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Water is dangerous This was found on the newsgroup: rec.humor.funny A student at Eagle Rock Junior High won first prize at the Greater Idaho Falls Science Fair, April 26. He was attempting to show how conditioned we have become to alarmists practicing junk science and spreading fear of everything in our environment. In his project he urged people to sign a petition demanding strict control or total elimination of the chemical "dihydrogen monoxide." And for plenty of good reasons, since: it can cause excessive sweating and vomiting it is a major component in acid rain it can cause severe burns in its gaseous state accidental inhalation can kill you it contributes to erosion it decreases effectiveness of automobile brakes it has been found in tumors of terminal cancer patients He asked 50 people if they supported a ban of the chemical. He feels the conclusion is obvious.

Creepy, Crusty, Crumbling: Illegal Tour of Abandoned Six Flags New Orleans [75 Pics] Hurricane Katrina killed this clown. According to the photographer, “An abandoned Six Flags amusement park, someone spray painted ‘Six Flags 2012 coming soon’ on the wall above the downed head. But they were clownin.’ Six Flags will never rebuild here.” Welcome to Zombie Land kids! Chained dreams of fun at Six Flags New Orleans, abandoned Jazzland – that’s what Six Flags opened as “Jazzland” in 2000. Some photographers can see past the lifeless amusement park’s decay and desolation, showing us that there is still a chance the place could be cheery and not cheerless. Like a Bad Dream. Just in case you don’t know the scoop on what Hurricane Katrina did to New Orleans and Six Flags, this photo is of New Orleans, LA, on Sept. 14, 2005. Unlike the bleak amusement-less park above, some photographers can still see and share with us the echo of magic in the abandoned theme park Six Flags – even 6 years later in 2011. No lines for dead rides. Watch out for that tree! No one wants a ride?

Still life: Bent objects UPDATE: The Return of Bent Objects Wires transform these objects from inanimate to hilarious works of art. Little polish girl McDonalds as Sculpture Materials Yeah, this is where those come from Dancing Queens English breakfast Sylvia Muffin put her head in the oven. The introvert Bananas in bed – let’s slip into bed together You Say Tomato, I Say Tomahto. Fruit with life experience Zombies are nuts about brains Modest pear Literary interpretations Paper training our little dog, Frank A little cat doodle Photo Credits: Terry Border at Bent Objects View more In Pictures sets on

Old Spice Voicemail Message Generator Thermal Physics Jokes As we all know, it takes 1 calorie to heat 1 gram of water 1 degree centigrade. Translated into meaningful terms, this means that if you eat a very cold dessert (generally consisting of water in large part), the natural processes which raise the consumed dessert to body temperature during the digestive cycle literally sucks the calories out of the only available source, your body fat. For example, a dessert served and eaten at near 0 degrees C (32.2 deg. F) will in a short time be raised to the normal body temperature of 37 degrees C (98.6 deg. F). Obviously, the more cold dessert you eat,the better off you are and the faster you will lose weight, if that is your goal. Frozen desserts, e.g., ice cream, are even more beneficial, since it takes 83 cal. Unfortunately, for those who eat pizza as an excuse to drink beer, pizza (loaded with latent calories and served above body temperature) induces an opposite effect. Happy eating! School of Physics, University of Sydney

Illusions of Octavio Ocampo "By luck, I stumbled upon your site, and of course I wanted to try it out. I went on to deposit $500 on OneTwoTrade, then opened 5 positions and won 4. Took out the $500 and still have the profit of $288 to trade with. This is a great system you got there Sir, I definitely owe you one." Shelly Green - New York "I began with $200 on OneTwoTrade and I went down to $100 the first day. John Bates - Los Angeles "I didn't know what to think about this system at first, as I have always looked at trading as too complicated and only for professionals... obviously I was wrong. Julia Moore - Chicago "Just started trading binary options a month ago. Scott Parker - Miami

Demotivational posters Anxiety medication Anxiety medication, you're going to need some When applying for loans When applying for loans, you need to get comfortable Your wife Your wife, Sometimes she looks like a truck Don't worry kid Don't worry kid, it's weird to adults too I like I like, the way you think, Coke Going back to school Going back to school, has never been this exciting The definition of college The definition of college, in one picture Birds Birds, They don't care how rich you are This guy This guy, deserves a medal This is This is, how I travel

College Paper How to write a paper in college/university: 1. Sit in a straight, comfortable chair in a well lit place in front of your computer. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. course, the college, the world at large. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 5am - start hacking on the paper without stopping. 6am -paper is finished. 38. 39.

Meaninglessness MEANINGLESSNESS and EXISTENTIAL DEPRESSION "It is here that we encounter the central theme of existentialism: to live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning in the suffering." - Victor Frankl Talk about it: What's the point? We all get up in the morning, go to bed in the evening, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep, and work, day after day after day, but . . . What's it all about? The Problem "Imagine a happy group of morons who are engaged in work. "To have a reason to get up in the morning, it is necessary to possess a guiding principle. Your LiveReal Agents are trying to figure it out . . . Many individuals view the issue of "meaninglessness" - asking "what's the point?" However, in the opinion of these illustrious LiveReal Editors, however, reality is just the opposite. It may well be a fact that life, at least at is is usually lived, actually is absurd when seen from a certain perspective. This includes many intelligent and perceptive individuals throughout history.
