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Felt Flowers

Felt Flowers

making chapstick « When the weather gets cooler my mind turns not only to knitting but also to making body products. I made chapstick already last year, but wasn’t overly happy with the recipe, so I tried a different one this year. I used: 20% beeswax 25% coconut oil 15% cocoa butter 40% olive oil No coloring, no scent, no smell. The process is very simple: 1. 2. 3. Done! Like this: Like Loading... Circle Zip Earbud Pouch Tutorial - Dog Under My Desk I use a little zippered pouch to carry around my earbuds since they are the fancy microphone ones and I don’t want them to break or get tangled. Some of you have commented that you are looking for some small, simple gift ideas. This is definitely simple to make, and a little more fun than the typical rectangular zippered pouch! I can see these as the perfect gift for teenage cousins or nieces or girlfriends or even teacher gifts. Fun, quick, and cute! It doesn’t take very much fabric so you could even use scraps! UPDATE: I have completely re-written this tutorial with twice as many bright, clear photos and more detailed instructions and it is available as a pattern in my pattern shop. First, download the pattern template HERE. Cut from main fabric: 1 circle 2 half circles 1 tab Cut from lining fabric: 1 circle 2 half circles Cut from batting (or medium weight interfacing, if you prefer): 1 circle 2 half circles You will also need a 1″ wide nylon 5″ or longer zipper. Time to sew!

Gorgeous Chiffon and Tulle Flowers - DIY: Gorgeous Chiffon and Tulle Flowers Photos By: Olivia Kanaley For this project you will need fabric - we used chiffon and tulle. Yardage needed will vary based on the number and size of flowers, as well as the fabric thickness. To make a stencil first free hand a rose petal shape and cut out. Take some fabric and fold it into a square a little larger than your flower pattern. Stack flower cut outs, alternating fabric types and staggering petals. Pinch together the center of the flower (from the bottom) and secure with stitches to create volume and give the flower and authentic shape. If desired you can sew decorative beads in the inside center of the flower. Finally, sew the flower to a hair clip or comb. You can also create a tie-on corsage or sash, by sewing one or more flowers to a length of silk ribbon.

Spring Scrapbook Paper Tree Hello fellow crafters! Tristin and I were invited to be today's featured guest blogger over at Everyday Mom Ideas! We were thrilled with this wonderful opportunity, and wanted to share with the readers over there one of our trees from the collection we're currently doing. This second tree is very similar to the first one. (Since this is a guest post on a different blog, and the concept is similar to the first tree.. Thanks, Julia, for having us on your blog!

DIY Lip Balm | This fun recipe will give you a great organic lip balm! All you need are a few simple ingredients. You can add in more essential oils to this recipe if you want to, or other things you think would go well with the “recipe”. This will make 3 lip balms. You’ll need: 1/4 cup of beeswax3 tbs organic shea butter2 tbs organic safflower oil2 tsp essential oil (I used peppermint)3 containers Microwave the beeswax, shea butter and safflower oil until it has turned into a liquid. Once all melted, mix in your essential oils, and some food colouring if you want it. Pour all of this into your containers and let cool. Create your own little label like I did, or just leave it blank. Have fun! Like this: Like Loading... Paper Dahlia Even if it's not dahlia season just yet, you can still channel this flower's intense color and festive attitude here and now. Martha Stewart Weddings, Spring 2010 For these eye-catching favor pouches, we used bright tissue paper to create a pattern that mimics that bold beauty, then tied on a tag bearing planting instructions, and verdant ribbon to pose as leaves. At home, guests will peel back the petals to reveal a dormant dahlia bulb brimming with potential and just waiting to take root. Tools and Materials: Paper Dahlia How-To: Download the PDF of our dahlia template, and print onto standard printer paper.

EASY PEASY LOVELY GARLAND TO DIY! ΦΤΙΑΞΤΟ ΜΟΝΟΣ ΣΟΥ! ΜΙΑ ΓΙΡΛΑΝΤΑ ΝΑ ΤΗΝ ΠΙΕΙΣ ΣΤΟ ΠΟΤΗΡΙ! Hello you all!!! How are you? Was your weekend mad and fabulous or was it full of housekeeping and cooking like mine? (i hope the first!). Anyway, Christmas is on the way and anything that is shinny, colorful and cute is welcome in Donkey's ''to do'' list ! Καλημέρα και καλή εβδομάδα...! Honestly WTF wednes-diy a few of you have asked about the amazing rope swirl tapestries in our new store displays and you’re in luck because one of our display artists put together a tutorial on how to make them! it looks like such a fun rainy day project. what you need: a large piece of cardboard, black marker, scissors, rope in various sizes and colors, neon twine, pompoms. use a variety of different colors and textures to create a fun swirl – these purple and orange tassels are just another piece of string woven in with the others! once you’ve got it down, you can make a whole bunch in different sizes and colors, to create a whole wall tapestry just like the ones in our stores :) i can’t wait to try this! Be sure to check out our new DIY Projects category for more DIY Inspiration! Trending on Floral dresses, high waisted bikinis, bralettes, off the shoulder tops, party dresses, gladiator sandals, lace dresses
