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Maya Angelou's Autobiography, I know why the caged bird sings. 1) The action takes place in a Colored Methodist Episcopal Church 2) The narrator is Marguerite, indeed Maya Angelou because it's an autobiographie. 3)She finds difficukt to recite a poem in the church, in front of a lot of people. 4)The people who are watching her are colored people,they are children. 5) Her mother made this dress, it was not buy in a shop. 6)She feels frfrightened and stressed. She runs away from the church while sh's peeing and crying, andwhen she's outside she starts laughing. 7)She's going to be whipped because she couldn't recite the poem and also because she peed on herself which means that she is a "nasty children". 8) In 1920 ,there was segregation, black and white people were seperated, moreover black people didn't have the same rights as white people, they were threatened. In this sentence the rust on the razor can symbolize a question of life or death, that Black people can be killed by the KKK, the rust can mean an accmulation of bad habits.

QuizzYourSelf - paste images! Create A Quiz Software - Computer Assisted Learning Software - testing tool Create A Quiz is a software program that allows you to easily generate interactive on-screen quizzes using a Microsoft Windows PC. Create A Quiz supports multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank style tests. The quizzes and tests that you create can also be printed out for conventional paper and pencil tests. This software features: Both multiple-choice and fill-in-the blank questions can be used in the same quiz or exam. With all these features available to you, Create A Quiz makes it easy to generate and administer computer based training exams and questionnaires. Teachers can now create computer based training and questionnaires without the need to do any programming, scripting or coding - just push a couple of buttons, enter your questions and answers, and you are done! This is the Create A Quiz editor, where you (the teacher) would enter new questions that will become part of your quiz... Below is what your students will see when the quiz is actually run on your PC... "Awesome!

Ersatz Protocole de mise en oeuvre d’une classe inversée à l’aide de quiz De études en sciences cognitives (Roediger et Butler, 2011) avancent que les jeux questionnaires, tests et quiz de toutes sortes contribuent à une meilleure persistance des notions apprises. Julie Schell, experte en «classe inversée» et en enseignement par les pairs a, sur ces bases, développé un protocole de mise en oeuvre de l’approche de «classe inversée» à l’aide des quiz. «I tried using quizzing as a teaching tool in my graduate education course at The University of Texas at Austin the past two semesters. Instead of a series of lectures, I pushed most of the direct instruction out of class and to the students. Below, find my protocol and some implementation tips.» (Schell, 2016) Les 5 étapes de son protocole: Concevoir une activité hors classe: L’activité doit être étroitement liée au contenu à apprendre. Étape Boni: Élaborer quiz récapitulatif après la séance en présence.

Welcome Adobe Post! | Creative Cloud blog by Adobe We’ve been on the journey of Creative Cloud for over three years now, providing tools and services that transform how creatives work across desktops and devices. While there is a lot more to be done to help our customers succeed in an increasingly multi-screen world, I feel proud of how far we have come in bringing our initial vision to life. But a little known secret is that the vision for Creative Cloud also includes enabling creativity for everyone- not just creative professionals. We want to take all the amazing technology and innovation from Adobe and put it behind very easy to use apps, so anyone who has a story to tell, an idea to share, or a voice they want to be heard, can do so – creatively. You may have played with Adobe Voice and Adobe Slate which were our first foray in this space. This is what some Post users have to say about the app: “Adobe Post has undoubtedly become one of my company’s most valued business solutions. Mala Sharma

New Collection Understand what you read Image libre: pakistani, familles, apprendre, lire, écrire, ensemble, formation Plus d'informations: Format:JPEG Fabricant de l'appareil:Canon Source de lumière:Pleine couleur Espace colorimétrique:sRGB Qualité de l'image:300 points par pouce Programme d'exposition:Programme normal Mode de mesure:Valeur moyenne Orientation:Normal Pixels:2386320 Mots clés:pakistani, familles, apprendre, lire, écrire, ensemble, formation Mis à jour:2016-09-30. Taille de l'image imprimée en pouces et en centimètres: Taille imrimée à faible (72), moyenne (200), haute (300) et extrêmement haute qualité (450) DPI - points par pouce. Faible: 22.6 x 20.3 in57.5 x 51.6 cm Moyenne: 8.2 x 7.3 in20.7 x 18.6 cm Haute: 5.4 x 4.9 in13.8 x 12.4 cm Extrêmement haute: 3.6 x 3.3 in9.2 x 8.3 cm PIXNIO - Utilisation de l'image: Image est dans le domaine public, n'est pas protégée par les droits d'auteurs, aucun droit réservé, complètement gratuite.

Créer une émission de webradio avec Bossjock Jr L’application Bossjock Jr pour iOs est la version gratuite de Bossjock Studio. Elle permet d’enregistrer sa voix, d’ajouter des sons et de la musique, bref de créer une émission de webradio avec un simple smartphone ou une tablette. L’application est très simple à utiliser. Elle se présente comme une table de mixage composée de touches pouvant contenir chacune un fichier audio. C’est là que l’on stocke nos enregistrements et nos sons. Pour ajouter une piste sonore, il suffit de cliquer sur une touche. Si l’on n’a pas de sons à disposition dans la tablette, le magasin propose de nombreuses pistes gratuites très pratique pour débuter. Pour démarrer l’enregistrement d’une émission, il suffit cliquer sur « RECORD » et d’appuyer sur l’une des touches pour envoyer les jingles, tapis, virgules et podcasts. Voici l’exemple d’une émission sur les sports favoris des élèves d’une classe de 5ème réalisée en binôme en utilisant les podcasts de leurs camarades français et espagnols :
