background preloader = Twitter + Delicious = Twitter + Delicious
This site provides a simple bookmarking service. We follow your twitter feed, and whenever a status you tweet or re-tweet contains URLs, we add them to your favorite bookmarking service: Delicious, Pinboard, Diigo, historious, Instapaper, Pocket (Read It Later), or your own Scuttle server. Optionally, bookmark URLs in @replies to you, and in tweets you mark as Favorites. Let the packrat keep track of the URLs you share. You don't want to post them in multiple places. Just tweet the URLs that interest you, and Ratius T.

5 Outils pour être alerté des Unfollow Suivre le nombre de ses abonnés peut s’avérer très important surtout lorsque l’on utilise Twitter à des fins professionnelles. Lorsqu’une personne s’abonne à vos tweets et si vous l’avez paramétré, vous recevez une notification de ce nouvel abonné. Mais lorsqu’un compte Twitter arrête de vous suivre, stoppe l’abonnement à vos tweets, vous n’êtes pas alerté, Twitter ne proposant pas (encore ?) de notifications lorsqu’un Twittos vous Unfollow. Cependant pas de paniques, il y existe des services tiers pour vous avertir lorsque vous perdez un abonné.

Overview - Welcome to Flubaroo The grades created by Flubaroo will be located in an adjacent worksheet called "Grades", as shown: For each submission, Flubaroo will show which questions were answered correctly ("1" point"), which incorrectly ("0" points), and which were not graded. If less than 60% of students got a question correct, the question will be highlighted in orange to alert you.

Use Twitter in PowerPoint Your audience is tweeting How do you draw them into your presentation? By asking for their opinion, and displaying their tweets directly in your slides. With Poll Everywhere, you can invite people to tweet a short comment directly to your slide in real-time, while still blocking inappropriate or off-topic tweets. You can also ask multiple choice questions and watch a graph evolve as people vote. Try it now: chart Twylah A Place of Record: Let The World Know Everyday people from all over the world register hashtags with Twubs. Registration provides you with a record of your claim that can be used in any trademark or other legal challenge. We record the date of registration and the important details regarding the registrant.

The Educational Use of Fakebook Fakebook is a cool tool for generating fictitious Facebook profiles about popular personalities in history. This tool is very easy to use and has several educational advantages in education as we will see below. To start using Fakebook, you simply need to enter a name at the top of the page, then proceed to add friends, posts, comments and profile information. You can also save your work and edit it later.

36 Twitter Resources: Advanced Twitter Search for Business Whether you decide to engage in social networking as a marketing strategy or not, Twitter has become a powerful tool to search and monitor your brand, your competitors, and for lead generation. Beyond the basic search on the Twitter home page you can use advanced search techniques to produce targeted information not easily found in a normal Google search. Want to know who’s talking about buying a new TV in Seattle? How about people discussing the terrible customer service they received from one of your competitors? Are you a journalist that needs case studies to report on? Whatever you’re looking for, chances are you can find the answer in real time and target that information for whatever area you like.

Tagxedo - Word Cloud with Styles Another tweet on the wall - A good twitter wall 6 ways to persuade your boss to say 'yes' to social media One of the most difficult problems in the social media world is getting the boss to understand and support an initial effort. If you hope to pressure your boss into supporting your nascent social media initiative through a "grassroots" effort, it's not going to work. Not in the long run. For effective, lasting organizational change to occur, it must be supported from the top. How do you gain that support when your boss doesn't get it? How To Backup Your Twitter Archive With the Twitter fail whale popping up all the time, you never know when something tragic might happen. No one want to lose all of their Twitter tweets, followers, or anything else for that matter. That’s why it’s a good idea to backup your Twitter archive on a regular basis in case of a Twitter mishap. As we all know, there has been numerous times in the past where users have lost followers, tweets, and DMs.

The Case For Social Media in Schools A year after seventh grade teacher Elizabeth Delmatoff started a pilot social media program in her Portland, Oregon classroom, 20% of students school-wide were completing extra assignments for no credit, grades had gone up more than 50%, and chronic absenteeism was reduced by more than a third. For the first time in its history, the school met its adequate yearly progress goal for absenteeism. At a time when many teachers are made wary by reports of predators and bullies online, social media in the classroom is not the most popular proposition. Teachers like Delmatoff, however, are embracing it rather than banning it. They argue that the educational benefits of social media far outweigh the risks, and they worry that schools are missing out on an opportunity to incorporate learning tools the students already know how to use.

Social media in education ~ classrooms, schools & the organisation Exploring the role of Social Media in Education The aim of this workshop is to demonstrate the importance and relevance of social media in twenty-first century education as demonstrated by the publications of organisations such as Educause, the PEW Internet and American Life Project, the Chronicle of Higher Education and the research of individuals such as Danah Boyd, George Siemens, Mark Pesce (blog), Bryan Alexander, Kevin Lim and other researchers across the globe. This practical workshop has educators in mind and is designed to enlighten the individual regarding the appropriate application of social media in an education setting.

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