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American Iranian Council | Global Futures Studies & Research by The Millennium Project What is CIDE? Office of International Academic Affairs CIDE is one of Mexico’s most important centers of teaching and research in the social sciences. Recognized both nationally and internationally, CIDE has been a non-profit public institution since its establishment in Mexico City in 1974. Part of the network of highly specialized public centers for research and higher education coordinated by the National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt), CIDE is fully committed to contributing to the development of Mexico through its demanding academic programs; rigorous, relevant research; and links to the public, private, social, and academic sectors. Intellectual independence and rigor, respect for plurality, a sense of equity, and a constant effort to balance a scientific approach to research with social relevance are behind CIDE’s successful search for excellence. CIDE has six academic divisions: Economics, Public Administration, International Studies, Political Studies, Legal Studies, and History.

About the Center for Policy Alternatives Overview The Center for Public Policy Alternatives (CPPA) is an independent, non-partisan public policy think-tank committed to rigorous research through which public policies and processes are examined, supported and best practices disseminated. The CPPA aims to help sub-Saharan governments and their agencies realize the goal of rapid development and a prosperous future for their citizens. Mission To create a demand driven research organization dedicated to addressing issues affecting Nigeria in particular and sub-Saharan Africa in general. Vision To be quoted, referenced or engaged in 80% of all policy issues by 2014. Objectives CPPA aims to promote proactive research that is not limited to current affairs across a broad range of subjects and is independent of immediate or obvious demand with the hopeof: Strengthening the decision-making capacity of government by transmitting policy-relevant information derived from high quality research and analysis to policymakers.

Staff | Public Religion Research Institute Robert P. Jones, Ph.D. Dr. Robert P. Jones is the CEO of PRRI and a leading scholar and commentator on religion, values, and public life. Dr. Before founding PRRI, Dr. Daniel Cox Director of Research Mr. Darcy Cohan Director of Communications Ms. Juhem Navarro-Rivera Research Associate Mr. Emily Fetsch Writer and Project Manager Before joining PRRI, Ms. Deen Research Center Deen Research Center Modern Islamic Think Tank Research of the Qur'an, Islamic theology, and Comparative theology and scripture in pursuit of a rational worldtheology that supports human development, rights and welfare. Welcome to the Deen Research Center. We are a think tank that researches the workings of the universe, how mankind fits into this cosmic system, and the ways to develop ourselves further in positive and progressive ways as a species. Mankind must research the universe through scientific and existential-hermeneutical (theological & philosophical) methods to attain a realistic and holistic view of the universe and pursue a peaceful and providing world-society for all individuals. This complex and beautiful universe contains countless celestial phenomena, stars and planets. The main focus of DRC is to study this claim by researching the Qur'anic theology and cosmology. ولكل وجهة هو موليها فاستبقوا الخيرت اين ما تكونوا يات بكم الله جميعا ان الله على كل شىء قدير

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