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A is for Animals A is for Animals offers an A to Z of animals in war, from mascots and messengers to creepy-crawlies. Animals are put to many uses in war. Sometimes they have jobs to do: the horses, camels, mules, and donkeys used to transport soldiers and equipment, as well as carrier pigeons and tracker dog with their special talents. Often animals are used as mascots and pets, or as symbols on badges and flags.

Rag Linen | Online Museum of Historic Newspapers Honouring ANZACS Ancient Origins | Reconstructing the story of humanity's past Home - V&A Museum of Childhood Owning our Aboriginal history: teaching resource for aboriginal studies Watch the Destruction of Pompeii by Mount Vesuvius, Re-Created with Computer Animation (79 AD) A good disaster story never fails to fascinate — and, given that it actually happened, the story of Pompeii especially so. Buried and thus frozen in time by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, the ancient Roman town of 11,000 has provided an object of great historical interest ever since its rediscovery in 1599. Baths, houses, tools and other possessions (including plenty of wine bottles), frescoes, graffiti, an ampitheater, an aqueduct, the "Villa of the Mysteries": Pompeii has it all, as far as the stuff of first-century Roman life goes. The ash-preserved ruins of Pompeii, more than any other source, have provided historians with a window into just what life in that time and place was like. A Day in Pompeii, an exhibition held at the Melbourne Museum in 2009, gave its more than 330,000 visitors a chance to experience Pompeii's life even more vividly. Would you like to support the mission of Open Culture? via Metafliter Related Content: The History of Rome in 179 Podcasts

Map of World at 979AD | TimeMaps World history in the year 979 This is the eleventh map in a timeline of twenty maps covering all of world history, from 3500 BCE right up to the present day. The map shows the world in the year 979 CE. Overview The two most dynamic centres of cultural advance at this period of world history are the Middle East and China. In the Middle East, Islamic civilization is flourishing. In China, the great empire of the Tang dynasty has been replaced by the much smaller, but economically more dynamic, Song empire. Taking the advances being made in these two great regions of the world, this period is seeing major steps forward in technology and science. Around the World For Europe, this is a brutal and barbarous age. Within Europe, illiteracy and ignorance are almost universal – except within the Church. Whilst the Viking raids have struck terror far and wide within Europe, they have also developed trade networks linking western Europe more closely with the lands to the north and east. Headlines
