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Serious Game, advergame : Définition

Serious Game, advergame : Définition
Qu’est-ce que le Serious Game ? Les Serious Games (ou jeux sérieux) sont des applications développées à partir des technologies avancées du jeu vidéo, faisant appel aux mêmes approches de design et savoir-faire que le jeu classique (3D temps réel, simulation d’objets, d’individus, d’environnements…) mais qui dépassent la seule dimension du divertissement. Elles combinent en effet des ressorts ludiques et technologiques issus du jeu vidéo avec une intention sérieuse de type pédagogique, informative, communicationnelle, marketing, idéologique ou d’entraînement. Le serious game est né aux Etats-Unis, où des entreprises américaines et notamment l’armée ont cherché très tôt à préparer leurs recrues au terrain. Les grands groupes manifestent également un intérêt croissant pour le serious game, outil ludique, de communication, de formation ou de recrutement. Classification des Serious- Games Jeux publicitaires (Advergames) Ces types de jeux sont utilisés dans le monde publicitaire. Jeux engagés

Novelty - Visual novel maker Accueil - Compil Games Bring your ideas to life! Game Develop allows beginners as well as experienced game developers to create awesome games without programming The software is bundled with several examples and templates Web ( HTML5 ) and natives games can be created The events system is simple and powerful Lots of examples are provided with Game Develop Take a look at some games created with Game Develop! Physics engine and particle systems are available Let's create a game! Easy to use, no programming required! HTML5 and native games Choose if you want to create a game for the Web and export it to Facebook, Kongregate... or a native game that can be downloaded. Creation made easy The events system lets you focus on your game.It is easy to use and powerful enough to do everything you imagine. Examples, tutorials and forums Check out the templates provided with Game Develop to get started, read the tutorial or go on the forums to ask a question. Game Develop is available freely, without spyware or malware Still not sure?

Ardea Arts Initiatives the Engender Games Group Lab Elena founded the EGG lab at UW Whitewater. We have completed three games to date: The Frog Dating Game, Tex Walker's Softball Tutorial and the Emergency Birth! game (which one a Silver Medal at the Serious Games Competition in 2011) EGG is currently affiliated with Long Island University, Post campus where Elena is the Director of the Digital Game Design & Development Program We are currently working on Atendiendo el Parto in Casa, a collaboration with Drs. Carrie Rouse and Dilys Walker at the University of Washington and partially funded by an NIH grant. EGG Lab collaborators include:
