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HTML5 Mobile App Development Framework. Download Sencha Touch Free.

HTML5 Mobile App Development Framework. Download Sencha Touch Free.
Sencha Touch is the leading MVC-based JavaScript framework for building cross-platform mobile web applications. Sencha Touch leverages hardware acceleration techniques to provide high-performance UI components for mobile devices. With over 50 built-in UI components and native looking themes for all major mobile platforms, Sencha Touch provides everything you need to create impressive apps that work on iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, and more. A novel and adaptive layout engine, fluid animations, and smooth scrolling features allow developers to build applications that respond to user actions nearly instantaneously, much like native technologies. The framework includes a robust data package that can consume data from any backend data source. Sencha Touch is available as a free download. High-Performance, Native-Looking UI Widgets Adaptive Layouts, Animations, and Smooth Scrolling Backend Agnostic Data Package Advanced Mobile Charting Package Device Features and Native Packaging

jQuery Mobile | jQuery Mobile AppJS Introducing Mapbox GL Design control Mapbox GL gives you the power to customize every aspect of your map, from tweaking the colors, to hiding or showing specific layers, to deciding what information you want to present on your map by rearranging our worldwide starter data or bringing your own. And the style is able to be manipulated live at runtime. Seamless scrolling necessitates new ways of styling maps. Since everything is rendered on the fly, you can instantly change the stylesheet — plus animated transitions between two different stylesheets are just as easy as adding and removing classes. Design control extends to data layers, allowing smooth animation effects. Open format Mapbox GL is based on the same vector tile format that powers Mapbox Streets. Technology We built Mapbox GL in C++11 using OpenGL ES 2.0, a subset of OpenGL that is available on mobile devices and that can also run on desktop hardware with very minor changes. First-class iOS citizen Developing in the open A starting point

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