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2009 in photos (part 3 of 3)

2009 in photos (part 3 of 3)

2009 in photos (part 2 of 3) The year 2009 is now coming to a close, and it's time to take a look back over the past 12 months through photographs. Historic elections were held in Iran, India and the United States, some wars wound down while others escalated, China turned 60, and the Berlin Wall was remembered 20 years after it came down. Each photo tells its own tale, weaving together into the larger story of 2009. This is a multi-entry story, 120 photographs over three days. Please watch for part 3 tomorrow and have a look back at part 1 from yesterday. (40 photos total) Before the Iranian election, a supporter of main challenger and reformist candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi forms a heart shape with her hands to indicate her support, while wearing green ribbons - the color of the party, amidst a festive atmosphere at an election rally rally in Tehran, Iran, Tuesday, June 9, 2009.

Блоги - Привет.ру - Интересы и обсуждения пользователей интернет дневников на Привет.ру - Aurora Хельге Хессе. Черчилль: исправление недостатковОтрывки из книги «Принцип Черчилля. Стань личностью — добьёшься успеха» Недостатки, осознанные Черчиллем в детстве, давали повод усомниться, что в будущем он сможет сделать карьеру. Так как для высокого руководящего поста очень важны дикция, красноречие и умение выступать публично, Черчилль рано начал работать над своей речью и восполнять пробелы в образовании. В середине декабря 1905 года Эдвард Марш, чиновник британского правительства, получил предложение занять пост личного секретаря при молодом депутате нижней палаты Уинстоне Черчилле. В первой книге Библии «Берешит» многое происходит впервые: первая любовь, первая смерть, первый смех, первый сон. В тот же день Марш решил что-нибудь разузнать о своём будущем начальнике. — Когда встречаешь Уинстона в первый раз, сразу же замечаешь все его недостатки, а остаток жизни проводишь, открывая его достоинства. Эдвард Марш принял предложение и много лет был личным секретарём Черчилля. — Девятнадцать.

Colombian refugees | Ecuador General Farfan, an Ecuadorean town just two miles from the guerrilla-controlled jungles of Colombia, is a major point of entry for Colombian refugees escaping violence. It is also a major transit point for the movement of goods, including drugs, gasoline and illegal lumber. Please support our site by enabling javascript to view ads. Full Frame features photo essays and conversations with photographers in the field. The refugee crisis spawned by ongoing conflict in Colombia has left millions displaced. Unable to stay in their home country, hundreds of thousands have made their way across the border to Ecuador. Rural farmers and families are frequently intimidated by guerrilla and paramilitary groups who send them fleeing due to death threats, forced recruitment, the demand of unaffordable taxes, persecution for political organizing, land seizures and intolerable violence in their villages and towns. About the photographer:

Showcase: The Roma in Rome - Lens Blog Marco Baroncini didn’t set out to photograph the Roma people. They came to him. Mr. Baroncini, 37, lives in Rome, and he saw the Roma (also known as Gypsies) everywhere he went, living in poverty and suffering from discrimination. Other Italians did not seem to be paying attention, but he was curious. “I was amazed at how they live, just around the corner,” Mr. The Roma population in Rome is estimated at 15,000 to 20,000. At first, it was difficult to win his subjects’ cooperation. For six years, Mr. “They say Italy is the beginning of civilization, that culture was born here. His moody images are complex and layered. He has published four books in Italy, including one on his work among the Roma, “Figli di un Dio Minore” (“Sons of a Lesser God”). “Sometimes,” he said, “you don’t have to go so far to find something interesting.”

The Fall of Mexico - Magazine In the almost three years since President Felipe Calderón launched a war on drug cartels, border towns in Mexico have turned into halls of mirrors where no one knows who is on which side or what chance remark could get you murdered. Some 14,000 people have been killed in that time—the worst carnage since the Mexican Revolution—and part of the country is effectively under martial law. Is this evidence of a creeping coup by the military? A war between drug cartels? Between the president and his opposition? Poor Mexico. Those famous words came to mind when another man named Díaz offered me an equally concise observation about the realities of life in the country today: “In Mexico it is dangerous to speak the truth. His full name is Fernando Díaz Santana. He’s received text messages from listeners cautioning him to be careful of what he says on the air. Rodríguez’s death is illustrative. That is not idle theorizing. The aftermath reveals a lot about today’s Mexico. To clarify the crime.

The 'Democratization of Credit' Is Over -- Now It's Payback Time NEW YORK -- Karen King owes nearly $36,000, more than she's ever earned in a year. All day long, bill collectors call. She hunts for a second job, sometimes skips meals, and stays with other family members at a grandfather's crowded apartment, trying to get out of debt and turn her life around. She largely holds herself at fault. The recession has forced a financial reckoning for Americans across the income spectrum. Credit Ruined, Now Living for the Future But the financial crisis and recession have reversed what some economists dubbed the "democratization of credit," forcing a tough adjustment on both low-income families and the businesses that serve them. WSJ Newsletter Notes on the News The news of the week in context, with Tyler Blint-Welsh. Sign up Check Your Inbox Please verify your email address to start receiving Notes on the News Continue Reading The democratization of credit began decades ago. Credit-card borrowing took a similar path. Later, the store cut her work hours. Ms. In Ms.

mustafah abdulaziz – obama Hover over the image for navigation and full screen controls Mustafah Abdulaziz The Inauguration Of Barack Obama play this essay On January 20, 2009, the world’s attention turned to Washington D.C. Visitors, young and old, black and white, American and foreign, descended upon the nations capital en masse, braving the frigid cold to stand witness to history: Barack Obama, former junior senator of Illinois, inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States. Related links

On Assignment: Life Sentences - Lens Blog In the Rooms series for The Times, Fred R. Conrad has produced elegant images and sweeping 360-degree panoramas. More recently, he faced the challenge of photographing the hospital wing of the Coxsackie Correctional Facility, one of New York’s maximum-security prisons. The article, “Fellow Inmates Ease the Pain of Dying in Jail, and Find a Kinship“, and audio slide show focus on prison hospices and on the incarcerated volunteers who serve dying patients. To see the full article, subscribe here. Fred R. In the Rooms series for The Times, Fred R. More recently, he faced the challenge of photographing the hospital wing of the Coxsackie Correctional Facility, one of New York’s maximum-security prisons. To see the full article, subscribe here. Fred R.
