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DESERTEC Foundation: Start

Centrale solaire d'Andasol Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Vue du site d'Andasol Andasol 1 est la plus puissante centrale solaire thermodynamique d'Europe en 2008. Description[modifier | modifier le code] Les 625 collecteurs solaires occupent plus de 510 000 m2 de surface, la centrale occupant au total 195 hectares (ce qui fait une densité de puissance moyenne prévue pour la centrale de 10 W/m2). Un circuit secondaire est utilisé pour le transfert la chaleur vers un générateur de vapeur haute pression. Andasol 1 est équipé d'une unité de stockage thermique qui absorbe une partie de la chaleur produite durant la journée afin de la restituer la nuit ou durant les périodes nuageuses[1], doublant ainsi pratiquement le nombre d'heures opérationnelles dans le cours d'une année. La centrale, comme toute installation thermique, nécessite des moyens importants de refroidissement. Andasol 1 est capable de fournir une énergie solaire propre et renouvelable à 200 000 habitants. Andasol 1 et 2

The Shark Alliance Space-based solar power Space-based solar power (SBSP) is the concept of collecting solar power in space (using an "SPS", that is, a "solar-power satellite" or a "satellite power system") for use on Earth. It has been in research since the early 1970s. SBSP would differ from current solar collection methods in that the means used to collect energy would reside on an orbiting satellite instead of on Earth's surface. Some projected benefits of such a system are a higher collection rate and a longer collection period due to the lack of a diffusing atmosphere and nighttime in space. Part of the solar energy is lost on its way through the atmosphere by the effects of reflection and absorption. Besides the cost of implementing such a system, SBSP also introduces several new hurdles, primarily the problem of transmitting energy from orbit to Earth's surface for use. A laser pilot beam guide the microwave power transmission to a rectenna. NASA Suntower concept. History[edit] Glaser then was a vice president at Arthur D.

Shed Light on Corporate Political Spending - Union of Concerned Scientists Union of Concerned Scientists Skip to main content Shine a Light on Corporate Political Spending Recent UCS research found that many companies obstruct climate action through their trade and business associations with no disclosure and accountability to policy makers, the public, or even their own shareholders. The public deserves to know who is influencing policies that affect our health and safety. The SEC rule would require publicly traded companies to disclose more about their political spending, including their support for trade and business associations. Help amplify the demand for transparency in policy making and urge the SEC to prioritize passage of this disclosure rule. Please make your letter personal by adding in your own thoughts and concerns. Learn more by reading our Tricks of the Trade report. If you take action and have not already registered, you will receive periodic updates and communications from the Union of Concerned Scientists.

Trans-Mediterranean Renewable Energy Cooperation Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Logo officiel de la TREC La Coopération transméditerranéenne pour l'énergie renouvelable (TREC pour Transmediterranean Renewable Energy Cooperation) est une initiative du Club de Rome, de la Fondation hambourgeoise de la protection du climat et du National Energy Research Center of Jordan (NERC). Depuis sa fondation, en septembre 2003, elle travaille sur le concept « DESERTEC » pour évaluer une sécurité de l’énergie, de l’eau et du climat en Europe (EU), au Moyen-Orient (ME) et en Afrique du Nord (NA) (EU-MENA) en promouvant la coopération entre les pays de la « ceinture solaire » et de la « ceinture technologique ». Actuellement la TREC est en train de réaliser ce concept en coopération avec des représentants du monde politique, industriel et financier[1]. Le noyau dur de la TREC est un réseau international de scientifiques, d'hommes politiques et d’experts dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables et de leurs développements.

Marine Mammal Conservancy The Solar Project Coordinates: Solar Two Power Tower Project The Solar Project consists of the Solar One, Solar Two and Solar Tres solar thermal power plants based in the Mojave Desert, USA and Andalucía, Spain. Solar Two was demolished in 2009.[1] Solar One[edit] Solar One was a pilot solar-thermal project built in the Mojave Desert just east of Barstow, CA, USA. Solar One's method of collecting energy was based on concentrating the sun's energy onto a common focal point to produce heat to run a steam turbine generator. In the late 1970s, a competition was held by DoE to obtain the best heliostat design for the project. The project produced 10 MW of electricity using 1,818 mirrors, each 40 m² (430 ft²) with a total area of 72,650 m² (782,000 ft²). WikiMiniAtlas During times of high winds, blowing dust is sometimes illuminated by the reflected sunbeams to create an unusual atmospheric phenomenon in the vicinity of the power tower. Solar Two[edit] Solar Tres[edit] Land use[edit] In popular culture[edit]

Energy bill expected to favour nuclear and gas over renewables | Environment The energy bill is likely to favour fossil-fuel sources like gas, for which power stations can be built quickly and cheaply. Photograph: Chris Ratcliffe/Getty Images A dash for gas, a major fillip for nuclear power and blows to renewable energy – these are widely expected to be the contents of the government's much-anticipated draft energy bill, the main contents of which will be outlined by ministers in the afternoon. The nuclear industry is expected to be one of the big winners, with a set of policies designed to favour low-carbon power – which will, controversially, include atomic energy as well as renewable sources such as wind and solar. But renewable companies are concerned that they will lose out, because the current system of subsidies will be replaced with a complex new system of support that could favour big companies over their smaller rivals. This new system – known as contracts for difference – would allow companies to sign long-term contracts to supply electricity.

Enterprises S.A. - Voitures à air comprimé Flowair - Véhicules propres - Technologie durable. Sea Shepherd
