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Webdesign, inspiration, graphic design, showcase... The best webdesign by French

Webdesign, inspiration, graphic design, showcase... The best webdesign by French
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The Best Freebies for Designers (June 2013) Here are the best freebies for designers from June 2013. We have free GUI templates, icon sets, fonts, Photoshop brushes, PSD templates, textures… and everything else inbetween. Freebies for Designers – June 2013: Icon Sets Thin Stroke Icons (PSD) Download Page → FatIcons (PSD) Download Page → Almosticons (PSD) Download Page → Vectory (PNG) Download Page → Cikonss (Pure CSS Responsive Icons) Download Page → 60 SEO Services Icons (AI, EPS & SVG) Download Page → Free Flat Icon Set (EPS & PSD) Download Page → Flat Icons (EPS) Download Page → Sports Icon Set (AI, EPS, PNG & PDF) Download Page → Icon Set Grid and Guides (AI) Download Page → Foodie Pack (AI, EPS & PNG) Download Page → Garden Icons (PSD) Download Page → iOS 7 Icon Templates iOS 7 Icons in Vector (SVG, EPS & PNG) Download Page → iOS 7 Icon Template (PSD, SVG & Sketch) Download Page → IOS 7 Guide (PSD) Download Page → GUI Kits GitHub Repository Next UI (PSD) Download Page → Rdio UI (PSD) Download Page → Hexagon Blue UI Kit (PSD) Download Page → Marble UI Kit (Sketch)

jQuery Caption Hover Effects A tutorial on how to create some subtle and modern caption hover effects. View demo Download source Today we want to show you how to create some simple, yet stylish hover effects for image captions. Please note: this only works as intended in browsers that support the respective CSS properties. The images used in the demos are Dribbble shots by talented Jacob Cummings. Let’s get started. The Markup The structure of our grid and the figures will be made of an unordered list and each item will contain a figure element. <ul class="grid cs-style-1"><li><figure><img src="images/1.png" alt="img01"><figcaption><h3>Camera</h3><span>Jacob Cummings</span><a href=" a look</a></figcaption></figure></li><li><figure></figure></li></ul> Please note that using a figure only makes sense if it does not constitute the main content itself but if it’s typically referenced from the main flow of the document and if we can move it away (to an appendix for example).

Super. Simple. Slider. HTML5, CSS3, JS Demos, Creations and Experiments | CSSDeck Fancybox - Fancy jQuery lightbox alternative 50 Useful CSS Snippets Every Designer Should Have With so many new trends advancing every year it can be difficult keeping up with the industry. Website designers and frontend developers have been deeply ingrained into the newer CSS3 properties, determining the ultimate browser support and quirky hacks. But there are also brilliant CSS2 code snippets which have been unrequited in comparison. For this article I want to present 50 handy CSS2/CSS3 code snippets for any web professional. Recommended Reading: 20 Useful CSS Tips For Beginners 1. Basic CSS browser resets are some of the most common snippets you’ll find online. 2. This clearfix code has been around the Web for years circulating amongst savvy web developers. 3. 2011 Updated Clearfix From what I can tell there isn’t a major difference in rendering between this newer version and the classic version. 4. Code Source Some of the newer CSS3 properties have pampered us into thinking they may be applied everywhere. 5. Code Source 6. 7. Code Source 8. Code Source 9. 10. 11. Code Source 12.

Bootstrap 3 Tutorial Genius Marketing: Artsy Animated GIFs Show Beer-Making Process You all went gaga when we featured the animated-GIF stylings of Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg earlier this year, so we're pleased to see that the duo is expanding their horizons with a new project. Yes, it's marketing beer. And yes, it's still pretty freaking cool. Beck and Burg used their "cinemagraph" technique to document the process of making Dogfish Head's new strawberry-and-honey-flavored Tweason'ale in a series of what they describe as "journalistic" visual vignettes. [The process of selecting then pressing the strawberries for juice, to be added to the brew] Let's call a spade a spade: This is marketing, pure and simple. [Adding the sorghum and the strawberry] It's worth noting that Burg and Beck contacted Dogfish to collaborate, rather than the other way around. [And voila, the final product] I have to admit, the brew sounds pretty tasty. [Read our previous story about the founder of Dogfish Head, Sam Calagione]

Créer un menu sticky avec JavaScript et CSS - CSS / CSS3 | Creative Juiz J’ai bossé récemment sur plusieurs sites web, et la requête d’un menu sticky était quasiment systématique. Parfois elle était justifiée, parfois je me rapprochais du contre-exemple ergonomique stéréotypé. (Dois-je utiliser un sticky menu ?) Mais quand même ! Je vous propose de voir ensemble comment on peut faire ça. Concept du menu sticky J’aime bien partir d’une idée et poser quelques éléments par écrit pour ne pas partir tête baissée dans le code. Je veux bien diviser le fond (HTML), la forme (CSS) et les interactions (JS), et dans cet ordre là précisément. Le comportement attendu est celui-ci : J’ai un en-tête avec un logo et un menu qui sont « classiquement » positionnés. Nous aurons à la fin quelque chose dans ce goût : Démonstration La structure de notre menu sticky Je vous invite à utiliser cette structure de menu, et éventuellement à copier/coller le Lorem Ipsum de ma page de démonstration pour avoir du contenu et pouvoir scroller dans votre page. Les styles de notre sticky menu

Media Queries CSS3 Flexbox, plongez dans les CSS modernes - Alsacreations « Flexible Box Layout Module », mieux connue sous le nom de « Flexbox », est une spécification CSS3 du W3C qui définit un nouveau modèle de boîte et de positionnement jusqu’alors inédit. À lui seul, ce mode de positionnement rend élémentaires tous les problèmes classiques rencontrés avec CSS depuis des décennies : les alignements rendus simplissimes ; le centrage vertical ; une fluidité naturelle des éléments ; des hauteurs identiques entre frères ; la modification de l’ordre d’affichage ; et ce n’est qu’un début ! Flexbox est déjà en train de révolutionner de manière profonde et pérenne notre façon de concevoir des designs et des composants en CSS. Cet ouvrage, sorti le 18 février 2016, vous permettra de découvrir et de tirer parti de toutes les nouveautés apportées par cette spécification CSS3, notamment à travers : 134 pages en couleurs, 6 travaux pratiques décortiqués, et plus de 110 illustrations et codes consultables en ligne. Au sommaire : À qui s’adresse ce livre ?

List of Fresh and Free PSD Web UI Kits for Websites and Apps As a designer you always seek fresh resources that can come in handy; those that are specifically designed to meet current trends and primary web requirements. Generally such toolkits comprise numerous fundamental components such as various types of buttons, menus, dialog boxes, different standard widgets, media players and much more. With these helpful pre-made elements you will be able to quickly and effectively bring your idea to life. Of course, such GUIs are more appropriate for people who prefer saving time and efforts for the next stage of the development. All the more so, professional UI kits allow you combining and experimenting with various layouts, or, at least to quickly build a primitive template that can be easily improved over time. Today we have picked up 15 truly versatile, fresh, absolutely free UI kits for creating websites and apps. Flatimus iOS Free UI Kit by Satys – The comprehensive UI kit is aimed to provide all necessary components for creating iOS applications.

Tuto et Formation Photoshop, After Effects, Photo, Lightroom, PHP en vidéo
