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Chrome App and Extension Database

Chrome App and Extension Database
There are now 150+ Chrome Apps and Extensions in this database. I have put together a Google Chrome App and Extension Database for Teachers (also at the bottom of this post) that is loaded with apps and extensions for productivity and classroom integration. If you have followed this blog for any length of time, you probably know that I love the Google Chrome web browser! The magic of that customization comes from the Chrome Apps and Chrome Extensions available in the Chrome Web Store. What are Chrome Apps? Apps are often enhanced shortcuts that optimize the website or app within the browser. What are Chrome Extensions? Extensions are installed in the browser and give you added features and abilities to customize your browser. Warning! The Chrome Apps & Extensions Database For a while, I have kept a list of my favorite apps and favorite extensions on this site, but my list just keeps growing! The database includes 150+ Apps and Extensions and is searchable and filterable. Summary Article Name Related:  TicsGoogle Resources

10 herramientas para crear infografías Antaño eran un producto de diseño que muy pocos podían hacer, pero en la actualidad y con las herramientas para crear infografías cualquiera puede crearlas. Son fáciles y sencillas tanto de hacer como de entender, pero ¿cómo? Al alcance tanto de docentes como de alumnos, on line y gratis. Genially Creada por un equipo de desarrolladores españoles, Genially te permite crear todo tipo de contenidos interactivos (imágenes, infografías, presentaciones, catálogos…) a través de un editor on line, es decir, mediante un navegador. Vizualize Al igual que otras tantas herramientas disponibles, Vizualize es un creador on line de infografías. Visme Visme es una herramienta multiusos que ofrece la posibilidad de, partiendo de una serie de plantillas estéticamente muy atractivas, crear tus propias presentaciones, reportes, contenidos web o también infografías, todo a través de su página web aunque con un editor off line que puedes descargar. Canva Google Charts Piktochart Venngage

Know about -Chromecast Offers and where to find them Do you want to stream your favourites then what could be better than Chromecast. Chromecast is a device which when connected to HDMI port of your TV provides you the best streaming experience. Now, as you have made up your mind then you might be thinking that where you can get this amazing device at a better price then you can check out various online stores like JB Hi-Fi ,but for existing Chromecast customers Chromecast support is there for any technical assistance. If you are thinking of buying Chromecast device for this Christmas or you still have one then you should be aware of the Chromecast offers and where to find them. You might be wondering that what are Chromecast offers then let me tell you that these are the short-term deals which are provided by content producers such as Google to the owners of Chromecast. After doing a bit research I have now found a place where you can get these offers. Where to find these Chromecast offers: However, to find these offers is easy.

How to Use Hangouts in the Classroom About ETR Community EdTechReview (ETR) is a community of and for everyone involved in education technology to connect and collaborate both online and offline to discover, learn, utilize and share about the best ways technology can improve learning, teaching, and leading in the 21st century. EdTechReview spreads awareness on education technology and its role in 21st century education through best research and practices of using technology in education, and by facilitating events, training, professional development, and consultation in its adoption and implementation. Crea contenidos multimedia en Realidad Aumentada online Aunque ya lleva tiempo entre nosotros, es en los últimos años cuando estamos viendo el auge de aplicaciones que hacen uso de la Realidad Aumentada, no debe confundirse con la Realidad Virtual que no es lo mismo, y también conocemos diversos usos prácticos para esta tecnología. Hoy presentamos dos herramientas web para crear gratis contenidos multimedia en Realidad Aumentada online. Esta ciencia o tecnología se abre hueco en campos como la educación, la medicina o el sector de la publicidad. Incluso puede tener un uso más lúdico, hace poco os hablaba de la app Ink Hunter que se sirve de la realidad aumentada para que podamos probarnos virtualmente todo tipo de tattoos. Existen todo tipo de herramientas para crear elementos y contenidos en realidad aumentada, algunas fáciles de utilizar y directamente en el navegador como las dos que os recomendamos en este artículo. Aurasma Studio Este vídeo nos muestra lo fácil que resulta utilizar Aurasma Studio. ARcrowd

Google’s Google cast branding is now “chromecast buit-in” It seems Google is not able to make up its mind over chromecast branding. Recently, Google had changed the name of Google Cast and now it had again decided to rename it to Chromecast. It has been quite a long time since, Chromecast debut in 2013. After its launch,it soon became the most successful device of the Google which raised the sales figures. It costs $35 when it debut in the market. People who are new to this streaming device for them, chromecast is a streaming device which provides excellent streaming quality once you Download Chromecast and Chromecast Free Download is available for your smartphones and it cast the content directly to your TV screens when it gets plugged into the HDMI port of the TV. After sometimes, the tech giant Google started partnering with other companies, such as Sony, LG, Vizio and integrating the cast technology into various products like TVs and speakers. Now, Google is again heading back to Chromecast name. Julian Wang

