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Ecolabel - EU

Ecolabel - EU
EU Ecolabel Success Story: Neutral EU Ecolabel: Reducing the Ecological Impact of Textile Dyeing From organic cotton and eco-friendly wool to recycled polyester, the upholstery fabrics industry is transitioning towards more eco-friendly practices. It is no secret that textile manufacturing degrades the environment through toxic wastewater. Acquiring and keeping up with third party labels such as the EU Ecolabel guarantees products that are environmentally friendly, of high quality and ethically sourced. The EU Ecolabel criteria on wool fibre, polyester and dyes that Gabriel must comply with is particularly stringent. Amongst other practices, in order to respect these criteria, Gabriel has committed to a long-term partnership with Wools of New Zealand, which guarantees high-quality raw materials and good conditions for the sheep. The Environmental Impact of the Denim Industry The European Commission encourages these transitions in the supply chain through the EU Ecolabel. Brexit Dr.

ECOETIQUETA O ETIQUETA ECOLÓGICA EUROPEA Standards, Certifications (and other schemes and initiatives) - How to Build a Sustainable Fashion Business - Creative Skillset In order to help manage sustainability in supply chains there are a many standards and certifications. Some of these focus on the environmental, some on the social, some on the products and some on the process. A standard is set of specifications, criteria or guidelines dictating how something should be made or how processes should happen whilst a certification is a legal or contractual requirement. There is a difference between standards, which can be and are certified against, and other schemes and initiatives which may have voluntary codes but do not certify or may have other ways of engaging with members to improve conditions. Whilst the intention of certification is to guarantee that certain conditions have been met, joining other schemes and initiatives is a way to get support, help, learn from others and collaborate with others, for sustainability in supply chains. Here are some of the key certifications you are likely to come across in fashion supply chains. Key Certifications

DOCUMENTOS Maslows Hierarchy of Needs and Marketing - Portland Oregon - Website Design + Wordpress Psychology and marketing often goes hand in hand. Early on in my studies, I would be asked by my primarily engineering major friends, “What is marketing anyway?” My response would always be something like, “It’s sort of like commercially applied psychology.” By applying theories of psychology, we can better understand consumer behavior and deliver more targeted and meaningful communications to our target audiences, and have a greater understanding of why we, as marketers, employ different marketing tactics to reach them. ► Website not looking or working right? Abraham Maslow is the psychologist behind the theory, and published his paper “A Theory of Human Motivation” in 1943, which discusses psychological health and development of humans through a type of hierarchy, where when one psychological need is mastered, we can obtain the next level. Physiological Needs: Physiological needs are categorized as our most basic psychological motivation. Safety Needs: Love/Belonging: Esteem:

Llagurt Glòria Salomó estaba estudiando derivados en Chicago (EEUU) cuando descubrió un negocio que ya no se pudo quitar de la cabeza. Era un establecimiento de venta de yogures helados artesanales que registraba diariamente largas colas y que consideró que podía triunfar en Catalunya. Rápidamente llamó a su amiga de la infancia, Ingrid Rahola, con la que siempre quiso montar un negocio. Ambas, con 27 años y estudios de Empresariales y Administración y Dirección de Empresas, se pusieron a trabajar en el proyecto y en octubre de 2010 crearon Llagurt con una inversión de 70.000 euros. Su idea inicial era regentar una yogurtería en el centro de Girona, pero la buena acogida del público hizo que el negocio creciera rápidamente. Así, sólo un año y medio después, Llagurt ya cuenta con diez establecimientos en las comarcas de Girona y Barcelona y ha trazado un plan para alcanzar los treinta puntos de venta en 2013. Vota la noticia Accede a tu cuenta

Retail sector - London & Partners: Business London & Partners can help you set up and grow in one of the world's favourite shopping destinations With more global retailers than any other city, London is one of the world’s most exciting, innovative and profitable cities for retail. Make your mark alongside other iconic brands in the West End, or set up in one of London's other busy shopping hotspots. 1. Sell to 16.8 million international visitors spending £11.3bn in the capital every year, alongside 8.3 million Londoners who boast the highest average disposable household income in the UK. 2. Set up in well-known shopping districts including Oxford Street, Regent Street and Covent Garden, or find new customers in up-and-coming areas like Croydon, Stratford, Hackney and Wembley. There are more international retailers in London than any other city - higher than New York or Dubai £92bn is spent on retail in London every year 3. 4. It was in London we established our flagship store, which is also our European headquarters. How we can help

Ecotimes-Formación y Empleo Empleo Incubaeco Ser un emprendedor hoy en día no está exento de adversidades. Y más si la idea del nuevo negocio gira en torno al medio ambiente: las dificultades a las que se enfrenta el ecoemprendedor, sumado a cierta incomprensión social... [seguir leyendo] Trabajo y revolución en el transporte Por todos es sabido que uno de los paradigmas del futuro económico de cualquier país es la relación de su tejido económico con el I+D. Caso de éxito: construcción sostenible El ahorro energético y el aprovechamiento de las energías renovables empiezan con el propio diseño de la edificación. Publirreportaje El sector de la Eficiencia Energética está en auge Si hace unos años parecía que la protección medioambiental y el mundo empresarial estuvieran enfrentados, y que conceptos como desarrollo sostenible o eficiencia energética sonaran utópicos, hoy en día es una realidad que el sector de la eficiencia energética está en auge... [seguir leyendo]

Exploring London: 10 Random Facts and Figures about Covent Garden Piazza and Market - Londontopia Covent Garden is probably our second favorite tourist destination in London after Trafalgar Square. Despite turning into a bit of a tourist trap, the area is steeped in London’s history. In honor of this lovely destination, here are ten facts and figures about Covent Garden. One of our most favorite things to do is listen to the musicians who busk on the lower levels. 1. Covent Garden get its name because there used to be a convent/monastery located on that spot. 2. 3. The Piazza Before the Market Was Built 4. 5. 6. Eliza Doolittle 7. 8. 9. Shop in Old Covent Garden Market 10. Here’s a video on what the market used to look like: What’s your favorite part of Covent Garden?

