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Tattoo Culture and Art Daily

Tattoo Culture and Art Daily
Posted on May 23, 2011 by lenny . Peter Aurisch is a tattooer based in Berlin, Germany. View more of Peter’s work at Google+ Related:  Tattoo ideas

TATTOOS BY ANYONE 50 Clever Tutorials and Techniques on Traditional Drawing Advertisement Traditional drawing is certainly way harder than digital and it is true that people are able to progress much faster digitally, but one should learn the traditional type of drawing and painting before starting digital drawing, since it often lays out the foundation for screen design. This article contains a mixture of traditional drawing tutorials, drawing techniques and some methods for transforming and preparing your creations for screen design. Some are intermediate level and some are advanced tutorials that include general theory, useful tips, comic inspired art, sketch a pencil drawing, coloring processing, character sketching, shapes, proportional, perspective and much more. Traditional Drawing Tutorials Marilyn Portrait TutorialA truly fantastic drawing tutorial to learn how to draw a portrait of Marilyn Monroe with pencil. Portrait tutorialThis is a step by step tutorial on how to draw a realistic portrait. Traditional Drawing Tips & Techniques It's done.

Follow the Colours: #tattoofriday - Matching Tattoos - StumbleUpon Irmãos, namorados, amigos: quando duas pessoas se complementam tanto que resolvem eternizar seu momento para sempre. Via Tattoologist, Google Images e Flickr. UDO MAG | Just another WordPress site Photography by Iwan Baan, © Vitra Photography by Iwan Baan, © Vitra Located on the Vitra Campus in Weil am Rhein, this park features a brilliantly constructed work of architecture entitled the “VitraHaus” that was developed after a large fire in the 1950s destroyed most of the site’s existing factory buildings. The VitraHaus’ sleek and contemporary shell was built up using a series of stacked pitched-roof boxes designed by {*style:<a href=' & de Meuron.

Ultraviolet Tattoos | Random Stuff 8 Flares Facebook 1 Twitter 1 Google+ 1 StumbleUpon 0 Pin It Share 5 5 8 Flares × UV tattoos are also known as black light tattoos. These tattoos are made with a special ink which becomes visible under a black light, though the tattoo itself is invisible in regular light. The tattoos placed with UV ink are invisible in regular light, but become visible under black light. Thank you for visiting, we hope you find our site, enjoyable, informative and educational. Xoïl Tattoos Xoïl is a tattooer at Needles Side Tattoo in Thonon-les-Bains, France. > facebook 20 Tatouages uniques et magnifiques qui vous donneront envie de franchir le pas À propos L'équipe Publicité Contact Conditions Connexion Inscription Plus Les derniers posts Découvrir Mon actu0 Favoris0 À voir plus tard0 Historique Les chaines à suivre Les créatifs Le monde animal Les FDP du net Photographie Bonjour Madame Ta mère la pub Voyager Loin Idées de génies La vie est belle Le septième art On se tappe des barres Brice David Le design c'est chic Infos Insolites Le club des milliardaires Bonjour Monsieur Le geekologue Le journal High Tech Les rats de labo Vous en voulez encore ? Suivez-nous sur facebook ! 3 personnes découvrent ce post en ce moment ! 20 Tatouages uniques et magnifiques qui vous donneront envie de franchir le pas David 17 avril 2014 1,3kpartages Favoris Partager Tweet C'est vrai, chez Buzzly on a plutôt pris l'habitude de vous proposer du bon gros fail de tatouages, ceux que l'on regrette forcément un jour ou l'autre... Mais les tatouages que vous êtes sur le point de découvrir sont tout l'inverse. BONUS : 10 Papis et Mamies nous montrent leurs superbes tatouages ! Facebook (3) #art

Tatouages sur les coudes, 60 dessins d'images Plus dessins 48 Tatouages romantiques sur le bras Tatouage qui dit: "Tu seras en sécurité" en anglais Lettrage tatouage sur le bras Tatouage sur le… 66 Tatouages exclusifs de pied Le pieds est un endroit très populaire pour se faire tatouer. Il est discret et assez grand pour… 69 Petits tatouages pour les femmes Si vous aimez les tatoauages minimalistes et discrets, vous devez jeter votre dévolu sur cette… 27 Tatouages de coeurs idéaux tatouage de coeur sur la taille de la femme. Tatouages anges passionnés, 57 Photos Les anges sont les guerriers de la justice. 47 Tatouages très lumineux sur les doigts Photo de tatouages lumineux sur l'annulaire Photo de beaux tatouages sur les mains. Symbole de l'infini, 27 tatouages Le poignet est un bon endroit pour ce tatouage. Tatouages pour la nuque ou derrière l'oreille, 54 photos Les femmes aiment ces types de tatouages dans le cou, en particulier les modèles qui sont de petite…

Three Tattoo Artists Revolutionize Chinese Tattoo Design « Tattoo Artists « Ratta Tattoo The Tattoo Temple is a tattoo parlor near Lan Kwai Fong, a district of Hong Kong, China, that is renowned for its party scene. Artists Joey Pang, Wang and Jamie use the Tattoo Temple as their base to create artistic tattoos that are inspired by traditional Asian art and modern art styles. Each tattoo is unique – the tattoo artists refuse to repeat a tattoo design, and each tattoo is designed according to the client’s preferences. While the influence of classical Asian art is apparent in the subjects and symbols of the Temple’s tattoos, each piece is modern in terms of style and composition. Visit the Tattoo Temple website to see more pictures of tattoos by Joey Pang, Wang and Jamie and to contact the studio for a booking.

Benjamin Laukis Benjamin Laukis | Photo: Nicole Reed for Tattoo Downunder Magazine Benjamin Laukis Pure Vision Tattoo 272 Johnston Street Abbotsford VIC 3067 Australia +61 3 9486 0030 What year did you start tattooing? October 2008. How did you get into tattooing? I actually didn’t ever consider being a tattoo artist, until one day my tattooist and friend, Neil Braithwaite, offered me an apprenticeship, as his old apprentice had left. What was your first shop experience like? My first studio was Coolum Tattoo in Queensland, Australia. Do you have any special training? I haven’t had any formal training in art, but I have been a graffiti writer for the past 11 years. What conventions have you worked at? In the past year I have worked at quite a few conventions, I’m trying to get around to as many as possible. How do you describe your style? I’m not quite sure; I just try to make my tattoos look like they are painted to an extent, and use of a lot of shadows and harsh light.