Chromebooks And Google Apps | Social Studies Central Chromebooks and Google Apps Chromebook Resources Transitioning from other computersChromebook Keyboard shortcutsChromeBook TourChromebook Help CenterChromebook User Guide The Google Chromebook in the Classroom (Large list of resources)100 Best Chromebook Tips, Tricks, and TimesaversChromebooks: A Resource Guide for TeachersChromebook Proficiency Checklist Elementary ResourcesSecondary Resources Our App List (Google Doc)Suggested Chromebook AppsFind Apps by learning activity & mobile device typeJerry Butler’s List of AppsGiant List of Chrome Extensions / Apps 50 Best Chrome Extensions for TeachersBest Free Chrome ExtensionsTeaching with Chromebooks (Pinterest)Google Play for Education Help Using Your Chromebook OfflineHow can I print from a Chromebook? Chromebook Exit Card Successful Classroom practice Google Tools for Education Resources Google Proficiency ChecklistEvidence-Based Terms using DocsChromebook presentation using Slides Google Apps SupportGoogle Drive Support Tools Google Classroom

Mochila TICútil - Herramientas y aplicaciones TIC útiles que facilitan nuestra tarea educativa Comparto con vosotros mi mochila TICútil. En ella meto todas las herramientas y aplicaciones TIC útiles que utilizo a menudo y que me facilitan mi tarea educativa. Espero que alguna os sirva. Para acceder a ellas haced clic en el título de cada aplicación o herramienta. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Chromecast user’s view on Netflix’s offline watching feature As we know Netflix adds a feature of enjoying offline content, no charges, and no extra fees, you can watch your well-liked content anywhere anytime without having the internet. Well, no doubt being a user of any streaming device you are to have this feature but there’s an issue with it as well, only Chromecast users can understand that. This isn’t a deal-breaker, but if you’re a user of Chromecast or AirPlay, you going to be in the frustrating state. Netflix has configured its app to make locally saved content unplayable through AirPlay or Chromecast, averting downloaded motion pictures and television shows from being viewed on anything other than the device on which they were downloaded. Those who aren’t aware of Chromecast, let us tell that Chromecast is a small but powerful streaming device which let users stream their favorite content. Netflix now lets you download movies to watch offline Julian Wang

Add-Ons and Templates - Teacher Tech I learned a little JavaScript which is applicable for Google Apps Script. This allows me to code Google Docs and Sheets to create custom applications. Most of the templates below have an Add-On menu. These Add-ons are not available in the Add-on marketplace, but are instead tied to the template document. Start Here: A Quick Google Apps Script Project Google Apps Script: Code Insert a Sheet Start Here: A Quick Google Apps Script Project Google Apps Script: Getting Started Part 2 Google Apps Script: You Can Code (part 3) Google Apps Script: Format a Sheet Google Apps Script: Create an Add-On Google Apps Script: Create an Alert Google Apps Script: Create Your Own Mail Merge Kids Start Coding Their Vocab Google Apps Script Picker Tutorial Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2015

Animación a la lectura con Scratch – Programamos Generalmente, cuando oímos la palabra videojuego la asociamos a algo meramente lúdico, pero si algo nos ha enseñado el manejo de Scratch es que crear un videojuego es más que pasar un buen rato jugando. En entradas anteriores, hemos visto que esta herramienta nos permitía crear juegos como un laberinto, un juego de naves o incluso un piano, en los que además de divertirnos, aprendíamos y desarrollábamos nuestra imaginación. Hoy damos un paso más en el campo de posibilidades de Scratch. Así, podremos introducir tantos personajes y escenarios como queramos, darles vida, darles voz, hacer que interactúen con el usuario e incluso proponer que sean ellos mismos quienes realicen esa traducción del libro a la pantalla. Entre otros recursos, los bloques de programación que utilizaremos son: Envío y recepción de mensajes. Bloques de apariencia. Bloques de movimiento, sonido, … ¡Elige una conocida historia y atrévete a programarla!

My5 On Demand streaming makes it lane to Google Chromecast This announcement has been made by the Channel 5 and Google that My5 is to be the newest on-demand video streaming app to make its path Chromecast streaming dongle of Google. With new inclusion, users of Chromecast will be able to stream programmes and box sets via across all of Channel 5’s channels, counting 5, 5Star, 5USA and Spike. Rest you can get the Chromecast Free Download app by stepping ahead to the Google Play Store. Chromecast 2 review: Make any TV smart, effortlesslyGoogle Chromecast: Chromecast set up procedure and get started with it 5 utters it’s already seen a growth of 22 percent in on-demand streaming of its content, and it’s hoped that by including the functionality of Chromecast that percentage will constantly expand. Director of Digital Media and Commercial Development for Channel 5, Mr. Demand 5 is deceased, My5 is Channel 5’s fresh catch-up service Julian Wang

Google Math - Teacher Tech Teaching math in the 21st century has changed. Technology, specifically Google Apps, along with the Common Core changes how students learn math. Alice Keeler and Diana Herrington teach this workshop which goes over techniques for using Google Apps, Google Classroom and Google Docs for teaching math. This workshop focuses on applications of Google Apps. Device Requirements These workshops require the use of a PC, Chromebook, Mac or other non-tablet device. Upcoming Google Math Workshops July 29: Teaching Math with Google Apps Hosted by Garland ISD, TX Location: Bullock Elementary School Library, Garland ISD Click Here for the registration page. Cost: $299 per person August 5: Google Apps for Littles Hosted by ViewSonic Location: ViewSonic Corporation Brea, CA The youngest students on an elementary school campus have the ability to express themselves meaningfully through technology. Cost: $150 per person Google Apps Workshop for Math Teachers More Math with Google Apps Arranging Workshops

Add Kurator. Its a new Chrome extension for curating links and articles, removing tab clutter, saving and instantly accessing research.

by kbavandi Aug 26
