so much information out there no one can try everything. To get you started, here is a list of links to online books of shadows. All About Wicca - Includes sections on ethics, beliefs, ritual structure, goddesses and gods, elements, sabbats (the solstices and equinoxes, plus Imbolc, Beltane, Lammas and Samhain), tools and FAQs. Amethyst's Wiccan Page - This is a Wiccan site with an online Book of Shadows. Arianna's Wicca Site - A basic site about beginning Wicca. AutumnCrystal Greywing's Manor House - Online Book of Shadows and other resources for Wiccan study.
Free Witchcraft Downloads: ebooks, pictures, movies
Read Dr Ruickbie on witchcraft and magic in Paranormal magazine. What is Witchcraft? That's what this website is here to find out. is the website of WICA - the Witchcraft Information Centre and Archive - founded in 1999 by Dr Leo Ruickbie as a research and education provider specialising in the areas of Witchcraft, Wicca, Paganism, Magic (Magick) and the Occult. We have been online continuously since 2000. WICA Recommended by: You'll get quite an education. From Visitors: This is my first chance to see the new site...and i love it...thanks for all your hard work. About Leo Ruickbie's Books: Get Involved with WICA: Want to investigate magic (Magick), review a grimoire, or write for this website? Other Opportunities at WICA: Want to make some money? Free Witchcraft Newsletter: Plus special offers, secret events and a free gift! Spread the Word about WICA: Search Witchology: Witchcraft to Go: Odin's Eye Click here for more designs Download some witchcraft into your life.
)O(*~*New Moon Occult Shop Free Online Book of Shadows*~*/|\
The book of shadows page has grown so that I have to actually make an index for these things. As these are all from posts to the book-of-shadows list so I assume they are original works by the people who posted them unless otherwise noted. If I am wrong, or if I have lost (in many cases) the authors name and you know who did it, please let me know by clicking email webmistress to let us know who did what. Do not email the webmistress asking for spells, rituals or anything else. She gets grumpy and will not respond kindly if at all. Wicca is thought to be the old religion. This is not any one person's book, but it has been created from posts to the list book-of-shadows. Should you wish to join the book of shadows mailing list, send a blank email to and you will be automatically joined. AMAZON books of shadows available to all - our picks We sell MANY books of shadows ourselves and you can by these through us
Download Occult, Esoteric, Magic, Rare Books And Texts. Grimoires, Spellbooks, Manuscripts For Free
Witchcraft, Wiccan and Pagan Index | Celtic Connection
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