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Asamblea Popular de Madrid

Asamblea Popular de Madrid

Chamanorte acampadabcn | Just another revolution site People's Assemblies Universidad Nómada Fb_Chamartin MANIFESTACIÓN 19 de marzo - 19:00 horas "NATIVA O EXTRANJERA LA MISMA CLASE OBRERA" Sol - Alcalá - Cibeles - Paseo del Prado - Cibeles - Neptuno El pasado 6 de febrero, en la frontera que separa a España y Marruecos, sucedió de nuevo una ...escena infame protagonizada por las fuerzas de represión del Estado español: el ASESINATO de al menos una quincena de inmigrantes a manos de la Guardia Civil. En torno a las 7:00 horas del 6 de febrero un grupo de aproximadamente 200 obreros inmigrantes de origen subsahariano, tras haberse separado del resto del grupo - debido al hostigamiento ejercido por el ejercito marroquí, intentaban alcanzar a nado Ceuta cuando fueron interceptados por la benemérita. La Guardia Civil – utilizando BENGALAS, BOLAS DE GOMA, GASES LACRIMOGENOS y demás material antidisturbios – atacó con brutalidad a las personas que se encontraban en el agua, asesinando al menos a 15 de ellas.Ver más

Democracia real YA!No somos mercancía en manos de políticos y banqueros Three months of struggle: an overview of the #15m movement and the #SpanishRevolution For the last three months Spain has been rocked by a wave of protests, occupations and direct actions carried out by a new grassroots political movement that is demanding a more participatory democracy and an end to harsh austerity measures. It is referred to as the M-15 movement, as it began on the 15th of May when tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets all over Spain. The demonstration was organized by an Internet group called ‘Real Democracy Now’, who published a manifesto calling for an “ethic revolution” and critiquing neo-liberalism. The manifesto is short text that provides the ideological basis for the movement. We are ordinary people. We are all concerned and angry about the political, economic, and social outlook which we see around us: corruption among politicians, businessmen, bankers, leaving us helpless, without a voice. Over the next week a radical transformation took place; the space became a kind of liberated zone and its own world.

Inflexió Chamartin International Comission Barcelona | Linking the revolutions » News » The World » Why Iceland Should Be in the News, But Is Not Picture credit: may15internationalorganization.blogspot An Italian radio program's story about Iceland’s on-going revolution is a stunning example of how little our media tells us about the rest of the world. Americans may remember that at the start of the 2008 financial crisis, Iceland literally went bankrupt. As one European country after another fails or risks failing, imperiling the Euro, with repercussions for the entire world, the last thing the powers that be want is for Iceland to become an example. Five years of a pure neo-liberal regime had made Iceland, (population 320 thousand, no army), one of the richest countries in the world. Contrary to what could be expected, the crisis resulted in Icelanders recovering their sovereign rights, through a process of direct participatory democracy that eventually led to a new Constitution. Protests and riots continued, eventually forcing the government to resign. What happened next was extraordinary. They should look to Iceland.

