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Évolution ou révolution ?

Évolution ou révolution ?

Nouveaux paradigmes Global Change Compassion in Action Declaration of the Occupation of New York City | NYC General Assembly We encourage the public to participate and collaborate with each other using and other digital properties established by the New York General Assembly. Be advised that all postings, including any links to 3rd-party sites, shall be subject to limited monitoring for violations of this and any other policy. The following types of content are considered inappropriate for posting on NYCGA digital properties: commercial; self-promotional; prurient; abusive; discriminatory speech, including but not limited to, hate speech based on race, gender, sex, national origin, age, sexual orientation, religion or disability; disclosure of a user’s personal contact information without permission from the user. If content is determined to be inappropriate, such content will be removed from the website. Participants should note the following prior to posting content: (a) Regarding community-moderated content, a participant may flag content he or she believes to be in violation of this Terms of Use.

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