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Heetch - Déplacez-vous en autostop » Heetch -

Club Chauffeur - Le site du covoiturage libre et gratuit ! Votre chauffeur privé à Paris sur iPhone, Android et BlackBerry Covoiturage - partagez vos déplacements - Lyft | On-demand ridesharing Wedrive - carpool helper for every day commuting Sharette opérateur de covoiturage et de solutions de mobilité durable Here’s how Sidecar took the lead in the carpool race It’s been four months since Uber, Lyft, and Sidecar officially launched their carpool features. And although all three rideshare companies have marketed their new carpool feature to the masses, one of them is pulling ahead: Sidecar. It has expanded its carpool option to the most cities and seen record-breaking use in the process. The company trotted out a host of statistics and facts during a recent interview with me. The overall picture was clear: Sidecar’s carpooling feature is now its main source of growth, and a welcome injection. Sidecar’s Shared Rides feature is now available in five cities, compared to three for both Lyft and Uber. It’s worth noting that since Lyft does a higher volume of rides than Sidecar, 30 percent of its total is likely far greater in absolute number of rides than 40 percent of Sidecar’s total. For those who don’t track every change in the transportation industry: This carpooling option is different from these companies’ original “ridesharing” services.
